The Church of Human Rights
By Peter Hitchens
Human Rights are the State religion of
Europe, the unpleasant new country in which we are now trapped. These
supposed rights have expelled and replaced Christianity. They have
shrunk the human conscience and vastly increased the power of the
That is why it was no
use anyone going to the Strasbourg Court to win back Christianity’s
lost status as the dominant faith of Britain. The Church has been
humiliated. Britain no longer exists.
you can now wear a cross while working for British Airways. But you
have that freedom because you are now just another protected minority,
which has no more rights or standing than other faiths, such as Atheism,
Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism or Hinduism.

British Airways employee Nadia Eweida celebrates
after the European Court of Human Rights ruled that she had suffered
discrimination at work because of her faith
In fact, the Christian religion
is worse off than all the others because it has to be constantly
reminded that it is not the national religion any more.
means regular slaps and humiliations of the kind handed out by
occupying powers to troublesome peoples not yet used to being
The most devastating of these was delivered two years ago by Lord Justice Laws, who personally humbled Lord Carey, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, before jeering at religious opinions as ‘irrational’.
The most devastating of these was delivered two years ago by Lord Justice Laws, who personally humbled Lord Carey, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, before jeering at religious opinions as ‘irrational’.
intoned: ‘The precepts of any one religion – any belief system –
cannot, by force of their religious origins, sound any louder in the
general law than the precepts of any other.’
I don’t like this judgment, but it is a deadly accurate statement of the position.
country’s official faith, as people are slowly discovering, is a code
of ideas called ‘Equality and Diversity’, based on several European
Directives but put into law in Britain mainly through the Equality Act
The continued
existence of a few rather wet bishops in the House of Lords, and various
other baubles and trinkets in odd corners of the constitution, means
nothing against the Equality and Diversity bulldozer, enacted by Harriet
Harman with the willing help of her Tory counterpart, Theresa May. Its
demands are written into the contracts of public employees, and
supported by the politically correct public-sector unions.
firms that do business with the State are roped in. So are (as we have
learned in recent years) the owners of small hotels and cafes, adoption
agencies, housing associations and councils that have prayers before
they meet.
It controls
thought and speech in a new post-modern way. Today’s liberal bigots
don’t crudely threaten to throw people in prison for saying things they
disapprove of. That might result in protests even from the increasingly
spineless people of this country. Instead, they menace our livelihoods.
Speak out and you lose your job, with little hope of ever getting
This is, of course,
tyrannical and brutal. But because it is not the Gestapo, the Stasi or
the Gulag, we don’t recognise it for what it is.
because it is done in the name of ‘Rights’ – which sound reassuring and
friendly – we do not realise that it is, in fact, a deep and shameful
wrong. And so it grows worse each day.
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