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20 February 2013

Gun Control & Rape: Just Lie Back, Spread Your Legs, And Take One For The Gun Control Team??? No Thanks.

“Your missing the whole point. I dont hate women and the rapist dying is not the issue for me. The issue is that most rapes on college campuses are date rapes somehting that most women dont even report let alone would be willing bring out a gun and shoot. Most rapes on campuses are not violent rapes.”

Take it from me, date rape is as traumatic as “rape-rape.” Date rape does not mean the rapist brings flowers and candy. It merely means that the victim knows her perpetrator and was in his company when he decided to rape her.

Date rape is not without force unless the woman has been drugged. It can be every bit as violent as “stranger rape.” Even drunk women attempt to fight off their attackers.

In addition to knowing the perpetrator, the ONLY other difference from “rape-rape” is that women blame themselves more…and so does society. People – and the women themselves – ask whether they did something to “ask for it.” Nevertheless, remember that RAPE IS RAPE and don’t take my word for it. Just ask a Democrat, who argued this same point after Akin made his despicable statement.

You seems to believe that date rapes aren’t violent and are, somehow, not as bad as “stranger rapes.”

Most women are murdered by their partners, not strangers. Are their murders somehow less violent? The data would reflect that homicides committed because of emotion are usually very violent. It is why the murderers destroy their victims’ faces or cause them great suffering before they die.

It is really too bad that you cannot represent Oscar Pistorius. Reeva Steenkamp was shot 4 times and may have had her skull crushed with a cricket bat. If you were Pistorius’ counsel, you could argue that it wasn’t “murder-murder,” but instead it was “date-murder” – and ERYBUDDY NOES DAT BEING MURDERED BY SOMEONE YOU KNOW ISN’T AS BAD AS BEING MURDERED BY A COMPLETE STRANGER!!!


"Just another question..what happens when you put more guns in the hands of people who are already aggressive? If there are men on campus already capable of raping without a gun, who says they won’t find it easier to be more aggressive if they are allowed to carry guns on campus? Do we want to make it easier on these men to be more violent? More rapes at gunpoint now?"

No, I want the woman to be able to shoot the MoFo dead. I believe women are smart and responsible enough to defend themselves without "shooting up the place."

On the other hand, you are concerned that a rapist might get shot. You would deprive women of their right to defend themselves.


Once again, Raul, proves my long-held belief:

Progs are only "pro-choice" when it comes to uteri, recti, and pot.

Just don't ask for a gun to defend your vajayjay, uterus, rectum, the rest of your body, mind and soul.

By the way, were you the President of your college chapter of "Save Our Rapists!!!"?

"Democrats have the Women Vote.  A woman's body a woman's choice...  Keep yer filthy GOP gorilla paws OFF of them!"

Neither Representative Salazar nor Representative Ulibarri are Republicans.  They are both Democrats.

Now, let's look at rape statistics, shall we?


Total males:   176,153,563

Whites, including Hispanics:   146,990,102  (83.4%)

White: 120,546,891  (68.4%)

Hispanic males:  26,443,211  (15%)

African-American males:  19,463,223  (11.1%)

American Indian/Native Eskimo males: 1,928,752  (1.1%)

Asian or Pacific Islander:   7,771,486  (4.4%)

Note:  I am dividing white males and Hispanic males solely based on their proportional representation of the population.  The statistics do not separate the number of white males and Hispanic males arrested for forcible rape.  The Hispanic rate is probably higher in cities and metropolitan areas and the white rate in probably higher in the suburbs and non-metropolitan counties because of the where the 2 races tend to live.

[12,023 agencies; 2011 estimated male population 238,952,977]

Forcible rape arrests in 2011:  14,611

White, including Hispanics:  9,497  (65%)

White:   7,788  (53.3%)   [9,497 * 82%]

Hispanics:  1,710  (11.7%)   [9,497 * 18%]

African-Americans:  4,807  (32.9%)

American Indian/Native Eskimo:  175  (1.2%)

Asian or Pacific Islander:  132  (0.9%)


White males are 68.4% of the male population, but comprise 53.3% of all forcible rape arrests.

