"I’ve always meant to ask. Who is Alex Jones?"
tommy71 on February 17, 2013 at 11:19 PM
Alex Jones is a Troofer and believer in every conspiracy theory that
you’ve ever heard…and all of the ones that you have never heard. If you read or listen to him, you will see every kind of conspiracy theory discussed that you can imagine:
Staged moon landing?
The government destroyed the original Moon (Or was it Mars? Maybe, we should ask Sheila Jackson-Lee?) landing tapes?
No tapes of the moon landing could possibly exist because of the Van Allen Radiation Belts?
The The CIA, MIC, KGB, CuIS, NVA, FBI, Jewish Mafia, Marcello, LBJ,
Ed Clark, Billy Sol Estes, Clifton Carter, the Pentagon, USPHHS, Cutter
Labs, the Secret Service, DPD, Howard Hunt, L, Ron Hubbard, the Black
Panthers, SDS, PLO, Mossad, Morgus the Magnificient, Dr No, VRWC, Santa
Claus, Bugs Bunny, George Jetson, Morticia Addams, Cousin Itt, Uncle
Fester, Napoleon Solo, Illya Kullyakin, Phyllis Diller, the Rat Pack in
retaliation for giving Marilyn a lethal Seconal enema, Major Bennett
Marco, Raymond Shaw, Robert McNamara, John Seigenthaler, Sr., Mary Jo
Kopechne, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Micky Dolenz, Gary Powers, Elvis
Presley, KKK, NSDAP, and a draq queen named Lypsinka killed Kennedy?
9/11 was an inside job?
The government painted nanothermite into the WTC buildings back in
the early 1970s – when they were built – so that it could demolish them
30 years later as a pretext to removing Saddam Hussein’s WMD and steal
Iraq’s oil?
The globalists, Bilderbergers, CFRers, and Tri-Lats are spraying
people with chemicals through “chemtrails” so that they can control the
The government is using MK-ULTRA (mind-control) on the entire population?
Fluoridated water turns men into women and boys into girls?
The “New World Order” is plotting to depopulate the world population
by 90% after which the remaining proles will slave for the elite, who
will (through medical technology and organ harvesting — no doubt through
vivisection) turn into some sort of humanoid, computerised lizardmen
(OK, I threw in the lizardmen part), who will live forever —
transhumanism — snacking on the babies of the disgusting humans that are
worse than the lowest of cockroaches?
Sandy Hook was staged and no one died?
Jared Loughner and James Holmes are patsies of the CIA?
Charles Manson was an undercover agent of the government and the
globalists so that “Helter Skelter” (a race war) could commence, which
would destablise the society and give the president a reason to declare
martial law?
Rick Perry belongs to a secret cabal that is attempting to take over the world with him becoming the Supreme Leader?
The Bilderbergers feast on gold-encrusted, roasted newborns?
Ron Paul and his followers are the only “true cons”?
The Bohemian Grove is the site where politicians and world leaders,
including Ronald Reagan, met to engage in homosexual sex?
Spraying vinegar at the sky will “neutralise” and cause “chemtrails”
to disappear…in the exact same time that it takes contrails to
I can continue, but you probably get the point.
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