Kaleidoscopic: The world's biggest bodypainting
event takes place this weekend at Lake Woerthersee in Austria's southern
Carinthia province

Would you Adam and Eve it? This model portrays
both the Biblical serpent and an alternative Eve as she poses during the
annual World Bodypainting Festival

Strike a pose: The jamboree attracts hundreds of artists, and photographers, from across the globe

Weird and wonderful: This woman is transformed into a living canvas

Living canvas: It took two artists to complete this candy shop-inspired design as they transformed their model with body paint

Work in progress: One artist affixes prosthetic make-up to her body to complete the nautical look

The design process: An artist paints a model during the annual World Bodypainting Festival in Poertschach

By land and sea: One brightly-painted model
resembles a colourful bird, while another artist has taken inspiration
from the sea with a nautical-themed costume

Scary stuff: Some of the impressive body art had a more sinister theme

From the Wild: Many artists were inspired by nature when choosing their creations

Drawing inspiration: Models were coated in an
array of bright body paint, with some taking inspiration from science
fiction or even sugary treats

Kaleidoscope of colour: One model clutches tubes of powdered paint to add even more colour to the proceedings

Out of this world: Both of these models looked
as if they had come to Austria from outer space as they used alien
costumes to complete their look

Read all about it: This model kept up to date with current affairs as he was coated in newspaper

Feeling fruity: Crowns of fruit topped off the models' looks as they posed for photographers

Crowning glory: The 200 artists, who hail from
44 countries, are all vying to be crowned winner and take home the
prestigious World Award

Flight of the bumblebee: This model accessorised a helmet and spear with a bee design emblazoned on her chest

Temptation: This design also took its inspiration from the Biblical story of Adam and Eve
1 comment:
Forgive me Sophie. But suddenly all I see is "The Crowing Beautiful Walls of Pompeii..."
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