If he only had a brain....
Oops! Most Of - And, Maybe All - Obama's Strawmen Are Exempted From Sequester
1. “Compensation for the President” – (Section 25, p 19)
2. Social Security benefits (old-age, survivors, and disability) and Tier 1 Railroad
Retirement benefits.
Retirement benefits.
3. Medicaid
4. Refundable tax credits to individuals (p18)
5. Children’s Health Insurance Programmes
6. Academic Competitiveness/Smart Grant Program;
7. Mandatory funding under the Child Care and Development Fund;
8. Child Nutrition Programs (including School Lunch, School
Breakfast, Child and Adult Care Food, and others, but excluding Special
9. Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP);
10. Commodity Supplemental Food Program;
11. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the TANF Contingency Fund;
12. Family Support Programmes;
13. Federal Pell Grants;
14. All VA-administered programmes
15. Special benefits for certain WWII veterans (p17)
16. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programme
17. Net interest (budget function 900).
18. Unobligated balances carried over from previous years for non-defence
19. At the President’s sole discretion subject to Congressional
notification, military personnel can be entirely exempted from sequester
or receive a higher percentage of the rate set in place by sequester
20. A list of “other” budget accounts and activities; readers should
consult the statute for a complete list. A few selected examples include
a) activities resulting from private donations, bequests or voluntary contributions, or financed by voluntary payments for good
or services; b) advances to the Unemployment Trust Fund; payments to
various retirement, health care, and disability trust funds; certain
Tribal and Indian trust accounts; and Medical Facilities Guaranty and
Loan Fund.(20)
21. Specified federal retirement and disability accounts and activities
22. Prior legal obligations of the federal government in specified budget accounts
23. Foster Care and Permanency Programmes
24. Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
25. Medicare Part D low-income premium and cost-sharing subsidies;
Medicare Part D catastrophic subsidy payments; and Qualified Individual
(QI) premiums.
26. Specified economic recovery programmes, including GSE Preferred
Stock Purchase Agreements, the Office of Financial Stability, and the
Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program.
27. The following “split-treatment” programmes, to the extent that
the programmes’ budgetary resources are subject to obligations
limitations in appropriations bills:
*Federal Aid-Highways;
*Highway Traffic Safety Grants;
* Operations and Research NHTSA and National Driver Register;
* Motor Carrier Safety Operations and Programs;
* Motor Carrier Safety Grants;
* Formula and Bus Grants; and
* Grants-in-Aid for Airports.
The Following “Discretionary” Programmes Are ALSO Exempt From The Sequester
* Student loans under Title IV-B and IV-D of the Higher Education Act;
* Medicare;
* Community and migrant health centers, Indian health services and facilities, and veterans’ medical care;
* Child Support Enforcement;
* Federal pay;
* Federal administrative expenses;
* Unemployment Compensation; and
* Commodity Credit Corporation.
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