M2RB: Eurythmics
Would I lie to you?
Would I lie to you honey?
Now would I say something that wasn't true?
I'm asking you sugar
Would I lie to you?

‘The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the
bill. They claimed that it would create some sort
of ‘big brother’ gun registry, even though the bill did the opposite.
This legislation, in fact, outlawed any registry.’
- President Barack Obama, 17 April 2013
Here’s the Schu-Man-Too
(c) Prohibition of National Gun
Registry.-Section 923 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at
the end the following:
(m) The Attorney General may not consolidate
or centralize the records of the
(1) acquisition or disposition of
firearms, or any portion thereof, maintained by
(A) a person with a valid, current
license under this chapter;
(B) an unlicensed transferor under
section 922(t); or
(2) possession or ownership of a firearm,
maintained by any medical or health insurance entity.”
The prohibition on creating a national gun registry only
applies to the Attorney General (and thus to entities under his direct
control, such as the FBI and BATFE).
Applying inclusio unius exclusio alterius, it IS
permissible for heads of departments other than those under the control
of the Attorney General, such as HHS, DHS, VA, etc, to create gun
registries, using whatever information they can acquire from their own
Under Schu-Man-Too, Sebelius could consolidate and centralise gun
records from the information she gathered from healthcare providers or
insurance companies. DHS could create a registry using info received
from states like Missouri. The Department of the Army could centralise
firearm information on current and former military through the VA,
questionnaires, etc. Then, HHS, DHS, the VA, etc, could compile all of
their individual data into one registry.
Your lies may work on gullible, LoInFo, simpleton voters, but it
doesn’t work on those of us, who have bothered to research the subject
and, obviously, know more about it than you do.
‘In fact, as Joe Manchin, the author of the bill, said
yesterday, anybody that suggested that private gun sales, individual
sales from one person to another, a family member or another, a friend
to another, would be outlawed or would have to even go through this sort
of check is lying.’
- Joe Scarborough this morning
Riiiight, Joe, ‘cuz, like, um, the so-called ‘gun show loophole,’
which allows individuals to sell to other individuals at a gun show
without a background check, wasn’t the WHOLE POINT of Schu-Man-Too’s
‘gun show loophole closure.’
Most sales at gun shows are between dealers and individuals AND ARE
are not subject to background checks ARE those between individuals.
So, Joe, who’s the liar???
Evidently, it’s you and Manchin.
Whether it's the President, other elected officials, or nattering nabobs like Joe Scarborough, when people start accusing their opponents of 'lying' when the facts clearly contradict them, you can take it to the bank that they are the ones who are either lying, grossly negligent in learning the truth, ignorant, or a combination of all or some.
'I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.'
- Baroness Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
The lies work on idiots like 'nonpartisan,' as evidenced by his response to a challenge to provide real 'nonpartisan,' credible sources to back up this claim:
'how could this cost them the senate if 90% of Americans, 80% of gunowners, and 70% of NRA households favor it? the cowards who voted no, on the other hand, may be in for a surprise when reelection comes'
nonpartisan on April 18, 2013 at 11:23 AM
'listen to the President’s speeches'
nonpartisan on April 18, 2013 at 11:27 AM
LMFAO! I bet nonpartisan still believes that Obamacare will cut his premiums
by $2,500 a year, Obama did cut the deficit in half by the end of his first
term, a youtube video was responsible for Benghazi, and King Obama Canute did, in fact, lower the sea levels.
‘As a long-time gun owner, I believe the right to keep
and bear arms should not be dependent on the city in which you live. The
provisions of the U.S. Constitution apply to all Americans, regardless
of geography……As a gun owner, I am a strong supporter of the Second
Amendment. In February, I was proud to sign the Amicus Brief in District of Columbia v Heller
asking the Supreme Court to uphold the lower court ruling that
overturned the long standing DC gun ban. We have a long tradition of
gun ownership in the United States. … It is a tradition which every
law-abiding citizen should be able to enjoy.’
- Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, September 2008
I feel for Ms Giffords because of what happened to her, but you
cannot be a true supporter of the Second Amendment if your support
‘evolves’ because of how it affects you personally.
When Ron Portman ‘evolved’ on SSM, the Left – including many of the
usual suspects here – called him a hypocrite because he only came to
support gay marriage once he learned of his own son’s homosexuality. It
didn’t matter that Portman’s ‘evolution’ was similar to Obama’s ‘Revolution‘ on the issue.
Their argument was: Your personal experience should have no effect on the constitutional and civil rights of others.
They have a point…although they selectively make it. Nevertheless,
if Ron Portman’s ‘evolution’ is merely an example of his hypocrisy,
can’t the same be true of Gabby Giffords ‘evolution’ on the Second
OK. So, Shu-Man-Too is Schumer, Manchin, Toomey. I got that.
But inclusio unius exclusio alterius -- the closest I can get to this is a well-known but completely ineffective birth control method.
Howdy Resist........;)
Oh and posted.......;)
Howdy, angrymike! Wassup?
Axe, inclusio unius exclusio alterius means the inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. IOW, the inclusion of the Attorney General in the language that prohibits a national gun registry does NOT exclude Secretary of HHS, for example. The statute is specific to the AG and departments under his control. It doesn't say that 'NO' department of the Federal government is prohibited from establishing a registry.
Hm. All things being equal, by specifying Bob I exempt Darlene from the language . . .
K. Back into 5th. :)
Exactly, Axe.
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