Fund Your Utopia Without Me.™

28 February 2013

"Father of the Prius": Electric Cars Will NEVER Be Viable

By Wynton Hall

Hybrid car pioneer and “father of the Prius” Takeshi Uchiyamada says the billions poured into developing battery electric vehicles have ultimately been in vain.

 "Because of its shortcomings--driving range, cost and recharging time--the electric vehicle is not a viable replacement for most conventional cars. We need something entirely new."

- Takeshi Uchiyamada, in an interview with Reuters

 Uchiyamada’s comments come as the U.S. Department of Energy announced Thursday that the government is backing off President Barack Obama’s promise to put one million electric cars on American roads by 2015. As Breitbart News reported last September, there are just 30,000 electric cars on American roads.

"Whether we meet that goal in 2015 or 2016, that's less important than that we're on the right path to get many millions of these vehicles on the road," said an Energy Department official.

President Obama made promotion of electric vehicles a key component of his green initiative. Last September, the Congressional Budget Office reported that federal policies to prop up and promote electric cars will cost taxpayers $7.5 billion through 2019. 

Several of the electric car companies Obama has funneled taxpayer funds to have floundered. U.S. electric battery maker A123 Systems, which received a $249 million taxpayer-funded government loan, announced last year its decision to sell a controlling stake to Wanxiang, a Chinese company, for $450 millionSimilarly, lithium-ion battery manufacturer Ener1, Inc., which received a $118.5 million taxpayer-funded grant, filed for bankruptcy. And another company, Aptera Motors, has already folded.

“The electric car, after more than 100 years of development and several brief revivals, still is not ready for prime time--and may never be,” concludes Reuters

Pic of the Day: Il Douche

Gay Islamist Hardliner Is New Tunisian Prime Minister

Actual frame from the sex tape

By Daniel Greenfield

Tunisia is where the Arab Spring began when a Muslim man full of sexist fury at being slapped by a female police officer set himself on fire. From such glorious beginnings, the Arab Spring spread across the region bringing Islamist victories with it.

The Islamist Ennahdha Party took Tunisia but then faced a major backlash as the Salafists began terrorizing the country with the apparently complicity of the government.

Labor riots turned violent and bloody as fighting between liberals and Islamists broke out across the country. Now Jebali, who was bad enough, has resigned and is being replaced by Islamist hardliner Ali Laarayedh.

Ali Laarayedh was the Minister of the Interior and was therefore held responsible for the the  brutal crackdown on labor protesters. While Ennahdha pretended to be interested in reconciling with liberals, the elevation of a thug like Ali Laarayedh sends another sort of message entirely. And the message is that the Islamists will continue to engage in the violent suppression of Tunisians who want a free country.

But violent crackdowns on protesters is not all that Ali is known for. Aside from his undistinguished tenure as Minister of the Interior, when he accidentally or deliberately allowed the Salafist attack on the US embassy to take place, Ali was caught up in a gay scandal when a videotape was released of him having sex with another man while in prison.

UPDATE: Multiple comments have come in from Tunisia claiming that Ali Laarayedh is “a gay”, “not a guy and honor man”, that the video tape was fake, that the video shows Ali being raped, that Ali was drugged at the time and that Ali was not gay, but his gay sex partner was.

Finally there is this message from Free Tunisian:

Now I feel just like Sally Field.

SoRo:  What's the over/under on his remaining days on earth?


National Debt:

Debt 01.20.09: $10.627T 

Debt 02.27.13: $16.607T 

Increase: $5.980T 

%chg: +56.3%  in 1,469 days


01.20.09: $6.307T

02.27.13: $11.747T

Increase: $5.44T

%chg: +86.25% in 1,469 days

Related Reading:

As The Debt Star Looms, The Chicken Littles Scream "The Sequester Is Nigh!!!"

Exempted From Sequester:  Obama's Salary & Most Of His Strawmen!

Lessons From Canada's 10% Across-The-Board Spending Cuts 

Oh, The Humanity!  However Will We Survive With The 9% Cut To The Budget Of A Non-Existing Programme?

What You Need To Know About The Sequester... 

'Toon of the Day:  The Life of Pie 

The Sequester Revelation:  Obama Has The Power To Avoid Spending-Cut Damage 

Obama Values:  Sequester or Vacay

Ship of Fools:  Federal Spending Increases In The Last Dozen Years

'Toon of the Day 2:  Obama's Sequesteria!

'Toon of the Day 2: Obama's Sequesteria!

Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy


'Toon of the Day 1: The Gungrabbers' Arguments Reduced To One Word

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Gungrabbers -> Emotions

Everyone else -> Facts and the Law

The Sequester Revelation: Obama Has The Legal Power To Avoid Spending-Cut Damage

From the WSJ:

And when the Republicans opened the seventh seal of the sequester, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black and the stars fell unto the Earth; and our nation's ability to forecast severe weather, such as drought events, hurricanes and tornadoes, was seriously undermined. Lo, and the children were not vaccinated, and all the beasts starved in the zoos, and the planes were grounded.

Or so President Obama and his Cabinet prophets have been preaching ahead of the automatic budget cuts due to begin Friday. The bit about the weather is a real quote from the White House budget director.

But if any of these cataclysms do come to pass, then they will be mostly Mr. Obama's own creation. The truth is that the sequester already gives the White House the legal flexibility to avoid doom, if a 5% cut to programs that have increased more than 17% on average over the Obama Presidency counts as doom.

According to Mr. Obama and his budget office, the sequester cuts are indiscriminate and spell out specific percentages that will be subtracted from federal "projects, programs and activities," or PPAs. Except for the exemptions in the 2011 budget deal, the White House says it must now cut across the board regardless of how important a given PPA is. Food inspectors, say, will be treated the same as subsidies for millionaire farmers.

Not so fast. Programs, projects and activities are a technical category of the federal budget, but the sequester actually occurs at the roughly 1,200 broader units known as budget accounts. Some accounts are small, but others contain hundreds of PPAs and the larger accounts run to billions of dollars. For the Pentagon in particular, the distinction between PPAs and accounts is huge. This means in most cases the President has the room to protect his "investments" while managing the fiscal transition over time.

Congress might have intended for the sequester to apply to PPAs, but they also wrote a sloppy law at the 11th hour. The Budget Control Act of 2011 disinterred the lapsed sequester rules of the Gramm-Rudman Deficit Control Act of 1985, though without anyone looking at the details.

Gramm-Rudman said the sequester applies to accounts, not PPAs, under a temporary "part-year" budget. As it happens the government is operating under just such a continuing resolution now, not a normal appropriations bill. If Congress returned to regular order in 2014 or later, the sequester would indeed trickle down to PPAs.

The White House has even more discretion than this. When Gramm-Rudman led to a 4.3% sequester in 1986, Congress passed a special bill that created the category of PPAs and spent 1,119 pages defining what they were for 1986. Congress has never done anything of the sort since, and thus as the government has grown PPA definitions now vary among Cabinet departments and sometimes even account to account in the same department.

Lacking legislation, the White House assigns these amorphous units in its annual budget. Even if the lawyers insisted the sequester must apply to "PPAs" per se, the budgeteers could formally construe PPAs in ways that preserve a work-around.

This White House has never been fussy when a statutory text or even the Constitution interferes with its political ambitions. (See ObamaCare, immigration executive orders, recess appointments and much else.) Could it be that Mr. Obama is exaggerating the legal stringency of the sequester in a gambit to force Congress to shut it off?

In any case, Republicans in Congress are prepared to give Mr. Obama still more spending flexibility than he already has to mitigate any damage, real or imagined. One option is to lock in spending at post-sequester levels and grant department heads so-called transfer authority to shift cash between accounts, after consultation with the committees on the Hill.

Mr. Obama ought to love that, since it is precisely the administrative state he says he wants—the rule of technocrats who evaluate budget priorities without political interference. But liberals are now howling about more liberal executive power because this plan would also very modestly reduce the size of government.

It would also negate Mr. Obama's days-of-wrath sequester campaign. To wit:

If air traffic control and airport security really are the models of government efficiency that anyone who has ever traveled knows they are not, perhaps Homeland Security could begin by targeting some of the programs identified by Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn this week. These include necessities such as grants for a security conference in San Diego that featured "zombie apocalypse training" or funds for towns like Keene, New Hampshire (pop. 23,000) to purchase armored tank-like vehicles called Bearcats. Seriously.

Before furloughing park rangers, maybe start with the 10% of the 75,000 Department of the Interior employees who are conserving the wilderness of Washington, D.C. Before slashing cancer research, stop funding the $130-million-a-year National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine that studies herbs and yoga. Cut after-school funding only after consolidating the 105 federal programs meant to encourage kids to take math and science classes.

Neither the legal details of the sequester nor the practical work of reforming government are as interesting to the media as Mr. Obama's invocations of plagues and pestilence. The real revelation is that if the world does end, it will be Mr. Obama's choice.