Hispanic males are 18% of the male population, but comprise 11.7% of all forcible rape arrests.

African-American males are 11.1% of the male population, but comprise 32.9% of all forcible rape arrests.

American Indian/Native Eskimo males are 1.1% of the male population, but comprise 1.2% of all forcible rape arrests.

Asian or Pacific Islander males are 4.4% of the male population, but comprise only 0.9% of all forcible rape arrests.

So, GAP, who is punching above their weight and for whom did they overwhelmingly vote in 2008 and 2012?

[8,791 agencies; 2011 estimated population 163,760,401]

Forcible rape arrests in total:   10,787

White, including Hispanics:  6,494  (60.2%) 

White:  5,325  (49.4%)   [6,494 * 82%]
Hispanic:  1,349  (12.5%)   [6,494 * 18%]
African-Americans:  4,067  (37.7%)

American Indian/Native Eskimo:  119  (1.1%)

Asian or Pacific Islander: 1.0%  (108)


White males are 68.4% of the male population, but comprise 49.4% of all forcible rape arrests in cities.

Hispanic males are 15% of the male population, but comprise 12.5% of all forcible rape arrests in cities.

African-American males are 11.1% of the male population, but comprise 37.7% of all forcible rape arrests in cities.

American Indian/Native Eskimo males are 1.1% of the male population, but comprise 1.1% of all forcible rape arrests in cities.

Asian or Pacific Islander males are 4.4% of the male population, but comprise only 1.0% of all forcible rape arrests in cities.

So, GAP, who is punching above their weight and for whom did they overwhelmingly vote in 2008 and 2012?

[1,280 agencies; 2011 estimated population 51,699,773]

Forcible rape arrests in total:   2,420

White, including Hispanics:  1,839  (76.0%)

White:  1,508  (62.3%)  [1,839 *  82%]

Hispanic:  331  (13.7%)  [1,839 * 18%]

African-Americans: 559  (23.1%)

American Indian/Native Eskimo:  12  (0.5%)

Asian or Pacific Islander:  12  (0.5%)


White males are 68.4% of the male population, but comprise 62.3% of all forcible rape arrests in metropolitan counties.

Hispanic males are 18% of the male population, but comprise 13.7% of all forcible rape arrests in metropolitan counties.

African-American males are 11.1% of the male population, but comprise 23.1% of all forcible rape arrests in metropolitan counties.

American Indian/Native Eskimo males are 1.1% of the male population, but comprise 0.5% of all forcible rape arrests in metropolitan counties.

Asian or Pacific Islander males are 4.4% of the male population, but comprise only 0.5% of all forcible rape arrests in metropolitan counties.

So, GAP, who is punching above their weight and for whom did they overwhelmingly vote in 2008 and 2012?

Forcible Rape Arrests in Non-Metropolitan Counties by Race in 2011:

[1,952 agencies; 2011 estimated population 23,492,803] 

Forcible rape arrests in total:   1,404

White, including Hispanics:  1,177  (83.8%)

White:  965  (68.7%)  [1,177 * 82%]
Hispanic:   212  (15.1%)  [1,177 * 18%]
African-Americans: 190  (13.5%)

American Indian/Native Eskimo: 35  (2.5%)

Asian or Pacific Islander:  3  (0.2%)


White males are 68.4% of the male population, but comprise 68.9% of all forcible rape arrests in non-metropolitan areas.

Hispanic males are 15% of the male population, but comprise 15.1% of all forcible rape arrests in non-metropolitan areas.

African-American males are 11.1% of the male population, but comprise 13.5% of all forcible rape arrests in non-metropolitan areas.

American Indian/Native Eskimo males are 1.1% of the male population, but comprise 2.5% of all forcible rape arrests in non-metropolitan areas.

Asian or Pacific Islander males are 4.4% of the male population, but comprise only 0.2% of all forcible rape arrests in non-metropolitan areas.

