By Walter Russell Mead
Just how bad of a mess is President Obama in over Syria? So bad that the New York Times is visibly pained by the messy and humiliating situation the Democratic Reagan, the Second Coming of Lincoln and the New FDR finds himself in this week. A sampling of today’s headlines: “A Rare Public View of Obama’s Pivots on Policy in Syria Confrontation“, “As Obama Pauses Action, Putin Takes Center Stage“, “U.S. Backing of Russian Plan Leaves a Wary Israel Focusing on Self-Reliance“.
The president’s boosters are trying to put a brave face on the situation. From the Times:
“All the critics would like this to be easily
choreographed, a straight line and end the way they’d all individually
like it to end,” said David Plouffe, the president’s former senior
adviser. “That’s not the way the world works for sure, especially in a
situation like this. I think it speaks to his strength, which is that
he’s willing to take in new information.” [...]
“President Obama was elected in part because when Washington followed
the conventional wisdom into Iraq, he took a different approach,” said
Dan Pfeiffer, his senior adviser. “The American people appreciate the
fact that he takes a thoughtful approach to these most serious of
Missing from the chorus of strained, faint praise from his defenders:
references to the vaunted oratorical powers of the Great Persuader.
Somehow, the man the MSM once hailed as the greatest American
speechmaker since Abraham Lincoln sounded oddly unconvincing on the
subject of his Syria policy.
The gap between national security reporters reduced to head
scratching incredulity as America’s Middle East policy unravels in a
spectacular public flameout and the administration shills scrambling to
cover the emperor’s nakedness has opened into a yawning chasm.
What the president’s supporters are hoping for at this point is the
same thing we all want—for the good foreign policy fairy to save
President Obama (and the country) from the ugly and humiliating trap of a
Syria policy he so carefully designed for himself. Luck matters, and
America’s structural position in world affairs is so strong that we
often manage to extricate ourselves from nasty scrapes with far fewer
bruises than our enemies and rivals would like to inflict.
But even the administration’s most ardent supporters at this point
must know in their heart of hearts that President Obama’s chances of
being ranked as one of our great foreign policy presidents are not very
high—and they are melting faster than a Himalayan glacier in an IPCC
report. Like Blanche DuBois in a “Streetcar Named Desire”, President
Obama has worked himself into a position in which he must depend on the
kindness of strangers like Vladimir Putin.
It didn’t work out very well for her; let’s hope that President Obama
(and the country he leads) can somehow escape the full price of our
Syria clusterfarce.
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