SoRo:  Of course, Mr Obama's real goal isn't to reach a deal or to avoid catastrophe.  His real intention is to inflict as much pain on the American people and make sure that they blame the Republicans.  He wants no opposition.  He wants to be seen as the man, who is without blame, who has the only "common sensical" plan, who is a healer and uniter, who is "fighting for the little guy against the wealthy, entrenched, special interests," and who is the last, great hope for all mankind.  

He thrives amidst chaos.  It was the environment in which he grew up as a child.  His idea of "normalcy" is an anathema to most of us.  He must continuously agitate for several reasons:  1) it keeps everyone else off balance; 2) it allows him to do what he could not otherwise do; 3) while people are focusing on one hand, the other hand is moving on something else; and, most injuriously, 4) it grinds and wears the people down to the point when they just throw up their hands and say, "Just do whatever you want.  We just cannot take it anymore."

Novices will say that this is "The Rules For Radicals."  Those with a more learned eye on history will recognise many traits and beliefs shared with Louis XIV, Robespierre, Cromwell, Marat, Galton, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Hegel, Sartre, Marx, Engels, Eckart, Haushofer,  Lenin,  Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Ho Chi Minh, Popper and many others.

The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence: Violence Is Lower In Right-To-Carry States

In 1986:

The homicide rate was 8.3 and the violent crime rate was 620.1 per 100,000 inhabitants.

As to Concealed Carry Laws (CCLs):

1 state had UNRESTRICTED laws.
18 states had SHALL ISSUE laws.
26 states had MAY ISSUE laws.
15 states had NO ISSUE laws.

In 1987:

The homicide rate was 8.6 and the violent crime rate was 609.7 per 100,000 inhabitants.

As to Concealed Carry Laws (CCLs):

1 state had UNRESTRICTED laws.
9 states had SHALL ISSUE laws.
24 states had MAY ISSUE laws.
16 states had NO ISSUE laws.

In 1990:

The homicide rate was 9.4 and the violent crime rate was 731.8 per 100,000 inhabitants.

As to Concealed Carry Laws (CCLs):

1 state had UNRESTRICTED laws.
15 states had SHALL ISSUE laws.
20 states had MAY ISSUE laws.
14 states had NO ISSUE laws.

In 1994:

The homicide rate was 9.0 and the violent crime rate was 713.6 per 100,000 inhabitants.

As to Concealed Carry Laws (CCLs):

1 state had UNRESTRICTED laws.
20 states had SHALL ISSUE laws.
17 states had MAY ISSUE laws.
12 states had NO ISSUE laws.

In 1998:

The homicide rate was 6.3 and the violent crime rate was 566.4 per 100,000 inhabitants.

As to Concealed Carry Laws (CCLs):

1 state had UNRESTRICTED laws.
30 states had SHALL ISSUE laws.
17 states had MAY ISSUE laws.
7 states had NO ISSUE laws.

In 2002:

The homicide rate was 5.6 and the violent crime rate was 494.4 per 100,000 inhabitants.

As to Concealed Carry Laws (CCLs):

2 state had UNRESTRICTED laws.
31 states had SHALL ISSUE laws.
11 states had MAY ISSUE laws.
7 states had NO ISSUE laws.

In 2009:

The homicide rate was 5.0 and the violent crime rate was 431.9 per 100,000 inhabitants.

As to Concealed Carry Laws (CCLs):

2 state had UNRESTRICTED laws.
37 states had SHALL ISSUE laws.
9 states had MAY ISSUE laws.
2 states had NO ISSUE laws.

In 2011:

The homicide rate was 4.7 and the violent crime rate was 386.3 per 100,000 inhabitants.

As to Concealed Carry Laws (CCLs):

4 state had UNRESTRICTED laws.
37 states had SHALL ISSUE laws.
8 states had MAY ISSUE laws.
1 states had NO ISSUE laws. (and Illinois' law was struck down as unconstitutional in 2012)

Shorter URL:

The Stones: Put Your Teeth In And Get Some 'Satisfaction'

They do a butt-kicking two-hour show that does not rely on special effects, aside from Mick Jagger's pants, which are the smallest pants I have ever seen on a grown man. They look like he got them in the Toy's 'R' Us Barbie section, from a box labeled 'Rock Star Ken.'

