The nation that gave us the Magna Carta and originated core principles
of freedom, individual rights, and representative government faces a
future of chaos, warfare in the streets, and civil war.
British Imam, Anjem Choudary, Admits Terrorism Is 'Part Of Islam'
'Well, you know, as a lecturer in Sharia law I would say
to the people in Russia, the Muslims and the non-Muslims, that every
action for a Muslim must be based upon the Koran, the word of Allah, and
the teachings of the messenger Mohammed...who is the final messenger
for mankind. I mean I would first invite the people to think about and
embrace Islam but those who are already Muslim must know that Allah
mentions in the Koran, in fact if you look in chapter 8 verse 60
he said prepare as much as you can "steeds of war" to terrorize the
enemy. So terrorizing the enemy is in fact part of Islam. I mean this
is something that we must embrace and understand as far as the
jurisprudence of Islam is concerned.'
- Anjem Choudary, 5 September 2014
Choudary went on to say that Muslims make no distinction between
civilians and armed forces since civilians elect the leaders who direct
the armed forces. The full RT interview with Choudary can be viewed here.

Fusilier Lee Rigby, after his beheading by two black, Muslim convert-followers of Anjem Choudary, in Norwich, May, 2013
Robert Spencer
600 Muslims from the United Kingdom now making up
over twenty-five percent of the foreign jihadists
fighting for the Islamic State, and many vowing to return and wage jihad at
home, it is not reckless to predict that Britain’s future is dark. For those
600 are just the tip of the iceberg of an untold number of jihad supporters and
sympathizers in the country now. Indeed, there are twice as many British Muslims fighting for the
Islamic State as there are in the British armed forces.
And with unrestricted
immigration policies, more are arriving all the time.

Michael 'Soldier of Allah' Adebolajo, a Muslim convert, speaks to a person holding a smartphone after killing Lee Rigby in Woolwich
1-3. Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and David Cameron.
In December 2010 there were an estimated
2,869,000 Muslims in Britain – up from 1,647,000 in 2001. That’s an increase of
74 percent. This is the direct result of the immigration policies implemented
and pursued by three successive British prime ministers, Tony Blair, Gordon
Brown and David Cameron.
immigration policies were fueled in part by the naïve and roseate view of Islam
that Blair energetically proffered, saying in 2007 that “to me, the most remarkable
thing about the Koran is how progressive it is,” and in 2008: “I regularly read the Koran, practically
every day,” and the Islamic prophet Muhammad had been “an enormously civilizing
force.” The immigrants were considered to be bringing that “enormously
civilizing force” to Britain, and consequently no attempt was made to determine
whether any of them held jihadist sentiments or believed that Islamic law
should supplant British law.
now that a significant number of those immigrants and their children are waging
jihad for the Islamic State is Cameron is swinging into action. (It is, of
course, far too late: in December 2010, when a poll revealed that 40% of Muslims in Britain
wanted Sharia and 33% supported killing for Islam, the government did nothing.)
Last week he proposed, according to the BBC,
that legislation be “drawn up to give the police statutory powers to confiscate
the passports of suspect terrorists at UK borders.” But apparently aware that
there was hardly any chance that British jihadis would not be allowed back into
the country, at the same time he proposed that returning jihad terrorists be
“required to undergo de-radicalisation programmes.” Such programs have failed spectacularly to turn jihadis away from
jihad in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, but maybe the British have a magic key
that will make them succeed.
London Islamists Campaign for Instating Islamic Law in Britain
4-5. Theresa May and the UK Home Office.
they probably don’t. After all, in recent years the British government has not
shown itself to be particularly discerning when it comes to jihadists and
Islamic supremacists. British government officials worked with Islamic supremacists that they deluded
themselves into thinking were “moderates,” allowing them to gain
immense influence over the government and media. The British government funded Tell MAMA, a group of liars who exaggerated claims of
Muslim victimhood, allowing them to propagate throughout the country
the false charge that Muslims were under siege in Britain from a veritable army
of violent “Islamophobic” louts.
legitimizing the unsavory group Tell MAMA, the British government gave its
validation to the Leftist/Islamic-supremacist narrative that opposing jihad
terror amounted to “racism” and “bigotry.” It completely internalized that
narrative, ignoring for years an Islamic supremacist takeover of
public schools and the victimization of thousands of British girls by Muslim rape
gangs, so as to avoid accusations of “racism.”
