"Only Obama gets criticised for gas prices."
- Lois, McCain to David Gregory "Do You Care Whether 4 Americans Died?" 18 February 2013
Somebody needs a Whaaabulance and an education!
“The Republicans’ failed energy policy has taken us in the wrong
direction, leading to record gas prices that exceed $3 a gallon, record
oil prices of more than $78 a barrel, record oil profits that have
increased 32 percent, and record dependence on foreign oil.”
- Nancy Pelosi
- Nancy Pelosi
companies are tipping American families upside down and shaking money
out of their pockets and guess who is helping them? The Bush
Administration and this GOP Congress. Last week, a gallon of regular
gasoline averaged $2.93 nationally, which represents a $0.71 increase
over prices at the same time last year, and a whopping $1.66 increase
over the $1.26 charged for a gallon of regular gasoline when Bush took
- Rep Ed Markey (D-MA), 12 July 2006
- Rep Ed Markey (D-MA), 12 July 2006
"...I’m a little peeved when I hear the President say there’s not much
we can do about this, folks. According to the President (Bush), the
American people have got to understand that what happens elsewhere in
the world affects the price of gasoline that you pay here, but where is
his responsibility in all this? Five and a half years and we’re dealing
with these gas prices? It’s ridiculous."
- Meredith Vieira
- Meredith Vieira
"On energy, Americans were expecting a lot more from the president. He took a tiny baby step when a giant step is required."
- Sen Chuck Schumer, 1 September 2005
- Sen Chuck Schumer, 1 September 2005
"I think that… we have been slow to move in a
better direction when it comes to energy usage. And the president,
frankly, hasn’t had an energy policy. And as a consequence we’ve been
consuming energy as if it’s infinite. We now know that our demand is
badly outstripping supply with China and India growing as rapidly as
they are. I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The
fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good
thing. But if we take some steps right now to help people make the
adjustment, first of all by putting more money in their pockets, but
also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more
rapidly, particularly U.S. automakers…"
- Senator Barack Obama, 11 July 2008

Price for a gallon of regular:
July 2008. $4.10
gas. Bush lifts drilling ban.
August 2008. $3.74
September 2008. $3.65
October 2008. $2.66
November 2008: $2.07
December 2008: $1.66
January 2009: $1.84
February 2009: $1.96
March 2009: $1.91
April 2009: $2.06
May 2009: $2.44
June 2009: $2.67
July 2009: $2.61
August 2009: $2.64
September 2009: $2.59
October 2009: $2.49
November 2009: $2.67
December 2009: $2.60
January 2010: $2.67
February 2010: $2.65
March 2010: $2.75
April 2010: $2.86
Drilling ban goes into effect
May 2010: $2.79
June 2010: $2.70
July 2010: $2.75
August 2010: $2.75
September 2010: $2.72
October 2010: $2.82
November 2010: $2.87
December 2010: $3.05
January 2011: $3.08
February 2011: $3.48
March 2011: $3.57
April 2011: $3.88
May 2011: $3.91
June 2011: $3.65
July 2011: $3.70
August 2011: $3.60
September 2011: $3.66
October 2011: $3.46
November 2011: $3.37
December 2011: $3.23
January 2012: $3.44
February 2012: $3.72
March 2012: $3.93
April 2012: $3.92
May 2012: $3.73
June 2012: $3.62
July 2012: $3.61
August 2012: $3.56
September 2012: $3.62
October 2012: $3.86
November 2012: $3.39
December 2012: $3.60
January 2012: $3.32
February 2012: $3.73
Source: Consumer
Reports and The Lundberg Report
Sorry, Princess, but you are getting what you voted for when you elected and then reelected Obama! Enjoy!
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