By Dave Barry, 24 November 2002

RECENTLY I ATTENDED a Rolling Stones concert. This is something I do every two decades. I saw the Stones in the 1960s, and again in the 1980s. I plan to see them next in the 2020s, then the 2040s, and then the 2060s, at their 100th anniversary concert.

By then, of course, I will be a very old man with no working organs. But I'm sure medical science will figure out a way to get me to a Stones concert. Maybe I'll be just a head, with no body, kept alive in a Plexiglas container carried around by an attendant. When the Stones play, I'll express my excitement by instructing my attendant to dance with the attendant who is holding the head of the baby boomer next to me.

I have no doubt that the Stones will still be playing decades from now. They're amazing physical specimens. I mean, they're basically 60-year-old men, but when you see them up close, they look, incredibly, more like 90-year-old men, except for Keith Richards, who looks like a giant iguana that has learned to walk erect and play guitar.

Keith is not a health nut. His idea of taking care of his body is to occasionally play an entire song without smoking a cigarette. He has very deep facial creases: You expect at any moment to see a prairie dog poke its head out of his face, blink at the lights, then duck down again. Keith would not notice this. I'm pretty sure the Stones have a guy on a walkie-talkie somewhere, transmitting to Keith's earpiece, reminding him to blink.

The other Stones look healthier than Keith, but then, so does the late Chairman Mao. This is not a pretty-boy band. If they've had any plastic surgery, it was apparently done at Home Depot.

But their looks don't matter, nor does the fact that they have ear hairs older than Britney Spears. What matters is that, in clear violation of the laws of biology, the Stones are still performing, and they're really good. They do a butt-kicking two-hour show that does not rely on special effects, aside from Mick Jagger's pants, which are the smallest pants I have ever seen on a grown man. They look like he got them in the Toy's 'R' Us Barbie section, from a box labeled "Rock Star Ken." 

The Stones also do not engage in elaborate choreography, nor do they lip-sync, unless you count when Keith Richards and Ron Wood puff on their cigarettes simultaneously. What the Stones do, really well, is play instruments, unlike these so-called (warning, warning: old-fossil rant coming) "bands" you see today where some guy is fussing with a turntable and carrying on as though this is a display of virtuoso musical skill, instead of what it actually is, which is a guy operating a record player. What's next? "Musicians" changing stations on a radio? "Musicians" operating toaster-ovens? This is not musicianship! This is craugh cough cough carrgle (sound of dentures being ejected).

Sorry. My point is that the Stones may be old, but, consarn it, they can still play.

 They sound as good to me today as they did in 1965, when I used to cruise slowly past Pleasantville High School -- I had to cruise slowly, because I was driving my mom's Plymouth Valiant station wagon, which boasted roughly the same top speed as a parking meter -- with the radio blasting "Satisfaction," which in 1965 seemed to be coming out of every radio all the time, even if the radio was turned off.  

If you can remember 1965, you would have fit right in at the Stones concert. It was an older crowd, a crowd that would not enter a mosh pit unless there was reserved seating. The guy in front of me -- long white hair, ponytail -- held his cell phone in his right hand for the entire concert. While his left hand was thrusting into the air in time to the music, his right thumb was pressing phone buttons. Rock and roll! 

Also on hand were the guys who go to every concert I go to and always manage to sit near me, including the guy who whistles really loud pretty much nonstop, and the guy who has 11 beers and feels the need to give everybody around him a violent high-five at least twice per song, which means you have to high-five him back, or there will be nothing to stop his hand from slamming into your face. 

But I'm not complaining. It was a great concert, and the Stones are an inspiration to all of us older people who still want to "get down," insofar as this is possible with artificial hips. So to the Stones I say: Thank you.

And to Keith, I say: Blink.


The Beatles: All You Need Is Love And Some Wicked, Digital Wizardry

27 February 2013

Woodward Threat: How Far Will Some On The Left Go To Protect Their Dear Leader? So Far As To Suggest That Nixon Was A Victim.

Methinks the Left may be worried if they are having to resort to suggesting that Nixon was a victim.

Next up from the Left: Woodward is worse than Nixon, Bush, McCarthy, and Whittaker Chambers...COMBINED.


'Toon of the Day: The Life of Pie

Res ipsa loquitur.

Bless Her Heart, Donna Brazile Opts For The Double-Scoop Of Stupidity

Hmmm, if she is really worried about "price gauging," perhaps, one of those Obama tyre gauges will help.

Of course, if she is concerned about price gouging, an Oxford dictionary would probably be more helpful.

Is it sinful to have three servings of Schadenfreude in one day?