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The Brooklyn Dem leader has more credibility on this issue than most, having walked the walk for 20+ years.
Adams served as a police officer in the New York City Police Department for 22 years.[1] Adams graduated from the New York City Police Academy in 1984 as the highest ranked student of his class. He started in the New York City Transit Police and worked in the 6th precinct in Greenwich Village, the 94th precinct in Greenpoint and the 88th precinct covering Fort Greene and Clinton Hill. While serving, he co-founded 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, an advocacy group for black police officers, and often spoke out against police brutality and racial profiling.[2] During the 1990s Adams served as president of the Grand Council of Guardians. Adams rose to prominence during the 90s, after a series of “friendly fire” shootings by white police officers against black officers.
- cam2 on December 22, 2014 at 11:45 PM
The Brooklyn Dem leader has more credibility on this issue than most, having walked the walk for 20+ years.
- cam2 on December 22, 2014 at 11:45 PM
Brooklyn Dem Leader: It’s Kinda The NYPD’s Fault Two Cops Executed Due To An “Overproliferation” Of Police Abusing Black Men…
'I must have missed the part where I was “screaming that cops are asking for it.” Now, which “shameless words and deeds” should I be worried about?'
- cam2 on December 23, 2014 at 12:28 AM
A brutal attack after a math class at the San Joaquin Delta College is being classified as a hate crime.
Police say 23-year-old Dehmi Moore repeatedly stabbed a classmate in the face with a pen.
“She had two puncture marks – one on her eyelid and the other other on the top of her head and she was bleeding rather significantly,” Delta College Police Officer Jim Bock said.
Campus police were able to catch up with Moore a few buildings over. Moore was arrested on an assault with a deadly weapon charge but, after talking with her, another charge was added – hate crime.
“When we asked why she attacked the girl, it wasn’t just because of the comments made in the classroom, she expressed it was because she was a white female,” Bock said.
'They should be conducting interviews mourning those that they lost and their family, talking about how do insane people get firearms and not criticizing but seeing how we can stop insane people from getting an opportunity to get firearms to kill anybody...Two human beings were shot dead. We should not be pointing fingers at the mayor of the city of New York.'
The left is working overtime in a desperate attempt to distance itself from the results of its own efforts to divide America and cause violence. Anyone with a somewhat level head knows full well race baiters like Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama have been fueling the flames, giving a national platform to the absurd narrative that law enforcement kills people based on the color of their skin. And now that an individual who has been deeply involved in protests popping up in response to calls for gatherings led by the race baiters kills to police officers, the organizations backing said narratives are scrambling for excuses.
'These two killings…like so many other unfortunate incidences of gun violence, provide a stark example of the need for sensible gun control measures. While some may suggest a causal link between these killings and the recent protests and activism focused on the serious issue of police violence against unarmed African Americans, we caution against escalating an already tense national state through rumor and conjecture. Whatever motivation lay in the apparently troubled mind of the now deceased shooter of these officers, there is no connection between the peaceful protests of thousands of people of all races all over the country and, indeed, around the world, and this hideous act of violence.'
Really? I mean... REALLY? The NAACP is going to blame guns and wash its hands of any race baiting connection here?