'There’s so much talk, and I don’t think talk solves lots of these problems. In foreign policy, you’re trying to do two things: comfort your
friends, and scare the hell out of your enemies, or your potential
enemies. A speech like this does not have that effect. Sometimes it is best to just be quiet, and not try to theorize and not
try to explain here, and I think the explaining is just not working.'
- Bob Woodward, on the subject of Obama's speech at West Point, Fox News Sunday, 1 June 2014
By Michael Weiss
When I first spoke at West Point in 2009, we still had 100,000 troops in Iraq, and Joe Biden bet everyone his vice presidency that we’d have at least 10,000 today. We do not, but Joe is still vice president. Iraq, meanwhile, is a country largely in thrall to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and its civil war has returned with a vengeance. More than 4,000 Iraqis have died in the first five months of 2014 alone, but that’s all right because our tide of war has receded and the New York Times tends to bury this news well below the fold.
In Afghanistan,
America’s longest war is now drawing to a proud close. We plan to leave
no US troop presence there after 2016 and we hope the Taliban
understands. Meanwhile, Al-Qaeda’s core leadership in the border region
between Afghanistan and Pakistan has relocated to the border region between Iraq and Syria, which is at least closer to some of our remaining allies in the Middle East. The CIA likes to say that Al-Qaeda’s new center of gravity
in the Levant is the single worst threat to our national security that
we now face. And I’ll let them say this now that my re-election campaign
is over and it sounds scary enough to justify why I didn’t get more
involved in Syria in the first place.
Let’s just leave it at this: the United States faces no direct threat to its national security because several presidents ago, America concluded its Cold War with Russia, once and for all.
Now, some will argue that the last five years have seen
a decline in American leadership. They will point to the fact that,
probably around the time my party loses the Senate, China
will replace the United States as the world’s largest economy in real
terms. They will say that a resurgent and revanchist Russia, which has
just invaded and annexed a sovereign European territory roughly the size
of Maryland, looks at America as a dormant superpower whose bluff is
easy to call. They will say that Bashar al-Assad is still in power in
Syria three years after I said he must step aside, as if this suggests
that we no longer enforce our red lines on dictatorial aggression.
To these critics, I would only pose a few simple
questions. Can any nation on earth amass a hashtag campaign on Twitter
faster than the United States of America? Has any nation in the history
of the world held so many international conferences in Switzerland in so
short a period of time? Does any one constitutional republic have a
former leader so easy to mock and blame for all the problems that have
ensued well after he has gone?
The answer, of course, is no.
America is doing just fine.
And Switzerland, as it happens, is the gift that keeps
on giving. It was after a meeting with Swiss President Didier Burkhalter
that Vladimir Putin apparently decided not to dispatch some 40,000 Russian troops stationed at his border into Ukraine. A nonaligned ski resort nation famous for cuckoo clocks, chocolate, commodities traders,
tax havens, and banking secrecy laws managed to halt the Russian bear
in its tracks. We, on the other hand, passed a series of sanctions
against a few Kremlin officials and cronies and a handful of mid- to
low-level financial institutions, which were mostly laughed off. We also sent a few hundred soldiers into Poland,
Estonia, and other places as a minimum show of support for our NATO
allies, which fear they’ll be invaded by Russia next. These are the
allies, I should remind you, that had been telling us to worry about
Russia when I was telling Dmitry Medvedev that after my re-election his
boss wouldn’t have to worry about missile defense systems on some of
their territories.
The result?
Today Russia is isolated. Except of course in Germany, where Rheinmetall, a defense contractor, trained exactly the sort of Russian combat troops and special forces that seized Crimea in March and where 300,000 German jobs depend on exports to Russia. And except for in France, which just sold Putin two Mistral-class amphibious warships. And in Britain, where, thanks to the proliferation of pro-Kremlin oligarchs, Russian influence in the banking and energy sectors and its co-optation of Britain’s political and business classes have never been greater (SoRo: There are now more butlers in London than there were before WWI when the 'upstairs/downstairs' model was still de rigueur and firmly entrenched). It’s also not that isolated in China, which just inked a $400 billion gas deal with Moscow in one of those genuine pivots to Asia we keep hearing about.
But everywhere else: isolated.
As for Ukraine, its uncertain future is certain. The
government in Kiev has now to wrest control of its eastern and southern
regions from pro-Russian separatists and also more battle-hardened North Caucasian irregulars
who have turned up to replace the former. These fifth columnists, many
of whom are Russian nationals, have surface-to-air missiles with which
they’ve shot down Ukrainian helicopters. They’re also being supervised
by Russian military intelligence.
The best part is that we achieved all this without firing a shot ourselves. We didn’t even have to send things like
body armor, night vision goggles, helmets, Kevlar vests, and spare
tires to Ukraine’s embattled military (SoRo: We sent a few MREs). Joe Biden’s son, however, did join the board of Ukraine's largest private gas provider in a show of solidarity with the people of Maidan.
Let me now address a long-running debate in our foreign policy establishment by willfully misrepresenting it.
There exists today no serious person in punditry or
politics who believes that every crisis in the world demands an American
military response. But it’s a convenient canard to argue that such
people do exist, and that they are many and wrong. To these phantom
fanatics I say again: rarely have I seen the exercise of military power
provide a definitive answer to a bloody crisis. As someone who believes
that his uncle liberated Auschwitz, I know of which I speak.
