M2RB: In honour of the protestors, who burned the MoFoBros' main HQ out last night, take it away Billy Joel...
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But about it we're excited...
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But about it we're excited...

The scene in Cairo today where throngs of people demonstrated and demanded the ouster of Pharaoh Morsi.
Media reports and, specifically, Al-Masry Al-Youm are citing experts, who are estimating that there are more than 17 million people in
the streets of Egypt today protesting. That would amount to 21% of the nation's population. To put that number into perspective, it's the equivalent of 65.1 million Americans taking to the streets of the United States in protest. Try wrapping your mind around that.
For a man, who talks incessantly about being ‘on the right side of history,’ Obama certainly knows how to pick’em.
But, cheer up folks! It's only taken 4.5 years for the US to go from a superpower to backing a MoFoBros tyrant and being told off by ECUADOR!
Just imagine all of the Hopenchange we'll get to enjoy over the next 3.5 years!
Yes, we can!
¡Sí, se puede!
Ja, können wir!
!نعم ، نحن يمكن أن
Oui, nous pouvons!
!כן, אנחנו יכולים
Evet, biz!
Да, мы можем!
Ie, gallwn!
Esyay Eway Ancay!
!بله، ما می توانیم
그렇다, 우리는 수 있습니다.!
Ja, wij kunnen!
Is féidir linn!

For a man, who talks incessantly about being ‘on the right side of history,’ Obama certainly knows how to pick’em.

But, cheer up folks! It's only taken 4.5 years for the US to go from a superpower to backing a MoFoBros tyrant and being told off by ECUADOR!
Just imagine all of the Hopenchange we'll get to enjoy over the next 3.5 years!
Yes, we can!
¡Sí, se puede!
Ja, können wir!
!نعم ، نحن يمكن أن
Oui, nous pouvons!
!כן, אנחנו יכולים
Evet, biz!
Да, мы можем!
Ie, gallwn!
Esyay Eway Ancay!
!بله، ما می توانیم
그렇다, 우리는 수 있습니다.!
Ja, wij kunnen!
Is féidir linn!

BBC: 'The number of people protesting today is the largest number in a political event in the history of mankind. Keep impressing .. Egypt.'
Report from Cairo: The Egyptian army air-dropped an enormous number
of flags into the crowd from choppers and the roofs of buildings. Every
time, the crowds erupted with approval.
The military warned the Morsi government earlier this week; thus, it looks as though the military will be siding with the people, as they should, in the event that this becomes any more violent. According to reports, there have been dozens of sexual assaults and the MoFoBros are opening fire in places.
Flashback: Last week, the Minister of Defence, Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi, raised the spectre of the military stepping in and seizing power when he said that:
'[The army would, if necessary] prevent Egypt from slipping into a dark tunnel of civil unrest and killing, sectarianism and the collapse of state institutions.'
The newspaper Al-Akhbar described the situation thusly:
'Egypt is on the brink of a volcano.'
Protestors burn the MoFoBros' Cairo HQ...
'Situation in muqattam is hairy. 4 shot so far. Live ammunition from inside the MB HQ. This won't end well
— السيد مانكي (@Sandmonkey) June 30, 2013
From earlier today...

Good for them.

Nearing a Tienanmen Square moment in Turkey?
'Approaching 4 hrs of nation-wide live coverge of
attacks on #MB #Moqatam HQ & still no police on site & no
reaction from #MoI #Egypt.
— Gehad El-Haddad (@gelhaddad) June 30, 2013
This concerns the MoFoBros’ Cairo HQ, which is their main bldg in
Egypt. The protestors set it ablaze and no one from government or the
military has come to help.
Earlier, military helicopters dropped an enormous number of flags on
the crowds, who erupted in approval. Police and other first responders
are refusing to act against the citizens and are, in fact, joining them.
Military source confirms to AFP that 'it is the biggest protest in Egypt's history' and 'millions" of protesters' demanding Morsi's ouster are in the streets.
Military source confirms to AFP that 'it is the biggest protest in Egypt's history' and 'millions" of protesters' demanding Morsi's ouster are in the streets.

