By Matt K Lewis
I know it's
premature. But as I watched President Barack Obama take the oath of
office for a second term on Monday, I couldn't help thinking that four
years from now, it'll probably be President-elect Marco Rubio's turn.
Why do I think Rubio is likely to be our next president? Because the
Florida senator has the vision, charisma, brains, and communications
skills to fix the problems that will no doubt linger long after Obama
has returned to Chicago.
Of course, this is not an entirely original observation. Four years
out, Rubio is already at the top of what many consider to be a strong
2016 Republican bench. His background and biography (he's the son of
Cuban immigrants) don't hurt. But Rubio is also a natural communicator.
He could be something special. He could be a pivotal leader, someone who
redefines the GOP for the 21st century.
"Senator Rubio is striving to develop language to update the American
story, to become a messenger from the future," author James Strock
tells me. This is high praise coming from the author of such books as Reagan on Leadership and Theodore Roosevelt on Leadership.
Here's my theory: Being elected president in the modern era requires
you to be a sort of rock star. A lot of conservatives don't like
this — they don't like the "cult of personality." But it's just a fact
of life.
The trend probably started with John F. Kennedy. And though it has
certainly skipped a few modern presidents, if you look at Reagan,
Clinton, and Obama, it's clear the messenger was special. These weren't
merely traditional pols who simply climbed the greasy pole of politics
by dispensing patronage jobs.
This is not to give the impression that leadership is superficial.
Winston Churchill was an inspiring and charismatic prime minister — and
he didn't exactly have Hollywood looks. Leadership is about vision and
character. It's also about persuasion and communication. The best
leaders challenge us to do big things.
Our society is facing a leadership crisis. If America now demands
charismatic presidents, the public is also yearning for someone who can
inspire and persuade. Everywhere we turn, we see a failure of leadership
and character. There is no escape. Lance Armstrong admits to
doping. Manti Te'o is duped by the bogus tale of a fake girlfriend. Even
our sports are tainted.
James MacGregor Burns introduced the concept of transformational leadership in his 1978 book Leadership.
While transactional leadership focuses on quid pro quo,
transformational leadership focuses on summoning us to our better
When politicians promise things to special interests — or divide the
electorate into coalitions they can do favors for — they are employing
transactional leadership. When congressmen are cajoled or bribed via
earmarks or committee assignments, they are doing the same. But when
leaders summon us to discover our most noble calling — to sacrifice for
something greater than our own personal interest — they are
transformational leaders.
While too many liberals pander to voters — and too many conservatives
believe stirring rhetoric is beneath them (preferring instead to get
mired in the wonky weeds or to spout tired talking points) — Rubio's
rhetoric is decidedly Reaganesque. "He is one of the best orators in the
GOP," says Reagan biographer Craig Shirley. "It is too early to say if
he will ever rival Reagan, but he has as good a chance as anyone."
Consider this excerpt from Rubio's speech at the Republican National Convention this summer:
That journey — that journey,
from behind that bar [his father was a bartender] to behind this podium,
goes to the essence of the American miracle. That we're exceptional,
not because we have more rich people here. We are special because dreams
that are impossible anywhere else, they come true here. ... The story of our time will be
written by Americans who haven't yet even been born. Let us make sure
they write that we did our part. That, in the early years of this new
century, we lived in an uncertain time, but we did not allow fear to
make us abandon what made us special.
Chris Christie can bully and berate, but can he make the hair on the back of your neck stand up? Paul Ryan knows budgets inside and out, but can he inspire? Bobby Jindal has the best résumé around, but can he make you want to run through a wall for him?
The verdict is still out on that. Maybe one of them, or somebody else, will rise to the occasion.
But words do matter. In this regard, President Obama was correct
when, during the 2008 primaries, he said — borrowing from Massachusetts
Gov. Deval Patrick — "Don't tell me words don't matter … I have a dream'
— just words. 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men
are created equal' — just words. 'We have nothing to fear but fear
itself' — just words."
It's undeniable that words are important. Words can summon men to do great things or even inspire a nation.
Don't tell me words don't matter. Marco Rubio has the words. He has
the charisma. He has the policy chops. And he has the personal story.
Watch out, Hillary. Come January 2017, America won't be inaugurating
its first female president. We'll be inaugurating our first Latino
Matt K. Lewis writes for The Daily Caller and co-hosts The DMZ on Bloggingheads.tv. Follow him on Twitter: @mattklewis.
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