John McCain does not want to send US troops into Syria. But I like to pretend that he does. My strategic communications
team in the White House spent literally minutes coming up with the
clever lie that conflated a variety of options for greater US
involvement in that country – sorry, there were no good options – with “boots on the ground.”
done the polling on this. No one wants to hear that phrase any more
than they do “shock and awe” or “mission accomplished.” So my
administration simply repeats it robotically on every Sunday morning talk show. This convinces Americans that intervention in Syria
means boots on the ground. Then we refer back to polls showing that
Americans are leery of intervention in Syria on exactly the false terms
we’ve laid out for them, to justify our non-interventionist policy.
Please remember the elegance of this political trick the next time
someone accuses us of incompetence.
True, this gambit hurt us a bit when we spent a few
weeks last fall pretending that we were going to bomb Assad’s military
installations, since we forced poor John Kerry to argue against our own
propaganda before Congress. But it has served us quite well ever since.
Reminding people of the Iraq
War is a convenient way of getting them to forget about a humanitarian
catastrophe which, absent any US soldiers, has claimed about a third the
lives of that conflict in a third the time but not quite as many lives
as the war in Congo. And why doesn’t anyone talk about Congo?
This would have been the ideal moment in my speech to
mention the triumph of steadfast diplomacy over war. An earlier draft
did indeed carry a reference to America’s multilateral effort to rid
Syria of its chemical weapons,
but since I wrote that draft, I’ve learned that Assad is keeping eight
percent of his precursor stocks and that he’s only dismantled five out
of 18 chemical weapons productions facilities, which means he can
manufacturing toxic gas
again someday if he likes. The Organization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons has been very polite about not declaring this deal to
be a dead-letter, but I hear it’s about to announce
that Syria will miss its June deadline for the complete elimination of
its chemical weapons program, a deadline which had been enshrined in one
of two UN Security Council resolutions we managed to pass on Syria
albeit with many Russian-built loopholes. Also, there are credible allegations that Assad is now dropping chlorine bombs on people.
History will bear witness to this missed deadline and to these chlorine bombs.
But I think it’s at least worth mentioning that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu counts this disarmament deal a success for Israel. And he hates me.
There were also those who advocated that training and
arming Syria’s rebels might have made a difference had we done it
earlier and more robustly. Such loose talk from people in offices in New
York and Washington and my former cabinet is dangerous. The fact is,
these rebels were wholly unknown to us for two years, then they were
known to us as farmers and engineers incapable of fighting a
conventional army. Now they’re known to us a bit, but not enough to be
trusted with the kind of surface-to-air missiles Putin is sending to his
rebels in Ukraine.
Even a few missiles could stop or deter Assad’s barrel bombs, but it’s
important to emphasize in this speech that nothing can stop those bombs
because some faraway problems are just too inexorable to do anything
Excuses can seem a lot like solemn wisdom when delivered in just the right tone of voice.
That said, I am, as you know, a reasonable pragmatist
devoid of the ideological trappings and tunnel vision that afflict my
critics on the left and the right. So I’ll tell you what. Let’s
compromise. Today I am asking Congress to authorize a $5 billion
counterterrorism partnerships fund to help us kill the Al-Qaeda we
missed with drones and JSOC teams and military occupations. Syria has
quite a lot of Al-Qaeda and since no one wants to see American lives
lost there defeating terrorism, we’ll use Syrian lives instead.
I will increase America’s support for the Syrian rebels
best capable of fighting terrorists and give them just enough materiel
to keep them from defeating the Assad regime. The rebels whom the CIA
lethargically trained in Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon will be now lethargically trained by the Pentagon in Jordan, Turkey,
and Lebanon. They will be America’s newest, but wholly expendable,
JSOCs in the Middle East. Everyone else in this country outsources, why
can’t the commander-in-chief?
This limited and specific program of support will also
ensure that the state institutions of Syria will be maintained because
while US-trained rebels are busy fighting terrorists, Assad, Hezbollah,
and Iran will consolidate more fallen terrain. They can then thank us later by getting down to the real business
of negotiating a political solution to the conflict, which I still
maintain is the best way forward for Syria even if both of its chief
arbiters, Kofi Annan and Lakhdar Brahimi, became quitters. The mullahs
will also be more amenable to singing a permanent deal on their nuclear
program if we let them control most, but not all, of Syria.
Will a political solution work now that we’ve ironed
out all the kinks? I’ll be honest. It’s 50/50. But there have been
encouraging signs. The CIA put out feelers to Hezbollah a while back by sharing intelligence
with it about radical Sunni groups in Lebanon. Iran’s President Rouhani
personally told me just how much that meant to him when we had a brief phone chat in September.
Does this reflect a shift or change in my strategy toward Syria? You will read tomorrow in the Washington Post and the New York Times
that I am making a “subtle” but “cautious” policy “adjustment.” I hope
that many lazy journalists will point out that this decision I’ve taken
is the yield of months of careful deliberation by a president who is not
a cowboy but is deeply, almost religiously, wary of US involvement in
other people’s civil wars. But it’s still, I hope they say, a sign of
I also sincerely hope that the headlines of the
articles that get written about this speech will more brazenly and
disingenuously suggest that I’ve finally seen the light and am going to
take the worst foreign policy
crisis of my presidency seriously. This will buy me time with the
annoying Syrian opposition and take the pressure off my friends in
liberal think tanks and in the Democratic National Committee who are starting to get nervous.
A long-awaited formula for success? It is for me, and I’m president.
May God bless our men and women in uniform. And may God bless the United States of America!
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