American Ambassador: Egyptians Should Refrain From 'Street Action' And Respect Their 'Democratically-Elected' Leaders
Who cares if Morsi was ‘democratically elected’? So was Adolf Hitler. The equivalent of 65.1 Americans engaged in 'street action' to protest economic imbecility, soaring food and fuel prices with their attendant scarcity, skyrocketing crime, barbarity against the Copts, regime brutality, hopelessness for generations of Egyptians, etc. Try wrapping your mind around that number. It’s like more than half of this year’s Superbowl audience got off of their sofas and took to the streets in protests.
One wonders if President Obama seriously wants to or even can maintain his position of backing the MoFoBros in the wake of the largest political protest in the history of civilisation – all due to community organising, which I believe he claims to know something about and supports. Does he really want to be on ‘the wrong side of history,’ again?
Sadly, the answer is not as simple as it should be. Obama has the greatest ability of anyone that I’ve have ever seen to refuse to assess himself, understand when his policies are failing, ant to change course, but can he possibly continuing backing the Morsi government after the largest protest in world history?
He’s already become the ‘Rodney Dangerfield of World Politics.’ The Muslim World hates us more than it did when Bush was in office. Putin is kicking his ass and making him kiss his Superbowl ring. China has no respect for him. And, Iran, Turkey, which may be nearing a Tienanmen Square moment, and Syria laugh at his red lines knowing that they can ‘call his bluff’ better than Eric Cantor. Can he possibly not understand that he cannot continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood because, to do so, would rain further harm down upon himself, the country, and the world?
Patrick Poole at PJMedia.com gives the blow-by-blow.
Live blogging anti-Morsi Tamarod protests in Egypt
Great rundown.
"NBC is reporting that 'tens of thousands' are out protesting against Morsi. Are they delusional or just outright lying?"
Lolz. It looks like the Tamarod is getting NBC’s ‘Tea Party Treatment.’ Remember the huge protest that the Park Service and foreign press put at nearly 1 million and MSNBC claimed that only 67,000 showed up?
I guess NBC will have to wait until Egypt's equivalent of the 2010 midterms and then declare that 'this came out of nowhere' and 'we are utterly stunned by this breaking news and didn't see it coming. AT. ALL.'
Does the American media even realise that they have rendered unto Caesar the last shreds of their credibility? They are no better than the state-run media in the Soviet Union, East Germany, and North Korea...even those living in Communist China are better informed.
Will they eventually emerge from their bubble like a Japanese Imperial soldier leaving his cave on a South Pacific island years after the end of World War II only to say, 'Wait, what? We lost? When did that happen?

