Imagine that you are a minority living in a country where you are being oppressed, denied religious freedom, kidnapped, beaten, raped, murdered, and whose President has said this about you:
Christians] need to know that conquest in coming, and Egypt will be
Islamic, and thay they must pay the jizya or emigrate."
- Mohammed Morsi, President of Egypt, 27 May 2012
And this...
is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law;
Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.'
- President Mohammed Morsi of Egypt
Now, imagine looking to the United States, the supposed shining city on the hill, beacon for liberty, and land of tolerance for any sign that it even recognises your plight and being told:
'Hey, lighten up on your oppressor!'
Believe it or not, this is exactly what has happened. Whadda I'm saying?!?! OF COURSE IT'S BELIEVABLE. It's the Age of Obama!
Take it away Middle
East Forum (h/t Banafsheh
Zand via Jim Hoft):
Middle East Forum reported:
As Egyptians of all
factions prepare to demonstrate in mass against the Muslim Brotherhood and
President Morsi’s rule on June 30, the latter has been trying to reduce their
numbers, which some predict will be in the millions and eclipse the Tahrir
protests that earlier ousted Mubarak. Accordingly, among other influential
Egyptians, Morsi recently called on Coptic Christian Pope Tawadros II to urge
his flock, Egypt’s millions of Christians, not to join the June 30 protests.
While that may be
expected, more troubling is that the U.S. ambassador to Egypt is also trying to
prevent Egyptians from protesting—including the Copts. The June 18 edition of
Sadi al-Balad reports that lawyer Ramses Naggar, the Coptic Church’s legal
counsel, said that during Patterson’s June 17 meeting with Pope Tawadros, she
“asked him to urge the Copts not to participate” in the demonstrations against
Morsi and the Brotherhood.
The Pope politely
informed her that his spiritual authority over the Copts does not extend to
political matters.
many Egyptian activists are condemning Patterson for continuously behaving like
the Muslim Brotherhood’s stooge. Leading opposition activist Shady
el-Ghazali Harb said Patterson showed “blatant bias” in favor of Morsi and the
Brotherhood, adding that her remarks had earned the U.S. administration “the
enmity of the Egyptian people.” Coptic activists like George Ishaq openly told
Patterson to “shut up and mind your own business.” And Christian business
tycoon Naguib Sawiris—no stranger to Islamist hostility—posted a message on his
Twitter account addressed to the ambassador saying “Bless us with your
the U.S. ambassador’s position as the Brotherhood’s lackey is disturbing—and
revealing—on several levels. First, all throughout the Middle East,
the U.S. has been supporting anyone and everyone opposing their leaders—in
Libya against Gaddafi, in Egypt itself against 30-year U.S. ally Mubarak, and
now in Syria against Assad. In all these cases, the U.S. has presented its
support in the name of the human rights and freedoms of the people against
dictatorial leaders.
So why
is the Obama administration now asking Christians not to oppose their rulers—in
this case, Islamists—who have daily proven themselves corrupt and worse, to the
point that millions of Egyptians, most of them Muslims, are trying to oust
worse is that the human rights abuses Egypt’s Coptic Christians have been
suffering under Muslim Brotherhood rule are significantly worse than the human
rights abuses that the average Egyptian suffered under Mubarak.
behalf of the Obama administration (and, you'd better believe the Muslim
Brotherhood), America's Ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson (Yeah, remember how
she apologised for the YouTube video BEFORE
the protest at the Embassy last 9/11, which was known to be actually a protest for the release of the
Blind Sheikh a week before?
Sheer genius we've got representing us there!), is pressuring the Coptic
Christian community NOT
to participate in a protest against Pharaoh Morsi and his Fascist buddies in
the Muslim Brotherhood next week. (Israel Matzav)
would this surprise anyone?
across the political spectrum are telling us that we have to submit to Big
Brother so that 'We can catch the terrorists!' WTF? We
don't need Big Brother to find the terrorists. The fucking Obama
Administration invites them to the White House. Only two weeks ago, these
treasonous bastards invited the Jew-and-America hating vice president of the
International Union of Muslim Scholars, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, to the White House so that they could show the
global, Muslim community that we want to partners with them. Again, WTF?
Did the Berlin Congregation of Synagogues invite Hitler over for tea so that
they could prove they'd be fine with him considering he never stopped talking
about annihilating them?
Allah-damned Rodney 'Can't we all get along?' King foreign policy is going to
get us all killed.
- and quite horrifically - I don't think that we can chalk this up to
Utopianism, naïveté, and a perverse 'world view.' Honestly, how can we
not look at this kind of crap and NOT believe that these people hate this
country? OK, so you say that's hyperbolic, tinfoil-hatism, partisan
ideology, and pure hatred talking. All right, then explain this...
A new Rasmussen
Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters consider
radical Muslims to be the bigger threat to the United States today. Thirteen
percent (13%) view the Tea Party that way, and another 13% consider other
political and religious extremists to be the larger danger. Six percent (6%)
point to local militia groups. Two percent (2%) see the Occupy Wall Street
movement as the bigger terrorist threat. (To see survey question wording, click
among those who approve of the president’s job performance, just 29% see
radical Muslims as the bigger threat. Twenty-six percent (26%) say it’s the Tea
Party that concerns them most. Among those who Strongly Approve of
the president, more fear the Tea Party thanradical Muslims.
never had a President that called tens of millions of his fellow Americans his
'enemies.' We've never had a Party call tens of millions of law-abiding
Americans, who have committed no terrorist attacks, 'terrorists,' the 'Taliban,'
'traitors,' etc. We've never had a President, a Party, and a media
display such a pervasive hatred of the principles, tolerance, progress, and
freedom of this country while praising members of misogynistic, racist,
homophobic, bigoted, child-abusing, xenophobic, tribalistic, antisemitic,
Christophobic, maniacal, thin-skinned, homicidal, suicidal, totalitarian, 7th
century death cult. We've never had so many apologise for so much good
and lift up so much evil...

I am utterly disgusted and ashamed of my country.
Related Reading:
Egyptian Press Confirms Washington Infiltrated By Islamists
Apes, Pigs, and F-16s
Radical Past: Former Associate Calls Morsi a 'Master of Disguise'
And, The Scales Begin To Fall...
Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Whoa Baby, Let Your People Go!
McCain’s Mideast Blunders
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