Found: Veteran Bernard Jordan has been found in Normandy after
travelling to France to mark the anniversary of D-Day. Above, the
89-year-old is pictured now (left) and during his time as a member of
the Royal Navy (right)
Read the story from the Daily Mail here.
Bernard Jordan?
Disobeyed orders in order to join his Band of Brothers during a time marking one of the most important battle in the world's worst ever war.
Bowe Bergdahl?
Disobeyed orders in order to desert and take off looking for the enemy during a time of war.
Pretty much says. it. all.

It also tells us a lot about contrasts Obama:
American-hating military deserters?
Obama bails him out and makes the worst trade in American history.
The Greatest Generation?
Obama closes down their open-air memorials and sends the Nationalsozialismus Park Service to harass and intimidate them.
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