By Michael
Election Day 2008, right here on NRO, some idiot wrote
a little movie-script parody
called “The Manchurian Candidate III: This Time, It’s Personal.” The
SQUARE, MOSCOW — NIGHT (1960) — We open at a meeting of the KGB brain
trust. One of the officers, NECHIPORENKO, lays out an audacious plan
to destroy the western democracies by corrupting them from
within. Dubbed the “illegals program,” his plan calls for operatives
to identify, educate, and support the best and brightest young impressionable
minds in America — a country the Soviets refer to as the “Principal Enemy” —
encouraging them to devote their lives to “public service,” all the while
steeped in the principles of Marxism-Leninism through the universities, the
media and the declining Protestant churches.
A true visionary, Nechiporenko realizes that the emerging baby-boomer generation will be especially susceptible to notions of “fairness” and “redistribution of wealth,” while the burgeoning civil-rights movement offers a fertile field for mischief, inflaming the antagonism of black Americans against a society that will not change fast enough. The trick is to teach the young Americans to mistrust and despise their heritage, their culture and, finally, themselves.
Strangely enough, JFK
is assassinated by a Marxist defector to the Soviet Union named Lee Harvey
Oswald of the “Fair Play for Cuba” Committee; Senator Joe McCarthy’s hatchet
man, Saint Robert F. Kennedy, is murdered by an anti-Israel Palestinian radical
named Sirhan Sirhan; the inner cities explode throughout the mid-1960s,
culminating in an orgy of violence when Martin Luther King, Jr., is shot; there
are riots during the 1968 Democrat Convention in Chicago; and a revolutionary
movement of spoiled rich kids called the Weather Underground bombs the Capitol
and the Pentagon while preaching Marxist revolution.
As vast sums of money
are funneled from Moscow via Cuba to Soviet operatives and fellow travelers
within the U.S. to identify, recruit, and train future “illegals,” with or
without their knowledge, we –
PUNAHOU SCHOOL — DAY (1971) . . .
imagine my surprise and delight when the following op-ed appeared
in the New York Times
on September 11, of all days, under the byline of the current
president of Russia, Vladimir Vladmirovich Putin:
Recent events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the
American people and their political leaders. It is important to do so at a time
of insufficient communication between our societies.
Relations between us
have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the
cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together.
yes — but first you were allies with the Nazis before the National Socialists double-crossed
you; up until Operation Barbarossa,
you had a nice little racket going, swallowing up the Baltics, half of Poland,
and chunks of Romania (shame about that unpleasantness
in Finland, which is why you got kicked out of the League of Nations). But let
that pass; let’s talk about us:
My working and
personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I
appreciate this.I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I
would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating
that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what
makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves
as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small
countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still
finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all
different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that
God created us equal.
let me get this straight: The “former” KGB agent and officially godless
Communist (now reborn as the protector of the Russian Orthodox faith) is
invoking the Deity as he takes to the pages of the Times to
“speak directly to the American people and their political leaders,” and
lecture us about exceptionalism. His real audience, though — and the object of
his lesson in egalitarianism — is the man who told the previous Russian president,
Dmitri Medvedev, that after his reelection he would have more “flexibility”
in dealing with the former Soviets. Looks like the information was
successfully transmitted to Vladimir, who’s clearly taken the measure of his man.
you can’t make this stuff up, although any resemblance between actual persons
and events is of course entirely coincidental.
can read more here about the illegals program,
which goes back many decades, and one of its most successful double agents, the
great George Koval.
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