So, GAP, who is punching above their weight and for whom did they overwhelmingly vote in 2008 and 2012?


[6,522 agencies; 2011 estimated population 104,263,328]

Forcible rape arrests in total:  4,980
White, including Hispanics:  3,635  (73.0%)

White:  2,981  (59.9%)  [3,635  * 82%]

Hispanic:  654  (13.1%)  [3,635  * 18%]

African-Americans:  1,285  (25.8%) 

American Indian/Native Eskimo:  25  (0.5%)

Asian or Pacific Islander:  40  (0.8%)


White males are 68.4% of the male population, but comprise 59.9% of all forcible rape arrests in suburban areas.

Hispanic males are 15% of the male population, but comprise 13.1% of all forcible rape arrests in suburban areas.

African-American males are 11.1% of the male population, but comprise 25.8% of all forcible rape arrests in suburban areas.

American Indian/Native Eskimo males are 1.1% of the male population, but comprise 0.5% of all forcible rape arrests in suburban areas.

Asian or Pacific Islander males are 4.4% of the male population, but comprise only 0.8% of all forcible rape arrests in suburban areas.

An American woman is 10 times more likely to be raped than to die in a car crash, but don't worry, they will have their vomit, urine, bloody Tampax, whistle and ballpoint pen!

While about 80% of all victims are white, minorities are somewhat more likely to be attacked.  

Lifetime rate of rape/attempted rape (women): 

* All: 17.6% (approx. 1 in 5) 

* White: 17.7% 

* Black: 18.8% 

* Asian.Pacific Islander: 6.8% 

* Am. Indian/Alaskan: 34.1% 

* Mixed Race: 24.4%

But, don't worry!  There's no historical parallel of Democrats disarming African-Americans.  None at all.  Oh, wait...

 "It is reported that in some parts of this State (South Carolina and throughout the South), armed parties are without proper authority, engaged in seizing all fire-arms found in the hands of the freedmen. Such conduct is in clear and direct violation of their personal rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, which declares that 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'"

- Union General Rufus Saxton reporting to the U.S.Congress, 1870


Below $25,000:  The annual income level at which the rape/sexual assault per 100,000 is significantly greater than those with incomes greater than that amount.

Less Than $7,500:  The annual income level at or below women have the greatest risks of rape/sexual assault.

$15,000-24,999 and $7,500-14,999:  The income levels where rape/sexual assault rates are no greater for African-American women, who earn less than $7,500 annually.

Don't take my word for it either "Rape and Race: We Have to Talk About It" by MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry. 

But, don't worry!  No one will ever accuse you of depriving the indigent, working class and middle class of the tool that they can use to defend themselves!!!  It's only right that the wealthy - and criminals - possess guns!


UK (England and Scotland only) estimated forcible rapes: 78,000 in a population of 56,075,912

US estimated forcible rapes: 83,425 in a population of 311,591,917

Source: FBI & UK Ministry of Justice, Home Office and Office for National Statistics


How's that national "gun-free zone" working out for the women of the UK?

Related Reading:

Gun Control By The Numbers
Gun Control Is Quintessentially Anti-American And Racist
The AWB or CCW Laws:  Which Has Had More Of An Impact On The Murder Rate?

Gun Control:  Well, The Trouble With Our Gun-Grabbing 'Friends' Is Not That They Are Ignorant, But That They Know So Much That Isn’t So.

Gun Bans:  Mad Dogs And Englishmen

Black Religious Leaders:  Gun Control Is All About Controlling People

Gun Control & Rape:  Just Lie Back, Spread Your Legs, And Take One For The Gun Control Team???  No Thanks.

After The "Toughest" Gun Law, Gun Crime Rose

Gun Control?  Surprise!  Europeans, Like Americans, Resist Any Gun Ban

Ask An "Educated" Gungrabber:  Who's More Dangerous -  An American Woman With An Ar-15 Or A Nazi WIth A Sturmgewehr in 1942?

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