UK Home Office, particularly under the dubious leadership of Home Secretary
Theresa May, grew so myopic regarding jihad terrorism that in 2013 – after a
smear campaign spearheaded by far-Left and Islamic supremacist groups,
including Tell MAMA — it banned Pamela Geller and me from the country for daring to suggest that Islam has a doctrine of violence
against unbelievers, as well as because of our support for Israel.
days before we were banned, May’s Home Office admitted Saudi Sheikh Mohammed
al-Arefe. Al-Arefe has said: “Devotion to jihad for the
sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls, and to sever
limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion, is, undoubtedly, an
honor for the believer. Allah said that if a man fights the infidels, the
infidels will be unable to prepare to fight.” More recently, the Home Office
admitted Libya’s grand mufti, Sheikh Sadiq Al-Ghariani, who, according to the Telegraph, has been accused of “using the UK
as a base from which to help orchestrate the takeover of his home country by
extremist militias with ideological links to the brutal Islamic State fighters
in Syria and Iraq.”
UK may ban US anti-jihad campaigners Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from EDL march
6-8: The British Left: Nick Lowles and Matthew Collins of
Hope Not Hate, and Fiyaz Mughal of Tell MAMA and Faith Matters.
have opposed the entry of al-Arefe (who has finally been banned, after I
repeatedly excoriated the Home Office for its pro-jihad leanings) and
al-Ghariani would have been “racist” – and there is nothing worse that anyone
can be in Britain today. It was revealed last week that 1,400 British non-Muslim children were gang-raped
and brutalized by Muslims in one city alone, and “several staff described their
nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of
being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not
to do so.”
Muslim rape gangs went unreported, unprosecuted, and in general unstopped
because of far-Left organizations like Hope not Hate, Faith Matters, and Tell
MAMA, which waged relentless war against anyone and everyone who spoke out
about these issues. They demonized as “Islamophobic,” “hateful” and “bigoted”
anyone who said that there were Muslim rape gangs at all, and that they had to
be stopped. (Incidentally, when these groups led the campaign to ban Pamela
Geller and me from entering Britain, one of the events we had discussed going
to was a rally against the rape gangs. And despite smearing us as hatemongering
equivalents of British jihadist Anjem Choudary, Hope not Hate’s Nick Lowles,
when challenged on the BBC, could not come up with a
single “hateful” statement I have ever made in 13 books, hundreds of articles,
and over 40,000 blog posts.)
search for “grooming” (these gangs are usually called
“grooming gangs” in the British media) at Hope not Hate’s site, and you will
see that a significant percentage of the articles mentioning this practice are
attacking those who are calling attention to it and protesting against it.
then, is responsible for the Islam-based mass gang-rape of British girls? The
British Left — in particular the “anti-hate” crusaders Lowles and Matthew
Collins of Hope not Hate, Fiyaz Mughal of Faith Matters and Tell MAMA, and
their friends, supporters, and allies.
lives of 1,400 girls are ruined today because of these men. If Britain were
even close to being a sane society today, these people would be being subjected
to scorching criticism, and there would be a thorough public reevaluation of
how much the Left’s alliance with Islamic supremacism and smear campaign
against foes of jihad terror has harmed the nation and its people.
Britain is not a sane society today, and these sinister individuals — Lowles,
Collins, Mughal, and the rest of them — will continue to wield their
considerable power and influence there.
9-10. The British National Party (BNP)
and the English Defence League (EDL).
Collins, Mughal and their ilk would never have been able to gain as much
traction as they did had it not been for opponents of jihad terror in Britain
giving them material to fuel their slanders of the entire counter-jihad
movement. The British National Party (BNP), which I opposed from the beginning,
for years was singular in British politics for speaking out against jihad
terror – and, with disastrous stupidity and a moral myopia of a proportion
approaching Theresa May’s. It was also singular for having a race-based
philosophy and membership policy. This fueled the common Leftist charge that
opposition to jihad terror was just “racism” in disguise, and prevented many
Britons from joining a movement they would have otherwise supported.
the EDL. From the moment of its founding, the English Defence League sounded
all the right notes, including a firm rejection of racism and support for
Israel as the state on the front lines of the global jihad. Its innumerable
Leftist and mainstream media (redundant, I know) detractors charged that all
that was just a ruse, a smokescreen, and that the group was really just a gang
of neo-Nazi thugs. Unfortunately, elements of the EDL (including Leftist
infiltrators) fueled these impressions all too often, until finally the group’s
leadership dissociated themselves from it, saying they were unable to control
these elements.
years, both Pamela Geller and I stood publicly against the EDL’s unsavory
elements – a fact ignored by enablers of jihad terror in Britain who claimed
repeatedly that our support for the group revealed that we were secretly
neo-fascists ourselves — while supporting the EDL as a promising response to the
increasingly assertive and aggressive Islamic supremacism in Britain. When the
British establishment succeeded in destroying the EDL, there was essentially no
one left to stand in the breach.
in propagating the smears against the EDL and counter-jihadis in general, the
British Left had allies even among declared opponents of jihad terror in
Britain – a fact that had unfortunate implications far beyond us personally.
