Since Obama is tripling-down on his smears, lies, and outright bigotry, I suppose that I can double-down with what I've previously written.
to Obama's vile, crass, and, frankly, un-American assertion that, if one
objects to his beautiful deal (that rests almost exclusively on the bet that,
in a decade, the Iranian government will have moderated), s/he is making
'common cause' with the hardliners in Iran, it is precisely the opposite. I
hate to break it to you, Mr President, but the hardliners in Iran ARE
the 'Supreme Leader' (as you insist on calling him) and the government. The
moderates - those with whom many of us, who oppose the Iranian deal, stood -
were the ones getting shot in the street in 2009 during the Green Revolution. You,
Mr President, turned your back on the 'moderates' then. Out
of ideology, a personal preference for dictators over democrats, or political
expediency (‘I cannot p*ss off the hardliners 'cuz...my legacy!), who knows?
days before this 'historic agreement' was announced, the Ayatollah Khamenei, as
he has done for decades, led a frenzied crowd in chanting 'Death to America!
Death to Israel!' while holding a Kalashnikov. And, the supposedly 'moderate'
President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, has explicitly stated in the past that he
and his co-religionists would be willing to sacrifice TWENTY MILLION of
their OWN countrymen in a nuclear exchange with Israel if such
resulted in the destruction of the Jewish State and its 6 million Jews (and 2
million Arabs).
Senator Chuck Schumer said in his eloquent essay on why he is voting against
Obama’s nuclear sell-out ‘agreement’, this deal is premised on the idea and
ideal that treating Iran as an equal, letting it back into the ‘community of
nations’, and introducing Western ideas into Iranian society through an opening
of markets will result in either moderation or regime change is a bet that is
almost certainly not going to pay off. I’m paraphrasing him here, but as hard
as it is to say, when he is right, he is right.
is really indisputable – except to ideologues, sycophants, and antiwar
organisations like Code Pink, who do, in fact, constantly make ‘common cause’
with the anti-Semitic, anti-American, Holocaust-denying regime in Iran – that
the moderates and real democrats in that country are the very ones that had as
much input in this ‘historic accord’ as did Israel, which is to say, NONE.
– SIXTY! – percent (60%) of
Iran’s population of 73 million is under the age of 30. They have made it clear
that they do not want to live under theocratic rule. They are the people that
should be encouraged and enabled. Providing a path to nukes to the country’s
nutters in government doesn’t just present an existential threat to Israel and
the world, it crushes the moderates further under the iron fist of the Twelvers,
who want nothing more than to impose Islam on the entire world and to bring
about the return of the Mahdi through bloodshed and chaos. Don’t take my word
for it. Go read the ‘Supreme Leader’s’ book that was published days after
President Obama’s 'great gift to America, Israel and the freedom-loving world.'
you think that I am unduly pessimistic, ‘extremist’, ‘warmongering’, and
‘partisan’ in my contempt for the Iranian nuclear deal, then let me disabuse
you of that notion summarily and forthwith. I need only one example to prove to
how naïve and delusional that President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and all of their
colleagues and supporters are. While President Obama grudgingly was forced to
admit that Iran ‘might’ use some of the billions of dollars gained as a result
of sanctions’ relief, he asserted that the Iranian government will definitely
use most of the money on ‘paying government pensions and repairing crumbling
infrastructure.’ I. Am. Not. Kidding.
you know what happened immediately after the deal was announced?
Soleimani, the Commander of Iran’s elite, ruthless Quds Force, defied the
sanctions and flew to Moscow.
the good General Soleimani travel to Russia to get advice on pension funding
and infrastructure remediation from Vladimir Putin?
of course not. He was sent at the behest
of the ‘Supreme Leader’ to secure several arms deals.
just exactly whom is the delusional,
naïve, extreme, reckless, 'hardliner' and 'enemy of America' here?