This is what a former COLONEL IN THE KGB looks like.
OK, time for a Friday Funny!
By Michael Crowley
Why is Vladimir Putin so hostile towards the United States? His Thursday New York Times op-ed struck a superficially friendly tone, but it had the overall effect of undermining Barack Obama and chastising
America’s sense of itself. But that was no shock, coming from the man
who enraged Washington by granting asylum to Edward Snowden and who
recently barred American adoptions of Russian children, among other
So is Putin just a jerk? Maybe, although there are numerous reasons
that might explain his antagonism: the lingering Cold War mentality of a
former KGB agent; insecurity about Russia’s post-Soviet global status; his sometimes comical machismo.
There’s likely another, potentially more important factor driving
Putin’s animus, however. He thinks we’re out to get him. And in a sense,
he’s right.
To understand why, start with the Russian president’s belief that
America has a general habit of meddling in the affairs of other
countries and trying to change their governments. Iraq is just the most
obvious example, but Putin sees many others. He was furious that a
United Nations military mission in Libya sold by Washington as a limited
humanitarian mission became an extended bombing campaign to topple
Moammar Gaddafi. Putin fumed that Russia’s then-president, Dmitry
Medvedev, had supported the resolution: “It allows anyone to do anything
they want—to take any actions against a sovereign state,” Putin said in March 2011.
Putin has also argued
that America’s confrontation with Iran over its nuclear program is the
pretext for a grander plan. ”Under the guise of trying to prevent the
spread of weapons of mass destruction,” Putin said early last year,
“they are attempting something else entirely and setting different
goals—regime change.”
Sound familiar? Putin sees much the same in Syria, which is why he
has adamantly refused to support a U.N. authorization of force against
Assad. It’s not a totally unreasonable suspicion. Barack Obama has
called for Bashar Assad to leave power, prominent members of Congress
like John McCain are urging regime change, and although the White House denies it officially, there have been hints that any U.S. military strikes could indirectly serve that purpose.
Less widely understood than Putin’s concerns about Iraq, Syria and
Libya is his anger over U.S. actions closer to his borders. Putin
believes America helped defeat a Moscow-backed candidate in Ukraine’s
2004 presidential election, partly by sending millions of dollars to pro-democracy activists there. He hated George W. Bush’s courting
of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, where a U.S.-backed president
was defying Moscow’s longtime influence. (After a 2008 military clash
between Russia and Georgia, McCain declared
that “today, we are all Georgians.”) And he surely remembers well the
U.S.-led NATO bombing campaign in the 1990s—which Russia also bitterly
opposed—that led to the ouster of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.
“If you look at events over the past 20 years from the Kremlin’s
perspective, you see a consistent pattern of U.S. and western behavior
amounting to a policy of regime change across Eurasia,” says Matthew
Rojanksy, director of the Kennan Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center.
“Putin asks, if Washington can use force to topple regimes in Iraq,
Afghanistan, or Libya, and can sponsor regime change by other means in
Serbia, Georgia, and Ukraine, why wouldn’t Belarus or Kazakhstan or even
Russia itself be next? Putin has to draw his own red line, and Syria is
a good place to start doing so.”
“It’s not the whole story,” says Rojansky. “But it’s a big part.”
Most galling for Putin is evidence that America’s regime change
agenda has crept into his own country. When mass anti-Putin
demonstrations erupted in Moscow in late 2011, Putin quickly accused the
U.S. of encouraging the protests. He lashed out specifically at Hillary
Clinton for encouraging pro-democracy activists. “She set the tone,
gave the signal,” Putin said in December 2011, charging that the U.S. was spending tens of millions of dollars “to influence our internal political process.”
Soon after, Russian state media accused
the new U.S. Ambassador to Moscow, Michael McFaul, of being a
subversive revolutionary agent. Pro-Putin commentators noted that McFaul
is a longtime democracy advocate who has written of “Russia’s
Unfinished Revolution,” and argued in a 2007 article that “even while
working closely with Putin on matters of mutual interest, Western
leaders must recommit to the objective of creating the conditions for a
democratic leader to emerge in the long term.”
And then there was Putin’s gleeful nemesis McCain, who responded to the protests by taunting
Putin via Twitter: “Dear Vlad, the #ArabSpring has arrived at a
neighborhood near you,” the Arizona Republican Senator tweeted in
February 2012, linking to a Times article about a mass demonstration.
Last year Putin responded by kicking the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) out of Russia; a foreign ministry
spokesman charged that USAID had been trying to “influence the political process, including elections at various levels and civil society.” That move was part of a wider crackdown on “foreign agents” with alleged political agendas for Russia.
Putin is undoubtedly posturing some—playing the old autocrat’s trick
of blaming foreigners for internal problems. But he also clearly feels
that Obama has, at a minimum, tried to undermine him within Russia. His Times op-ed may have been a small way of returning the favor.
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