M2RB: "Don't Crime For Me, Argentian! by Madonna
Don't cry for me, Amerika. The truth is I never loved you
All through my wild days...Even in mad existence
I could understand that I needed your votes.
Everyone could see you were no more than the hoi polloi
So, please, keep your distance..you might be contagious.
And as for fortune, and as for fame. It won at it, this little game
I never invited them in nor slammed their door
Though it seemed to the world
They were all I desired
(and, you were only partially right)
They are illusions "because I could give youAll of my wealth, but I won't." They are not the solutions they promised to be because lacking power they are nothing. The answer was here all the time...and it is P-O-W-E-R! I love you and hope you that you always vote for me. At least, 5 times, along with every 5 people you know
Don't cry for me, Amerika.
They are not the solutions they promised to be because lacking power they are nothing. The answer was here all the time...and it is P-O-W-E-R! I love you and, if you stick with me, I promise that
Something with trickle down to you
Don't cry for me, Amerika.
Job opening for Obama: Raul Castro announces retirement in 5 years. Obama para “el Presidente para la vida!”
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
#NextMichelleObamaAppearance Reprising Norma Shearer’s performance in
Marie Antoinette with alt end. She’s proclaimed: La Reine pour la vie
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
Raul Castro 2 retire in 5 years. #ObamaAfterRaul #ObamaDespuésRaul Golf weather & UHC!
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
According to an article in the Chicago Tribune in 2006, Michelle Obama's compensation at the University of Chicago Hospital, where she was a vice president for community affairs, "inexplicably" jumped from $121,910 in 2004 -- that would be before Obama was elected to the Senate -- to $316,962 in 2005 -- that would be just after he took office. By the way, the hospital never filled the position of "vice president for community affairs" after Michelle Obama left to join the presidential campaign of her husband, which is unsurprising since it had created the job for her. Getting back to the money that the "poor, struggling" Michelle Antoinette had to scrimp and save to spend on piano and ballet lessons, the $316,962 in 2005 does not count the money that she received from serving on numerous corporate boards. As a Senator, Barack Obama was paid a mere $162,100 by the U.S. taxpayers. In other words, she didn't need Barack, Jack, Jack's jack, or Jack's magic beans. “Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula? I mean, they’re charging a lot of money for this stuff.”
- Senator Barack Obama, 2007
“Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they
charge for arugula? I mean, they’re charging a lot of money for this
- Senator Barack Obama, 2007
The Omperor's New Clothes
“And then there’s the woman who once me advised me at the law firm in
Chicago where we met. Once, uh, she gave me very good advice. That’s why
I decided to marry her. And once Michelle and I had our girls, she gave
it her all to balance raising a family and pursuing a career.

And something that, could be very difficult on her, because I was gone a lot. Once I was in the state legislature, I was teaching, I was practicing law, I’d be traveling. And we didn’t have the luxury for her not to work. And I know when she was with the girls she’d feel guilty that she wasn’t giving enough time to her work, and when she was at work, she was feeling guilty she wasn’t giving enough time for the girls. And like many of you, we both wish there were machines that could let us be in two places at once.”

And something that, could be very difficult on her, because I was gone a lot. Once I was in the state legislature, I was teaching, I was practicing law, I’d be traveling. And we didn’t have the luxury for her not to work. And I know when she was with the girls she’d feel guilty that she wasn’t giving enough time to her work, and when she was at work, she was feeling guilty she wasn’t giving enough time for the girls. And like many of you, we both wish there were machines that could let us be in two places at once.”
- President Barack Obama, April 2012
“It’s a constant sense of guilt. It’s guilt, feeling guilty all the time. I’m fine, because I have a strong informal support network. I have a
mother who lives five minutes from me. I don’t know what I would do,
even if we weren’t running, I don’t know what I would do as a
professional without having that kind of support system. So that keeps
me sane. I know we’re spending — I added it up for the first time — we spend
between the two kids, on extra-curriculars outside the classroom, we’re
spending about $10,000 a year on piano and dance and sports supplements
and so on and so forth. And summer programs. That’s the other huge
cost. Barack is saying, ‘Whyyyyyy are we spending that?’ And I’m saying,
‘Do you know what summer camp costs?We don’t complain because we’ve got resources because of our education. We’ve got family structure. So I tell people, 'DON'T CRY FOR ME.'
The salaries don’t keep up with the cost of paying off the debt, so
you’re in your 40s, still paying off your debt at a time when you have
to save for your kids.“Barack and I were in that position. The only reason we’re not in
that position is that Barack wrote two best-selling books… It was like
Jack and his magic beans. But up until a few years ago, we were
struggling to figure out how we would save for our kids. We left
corporate America, which is a lot of what we’re asking young people to
do. Don’t go into corporate America. You know, become teachers. Work
for the community. Be social workers. Be a nurse. Those are the careers
that we need, and we’re encouraging our young people to do that. But if
you make that choice, as we did, to move out of the money-making
industry into the helping industry, then your salaries respond."
"So I tell people, 'DON'T CRY FOR ME.'"
- Michelle Obama, Zanesville, Ohio, February 2008
"Don't Cry For Me Argentina" Madonna
And, I choose central-planning, wealth distribution,
It won't be easy, you'll think it strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your love after all that I've done to you.
I cannot even promise to change.
You won't believe me, at first, I understand
All you will see is a glimpse of a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nine thousands
And, you still don your weathered housedresses,
I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun
That I still need your love after all that I've done to you.
I cannot even promise to change.
You won't believe me, at first, I understand
All you will see is a glimpse of a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nine thousands
And, you still don your weathered housedresses,
I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun
So I choose the high life, men, and mon(ey)
And, I choose central-planning, wealth distribution,
Tried everything even confiscation,
But nothing impressed me at all
I never expected to live without $1,600 per ounce kobe beef
And oodles of bubbly.
Yet, failure to put the collective needs has been apparent:
When we instituted price controls, rather than stabalising prices,
The prices of kobe, champagne, courtier, etc. sharpened
Until scarcity abounded for the little folks.
When we increase price supports, unemployment fell
And country fell into disrepair.
Finally, we order the Cental Banco to up qualitative easy.
And, guess what happened?
Unemployment is now into the 40s and even milk is scarce;
Unemployment is now into the 40s and even milk is scarce;
Don't cry for me, Amerika.
The truth is I never loved you
All through my wild days...Even in mad existence
I could understand that I needed your votes.
Everyone could see you were no more than the hoi polloi
So, please, keep your distance..you might be contagious.
And as for fortune, and as for fame
It won at it, this little game
I never invited them in nor slammed their door
Though it seemed to the world
They were all I desired
(and, you were only partially right)
They are illusions "because I could give you
All of my wealth, but I won't"
They are not the solutions they promised to be
Because lacking power they are nothing.
The answer was here all the time...and it is P-O-W-E-R!
I love you and hope you that you always vote for me
At least, 5 times, along with every 5 people you know
Don't cry for me, Amerika.
They are not the solutions they promised to be
Because lacking power they are nothing.
The answer was here all the time...and it is P-O-W-E-R!
I love you and, if you stick with me, I promise that
I love you and, if you stick with me, I promise that
Something with trickle down to you
Don't cry for me, Amerika.
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