우리는 우리의 친애하는 지도자를 사랑 해요!
IN: Prepubescent kids pay creepy homage to a Dear Leader in 2016
Cowardice, are you serious?
Apologies for freedom, I can't handle this!
When freedom rings, answer the call!
On your feet, stand up tall!
Freedom's on our shoulders, USA!
Enemies of freedom
Face the music, come on boys, take 'em down!
President Donald Trump knows how to make America great
Deal from strength or get crushed every time
Over here, USA!
Over there, USA!
Freedom and liberty everywhere
Oh say can you see
It's not so easy
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom's call
We're the land of the free and the home of the brave, USA!
The stars and stripes are flying
Let's celebrate our freedom
Inspire proudly freedom to the world
Ameritude, USA!
American pride, USA!
It's attitude, it's who we are, stand up tall
We're the red, white and blue
Fiercely free, that's who!
Our colors don't run, no sir-e
Over here, USA!
Over there, USA!
Freedom and liberty everywhere
Oh say can you see
It's not so easy
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom's call

We’re gonna spread happiness
We’re gonna spread freedom
Obama’s gonna change it
Obama’s gonna lead ’em
We’re gonna change it
And rearrange it
We’re gonna change the world.
Now’s the moment, lift each voice to sing
Sing with all your heart!
For our children, for our families,
Nations all joined as one.
Sing for joy and sing abundant peace,
Courage, justice, hope!
Sing together, hold each precious hand,
Lifting each other up;
Sing for vision, sing for unity,
Lifting our hearts to Sing!
We’re gonna spread happiness
We’re gonna spread freedom
Obama’s gonna change it
Obama’s gonna lead ’em
We’re gonna change it
And rearrange it
We’re gonna change the world.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!