There's no crying in baseball and, sorry FemiNazis, there are no 'Safe Spaces' in the military.
If women want to be equal and fight 'just like men', then, yes, they should be required to register for the draft. And, suffer all of the consequences that men do if they refuse to do so.
Absolutely no requirements should be feminised. If they cannot do 3 pull-ups, 50 crunches, run 3 miles in 28 minutes, and finish a forced 18 mile march over rough terrain wearing a ruck sack filled with 50 pounds of gear on their backs in 4.5 hours, then they can serve their country in other the medical corps, the typing pool, or making sammiches.
Feminists always point to Israel and say, 'See, even THEY allow women in combat!'
Except, as usual, THEY. ARE. FLAT. OUT. DEAD. WRONG.
But a closer look shows Israeli women are not in direct combat special operations such as the Green Berets. Nor are they in front-line combat brigades mobilized to engage in direct heavy combat.
In the infantry, virtually all of Israel’s female combat soldiers are confined to two light battalions — the Caracal and the Lions of Jordan — which are assigned to guard the borders with Egypt and Jordan, the only Arab countries that have peace treaties with Israel.‘
Uniformed Israeli women patrol the borders or help to train men for combat positions, but these important missions do not involve direct ground combat, meaning deliberate offensive action against the enemy,’ said Elaine Donnelly, who heads the Center for Military Readiness. ‘None of America’s allies, much less potential adversaries, are treating women like men in the combat arms.’
Israeli women’s assignments are far more restrictive than the roles envisioned by advocates in the United States who anticipate an American military that opens all ground combat units to women, be they Navy SEALs or Army Green Berets or the Marine infantry or Army Brigade Combat Teams. All are deployed to engage in tough, close-in fighting for hours and days at a time.
The Times of Israel said the IDF provided a statement that read, in part, that the 'possibility of opening additional combat positions to girls is being tested all the time.' AS OF TODAY, 'INFANTRY AND THE ARMOURED CORPS WERE RULED OUT FOR WOMEN.'
Well, if American feminists want to be 'equal' like Israelis, then they need to come out 100% in support of Israel’s Defence Service Law (which would be weird since they hate the country and would love to see it completely defenceless). The Law states that ALL persons 18 years and older MUST serve within the Israeli Defence Forces. The law grants certain exemptions, but not just because one is a woman. Men must serve THREE years. Women must serve TWO years.
I call ‘Discrimination!’ If women want ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité’, then they should be conscripted for THREE years, too.

'I notice everyone who is in favor of women in close in combat roles always has a caveat that, “Of course the qualification standards shouldn’t be lowered.” Based on what we have seen in the past regarding the perfumed prince top brass in the Pentagon, I’ve gotta say you are very trusting that PC won’t rule the day. Those qualifications will be quietly massaged and most of us will never know it.'
butch on February 8, 2016 at 10:00 AM
I'm not really in favour of women in combat roles. I am, however, all for giving FemiNazis the 'right' to get shot, have their limbs blown off, get spit on when they return home, and get called murderers and baby killers by everyone from members of Congress to their own whackjob family members.
These idiots believe that they are equal. They aren't. I am a woman and I suffer under no illusion that I will ever run a four-flat-forty, kick a 63-yard (American) field goal, shoot a round of golf in the low 60s (or even low 80s), and I will never, ever, evah be able to bench press 400 pounds. Almost every woman's body is different from a man's. Now, there are some Amazon-types that could kick the asses of puny nerds with taped glasses and pocket protectors. But, all in all, we are different.
FemiNazis, and their fellow travelers, are all into this 'fluidity' craze.
True Story from Canada: If you are a 52 year-old married man named Paul with 7 children, you can become a 6 year-old transvestite homosexual named ‘Stefonknee’ and be adopted by a married couple with children and grandchildren. Stefonknee wears little girls’ dresses and plays with ‘her’ adopted parents’ natural grandchildren…even as ‘she’ carries on an extramarital, ‘incestuous’, and homosexual affair with his/her adopted father. When ‘she’ isn’t sucking on ‘her’ pacifier, she is sucking on daddy’s…
Of course, ‘she’ is being celebrated and called a ‘Pioneer!’ in the LGBTQQIP2SAA world both in Canada and globally.
Next up, Stefonknee will proclaim that she is really a 6 year-old female feline (‘Furrykin’) of African origin. At that point, I think she’ll have just about all of ‘The Other’ boxes checked.