Someone wrote: 'Obama will probably double down and he’s sending our soldiers over there. Obama can never admit when he’s wrong or makes a mistake.'
True, but the problem is can he possibly?
He’s been reduced to a backer of Islamist tyrants and dictators, arming rebels affiliated with Al Qaeda, being told to ‘GFY!’ by China, Russia, and ECUADOR, and infuriating the EU to the point that Germany has turned the NSA allegations over to the prosecutor’s office. Hell, he even told students in South Africa today that they should be 'wary of the United States,' which he leads.
He's becoming a laughingstock and no one fears him - and, make no mistake, a country's foreign policy is worthless if the world believes it is a paper tiger.
The dude is a fucking global disaster.
Protestors to Morsi: 'You have one day to stop down. One.'
The military has given Morsi and the protestors 48 hours to resolve the situation or it will step in.
From the WSJ:
'Egypt’s powerful armed forces issued a virtual ultimatum
to Islamist President Mohamed Mursi on Monday, calling on the nation’s
feuding politicians to agree on an inclusive roadmap for the country’s
future within 48 hours.
A dramatic military statement broadcast on state television declared the nation was in danger after millions of Egyptians took to the streets on Sunday to demand that Mursi quit and the headquarters of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood were ransacked.
A dramatic military statement broadcast on state television declared the nation was in danger after millions of Egyptians took to the streets on Sunday to demand that Mursi quit and the headquarters of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood were ransacked.
“If the demands of the people are not realised within the defined period, it will be incumbent upon (the armed forces)… to announce a road map for the future,” said the statement by chief-of-staff General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. It was followed by patriotic music.
The people had expressed their will with unprecedented clarity in the
mass demonstrations and wasting more time would only increase the
danger of division and violence, he said.
The army said it would oversee the implementation of the roadmap it sought “with the participation of all factions and national parties, including young people”, but it would not get directly involved in politics or government.'
According to Al Arabiya, 10 ministers have resigned from Morsi's cabinet to join the opposition and General Sami Annan has stepped down from the president’s advisory council.
'Egyptian security forces arrested 15 armed bodyguards of senior Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat El-Shater on Monday after an exchange of fire in which no one was injured, security sources said.'
Al-Ahram reported:
The armed forces are giving all political forces 48 hours as a last chance to solve the ongoing problems, or else the armed forces will have to announce a new roadmap for the future, and will enforce certain measures with the help of all factions including the youth, without excluding anyone.
The statement was read out on Egyptian state TV.
Zero Hedge has more on the military statement.
The Egyptian Military just made a publc statement on Egyptian TV and it appears the country is close to another military coup:
The army said it would oversee the implementation of the roadmap it sought “with the participation of all factions and national parties, including young people”, but it would not get directly involved in politics or government.'
According to Al Arabiya, 10 ministers have resigned from Morsi's cabinet to join the opposition and General Sami Annan has stepped down from the president’s advisory council.
'Egyptian security forces arrested 15 armed bodyguards of senior Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat El-Shater on Monday after an exchange of fire in which no one was injured, security sources said.'
Al-Ahram reported:
The armed forces are giving all political forces 48 hours as a last chance to solve the ongoing problems, or else the armed forces will have to announce a new roadmap for the future, and will enforce certain measures with the help of all factions including the youth, without excluding anyone.
The statement was read out on Egyptian state TV.
Zero Hedge has more on the military statement.
The Egyptian Military just made a publc statement on Egyptian TV and it appears the country is close to another military coup:
In other words, do as the people want, calm this down now, or we will step in within 48 hours.
From Stratfor,
A member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party legal committee said “everyone” rejected the Egyptian military’s statement setting a 48-hour deadline for the government to settle the current political standoff, Al Jazeera reported July 1. Meanwhile, former Egyptian presidential candidate Amr Moussa said the army’s statement reflected the Egyptian people’s will.
The Muslim Brotherhood is scheduled to hold a news conference at 7:30 p.m. local time in Cairo.
Another night of MASSIVE protests in Egypt. Click here for live video.
Continue onto Pharaoh Morsi, Let Your People Go! (Pics/UPDATES) - Part II
In other words, do as the people want, calm this down now, or we will step in within 48 hours.
From Stratfor,
A member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party legal committee said “everyone” rejected the Egyptian military’s statement setting a 48-hour deadline for the government to settle the current political standoff, Al Jazeera reported July 1. Meanwhile, former Egyptian presidential candidate Amr Moussa said the army’s statement reflected the Egyptian people’s will.
The Muslim Brotherhood is scheduled to hold a news conference at 7:30 p.m. local time in Cairo.
The BBC is reporting:
'Tamarod [a key opposition group whose name means "rebel"] issued a
statement saying the protesters would give Mr Morsi until 17:00 (15:00
GMT) on Tuesday to leave power and allow state institutions to prepare
for early presidential elections.
Otherwise, people would begin a campaign of "complete civil disobedience", the group warned.
It urged "state institutions including the army, the police and the
judiciary, to clearly side with the popular will as represented by the
The group also rejected offers of dialogue from the president.
"There is no way to accept any half measures," it said. "There is no
alternative other than the peaceful end of power of the Muslim
Brotherhood and its representative, Mohammed Morsi."
On Saturday, Tamarod said it had collected more than 22 million
signatures - more than a quarter of Egypt's population - in support.'
Another night of MASSIVE protests in Egypt. Click here for live video.
Continue onto Pharaoh Morsi, Let Your People Go! (Pics/UPDATES) - Part II
Related Reading:
I must be tired. I played the Billy Joel video and then left without reading the story! I came back, and I just wanted to say you have the best pictures and updates on this! Great job!
Night Owl
TYVM, Night Owl. Be sure to check out Part II.
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