By Ann Coulter
Americans unsure what to think about President
Obama's plans for Syria should remember that all military action
undertaken by Democrats for the last half-century has led to utter
disaster. (With the possible exception of the Village People's
"Y.M.C.A." video, which I say still holds up.)
Democrats are gung-ho about deploying the U.S. military
provided only that it will harm the national security interests of the
United States, but vehemently oppose interventions that serve American
Republican President Dwight Eisenhower, the supreme commander
of the Allied forces in World War II, said he could conceive of no
greater tragedy than the U.S. getting heavily involved in Vietnam. He
sent aid to the anti-communist forces, but no troops.
Democratic President John F. Kennedy sent troops. But in short
order he was conniving to assassinate South Vietnamese president Ngo
Dinh Diem -- also known as "our ally in the middle of the war."
JFK's brother, the Democratic attorney general, actually
suggested that Americans donate blood to the North Vietnamese -- or "our
enemy" -- as a gesture of good will. (Secretary of State John Kerry's
bold threat this week of an "unbelievably small" strike against Syria
sounds positively macho by comparison.)
Kennedy's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, escalated the war in
Vietnam in order to prove that Democrats could be trusted with national
defense. Which they cannot. As journalist David Halberstam reported, LBJ
would "talk to his closest political aides about the McCarthy days, of
how Truman lost China and then the Congress and the White House, and
how, by God, Johnson was not going to be the president who lost Vietnam
and the Congress and the White House."
LBJ sacrificed tens of thousands of American lives to try to make the Democrats look manly.
Nixon came in and honorably ended the Democrats' disastrous
handling of the Vietnam War by signing the Paris Peace Accords in
January 1973. In return for the lousy terms we jammed down South
Vietnam's throat, America promised that, if the North attacked, the U.S.
would resume bombing missions and military aid.
America hadn't been humiliated -- the left had to act fast! The
media invented Watergate, Nixon was forced to resign and a crazily
left-wing Congress was inaugurated. Just a month later, North Vietnam
attacked the South, and the Democratic Congress turned its back on South
Vietnam, betrayed an ally and trashed America's word. (For Democrats,
that's a "victory.")
In 1953, President Eisenhower assisted the Shah of Iran in
removing loon Mohammad Mossadegh as prime minister. Mossadegh had been
elected in the confusion after the assassination of the previous prime
minister, whereupon he promptly nationalized Iran's oil fields, driving
out the British companies who knew how to run them, thus wiping out
Iran's primary source of wealth. With British and American help, the
shah's choice was installed as prime minister, and a friendly government
ruled Iran.
Alas, 20 years later, Jimmy Carter became president. When
Islamic fundamentalists staged a revolution in Iran, Carter refused to
come to the aid of the shah, a staunch American ally. Liberals praised
Ayatollah Khomeini to the skies -- Carter's U.N. ambassador Andrew
Young, Princeton's Richard Falk and LBJ attorney general Ramsey Clark
all assured us that life would be peachy under him. What could go wrong?
The ayatollah had barely seized power when Islamic lunatics
took 52 Americans hostage in Tehran, where they remained for 444 days,
until Carter was safely removed from office.
By giving Islamic fanatics their first nation-state, Carter
produced the global Islamofascist movement we're still dealing with
For the next eight years, peace and freedom spread throughout
the world as President Ronald Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union and
restored America's power. Liberals wailed and stamped their feet
throughout this period.
In the face of mass starvation in Somalia, President George
H.W. Bush sent troops to ensure that aid could get into the country.
President Clinton came in and decided to convert this simple relief
effort into an exercise in "nation-building." In Somalia. Great idea.
In short order, the Muslim rebels killed some of our troops and
dragged their corpses through the streets. Clinton instantly withdrew
our entire military operation. (And then retired to the windowless
hallway between the Oval Office and the kitchen area to contemplate and
Years later, Osama bin Laden would laugh about America cutting
and running from Somalia, noting how this show of weakness had
encouraged his al-Qaida fighters.
Which led, like night into day, to ... the 9/11 terrorist
attacks. In response, President George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and
wiped out the Taliban and al-Qaida strongholds in a few months. Bush
left a limited force behind to prevent a return of the terrorist
training camps.
Most crucially, President Bush removed a monstrous dictator
from Iraq and established the only Islamic democracy in the Middle East.
Iraq's Saddam Hussein had aided and sheltered terrorists, attempted to
assassinate a former president of the United States, and horribly
brutalized his own people, murdering a million of them, according to The
New York Times -- including with chemical weapons, far worse than
anything Syrian president Bashar Assad is accused of doing.
Iraq became a beacon of hope for all Muslims still living under despotic regimes.
For absolutely no reason, with no objective and no concept of
"victory," Barack Obama came into office and massively escalated the
number of troops in Afghanistan. When Bush left office, there had been
only about 625 U.S. troop fatalities in the entire course of the
Afghanistan War. Obama has quadrupled that to nearly 2,300 troop deaths
For no purpose whatsoever -- no purpose, that is, other than
fulfilling Obama's idiotic campaign talking point about Afghanistan
being a "war of necessity," contrasted with Iraq, a potty little "war of
convenience." (At least Obama's "credibility" on Afghanistan is still
Then Obama threw away our victory in Iraq. By withdrawing every
last troop, Obama has allowed al-Qaida and Iran to overrun this one
shining example of an Arab democracy. We have American troops stationed
in Germany, Japan, Belgium, Africa, Norway (a notorious al-Qaida
hotbed!), Singapore, Qatar, Diego Garcia, even little Djibouti. But no
troops for you, Iraq!
Obama didn't even have to do anything in Iraq! He only had to not remove all our troops.
Instead, Obama flung America's prestige into removing the
pro-Western Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. Mubarak supported U.S. policy, used
his military to fight Muslim extremists and recognized Israel's right to
exist. Or as the left calls it: Three strikes and you're out. The
Muslim Brotherhood immediately seized control of Egypt, leading to this
year's military takeover. Can we bring Mubarak back?
Then Obama ordered air strikes in Libya against Moammar Gadhafi
-- after having someone at the United Nations sign his permission slip.
The timing couldn't have been better! Gadhafi had already agreed to
give up his nuclear program after George W. Bush invaded Iraq. Seeing
that, the Libyan strongman went whimpering to the British to ask if Bush
was going to invade him, too.
The Iraq War turned every Middle Eastern despot into President Bush's bitch. But now Obama is their bitch.
I know you liberals care more about free birth control than
geopolitics, but if you keep electing Democrats, you'll be getting
fitted for burqas, not IUDs.
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