‘This Has Been One Of The Most Humiliating Episodes In Presidential History.’
- A Democratic strategist who works closely with the White House

in other words, is no light at the end of the tunnel. This, to borrow a
phrase from a Congressional staffer at his wits' end, 'IS AN UNMITIGATED CLUSTERFUCK.''
- The New Republic, Obama Got Played by Putin and Assad, 10 September 2013

The Good News:
'We're not at war.'
The Bad News:
'… almost everything
else about President Obama's handling of Syria – the fumbling and
flip-flopping and marble-mouthing – undercut his credibility, and
possibly with it his ability to lead the nation and world.'
- Ron Fournier, 'Syria Tells You Everything You Need to Know About Barack Obama', 10 September 2013

‘A little man has taken the measure of still smaller men (and women)…and found them both wanting and ripe for the picking.’
- American journalist, Edgar Mowrer, on Adolf Hitler, (paraphrased), A Little Man Has Taken The Measure Of Still Smaller Men...

Remembrance 'Toons:

The Left’s Old & Busted:
‘How DARE you question my patriotism and accuse me of siding with terrorists!’
The Left’s New Hotness:
‘The American right has now officially come out as Assad supporters.'
- verbaluce on September 11, 2013 at 11:25 AM

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