11-14. British foes of jihad terror:
Maryam Namazie, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, Maajid Nawaz of the
Quilliam Foundation, and Sarah Brown of Harry’s Place.
is so far gone that there are few open opponents of jihad and Islamic
supremacism there – and many of those who are there busy themselves with
savaging those who have been far more effective than they in calling attention
to jihad terror activity and Islamic supremacism, and aiding opposition to it.
Namazie of One Law for All is a Marxist antisemite who says she is an ex-Muslim
and foe of jihad terror, but nonetheless has attacked Israel and spread Palestinian jihad propaganda
on numerous occasions. One Law for All issued a frankly and unapologetically libelous “report”
about me, Geller, and other foes of terror. Similarly, Maajid Nawaz of the
moderate Muslim Quilliam Foundation is another ex-Muslim who is, paradoxically,
as energetic a purveyor of the “Islamophobia” myth as any jihad enabler. Nawaz
and other Quilliam officials, like the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, have
vociferously denounced counter-jihadists as “Islamophobes” – an odd word for a
genuine foe of jihad and Islamic supremacism to use, as “Islamophobia” is a
smear word employed chiefly by Muslim Brotherhood entities in order to
intimidate people into thinking that there is something wrong with resisting
jihad terror.
at the time of Quilliam’s founding, its founder Ed Husain went out of his way
to launch a gratuitous attack on Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq and me. At
that time I had been quite interested to determine whether Quilliam was really
the sincere reformist organization it claimed to be — but this unexpected and
unwarranted attack made me doubt it immediately. I know Ayaan Hirsi Ali (a
Somali ex-Muslim) and Ibn Warraq (a Pakistani ex-Muslim) personally. I know
their work quite well. I know that neither is a “racist” or a “bigot,” just as
I know that I myself am not one either. I know that they’re deeply concerned
about how Islamic jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify
violence and supremacism, as I am, and want to preserve Western pluralistic
societies with their freedom of speech and equality of rights for all people,
as I do.
these individuals and groups seem much more interested in anathematizing
various foes of terror than in opposing terror itself. One principal engine of
this excommunication process is the British blog Harry’s Place (and chiefly,
one of its editors, Sarah Brown). Harry’s Place is generally opposed to terror,
but takes great pains (in the form of frequent attacks) to ensure that no one
thinks it is allied with those foes of terror, who are part of the
problem. The core of the credulous Brown’s distaste for counter-jihadists
from the wrong side of the tracks is her indefatigable insistence that the
genuine Islam is benign and peaceful – it’s just that the poor thing is beset
by misunderstanders. This leads her to pass on uncritically to her readers farragoes of half-truth and outright falsehood
that purport to show that the real Islam is nothing those 600 British jihadis
fighting for the Islamic State imagine it to be, but really as chummy and
plummy and British as she herself is.
problem with this line of thinking is that it impedes the already slim-to-none
possibility of genuine and sincere reform in Islam – if one insists that there
is no problem to begin with, what needs reforming? It also fosters complacency
among non-Muslims in the UK which, combined with the regular Harry’s Place
attacks on counter-jihadists who are more honest and realistic about the
problem than Brown, leaves them ignorant and unprepared for the coming
it is coming. And when it does, these 14 individuals and groups can stand up
and take a bow, and congratulate themselves, amid the beheadings and explosions
on London streets, that they were never, even for a nanosecond, “racist.'
So, it must be asked, 'Who lost Britain???
By the way, do you know who is the ONLY celebrity that I've heard speak out at all about the failure of feminists and journalists to cover Rotherham is?
Boy George
I bet, unlike the pussies like libfree, he would condemn that spree killing of homosexual men by Ali Muhammed Brown, a black Muslim convert, in the United States in the last few weeks. Libfree & Friends are such hypocrites and naive that they believe that sticking one's head in the PC sand means that they will get to keep theirs because the problem will, somehow ('tho we are never told exactly...or even, disappear on its own.
I HIGHLY recommend the following documentaries:
Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West
The Third Jihad - Radical Islam's Vision for America
Radical Islam and the Cleric Anjem Choudary
Islam: What The West Needs To Know
The Way of Jihad
Muslims in Europe
Related Reading: