From GSN (via WeaselZippers):
Gays would be executed in an ideal world, a leader of the Muslim community in Luton, England has said.
Abdul Qadeer Baksh made the comment during an interview with BBC Three Counties Radio.
He was debating extremism with presenter Olly Mann and the former
leader of the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson who has just
stepped down saying the organization he founded to tackle Islamic
fundamentalism has become too extremist.
Baksh argued his comment only applied to an ‘ideal society’ which he
sees as a Muslim country run by Sharia law – not secular Britain.
He said: ‘When I say “ideal society” I mean Islamic society, not a western secular society like we live in here.
‘At the end of the day every moderate Muslim holds this view as well.
Every moderate Muslim holds these are the punishments in Islamic
He said Sharia wouldn’t be forced on the UK.
‘What I would like to see is peace and tranquility, all of us to get
on together. If Sharia came to this country it would only come by the
people’s desire for it.’
I've only issued warnings about this for, like, ever. The LGBTQQIAAPs in the Western world, even those in the US, had better WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. PDQ.
homosexuals are beaten in every cosmopolitan area of Europe, including
live-and-let-live Amsterdam, every year than in the entire south.
As I wrote, in Norway: A Tolerant, Inclusive, Diverse, Multicultural Society For Everyone Except..., the leftist Norwegian Labour government’s Ministry of Children, Equality, and Social Inclusion named Mahdi Hassan, a noted homophobe, as the 2009 Role Model of the Year. He looks like a very nice chap. Of course, Mein Kampf probably looked like a good book in Germany in the 1920s judging by the cover.
Hassan with Anniken Huitfeldt.
Hassan told the newspaper Arbeidets Rett
that he wants a ban on homosexuality, based on the Qur'an. Does he
support the death penalty for gays? That's 'up to each individual
country to decide, but, in general, yes.'
Was he condemned? Needless to say, the
homosexual community wasn’t thrilled, but other than that he was
cheered with the Socialists applauding loudly.
'There is freedom of speech in Norway
and in the Tynset Socialist Left Party we consider it unproblematic
that Mahdi is opposed in principle to homosexuality. It is in
accordance with his religion,' said Stein Petter Løkken, leader of the
Socialist Left Party in Hassan's home kommune of Tynset. Stein,
Stalin had a name for you, 'Useful Idiot.' You wear the dunce cap
In November 2007 during an Oslo debate,
at which the deputy chairman of Norway’s Islamic Council, Asghar Ali,
was asked if he would refuse to reject the death penalty for gays. He
refused. The head of the Islamic Council, which represents 80,000
Muslims), Senaid Kobilica was asked where he stood on the
question, he responded that he couldn’t possibly give a definitive
answer “until he got a ruling from the European Fatwa Council, but that
homosexuality was against the teachings of the Qur’an and execution is
the proscribed punishment.” If it makes you feel any better, Kobilica
did say that he was '100 per cent certain that the Council will not
come out in favour of something which conflicts with European law.' By
which he means, that while the death penalty for homosexuals is,
indeed, an orthodox Islamic position — one about which the Fatwa
Council’s head, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, has himself written sympathetically —
Western Muslim leaders, in accordance with the Koran, prefer in such
controversial cases not to challenge infidel law…for now.
isn’t possible to live homosexually and at the same time say that one
practices Islam. These are two incompatible things… Homosexuality goes
against what Islam stands for, and therefore it can’t be combined.'
- Senaid Kobilica
After the brouhaha in 2007, it emerged
that Asghar Ali not only was deputy chairman of the Islamic Council,
but was also on the board of the Oslo Arbeidersamfunn, the largest and
most influential association within Norway’s ruling Labour Party. As
Bruce Bawer reported, when asked about Ali’s views, the head of the
Oslo Arbeidersamfunn, Anne Cathrine Berger, lamented that some people
“can’t see the difference between a board member’s views and the
organisation’s views.” Despite scattered calls for his dismissal, Ali
remained on the board.
Recently, a gay couple was attacked for
holding hands; they were told that gays were not welcome because the
area in which they were walking in was 'Muslim territory.' On another
occasion, a gay couple was ejected from a kebab restaurant because they
were kissing. These as well as other incidents led to a debate in the
major newspapers about the existence of morality police, who strove to
obtain social control based on Islamic values in multi-ethnic
Kaltham Lie,
who was tortured for his sexual orientation by Saddam Hussein and fled
Iraq for Norway in 1992, says that it was too difficult to go to the
mosque. As Norway’s first openly gay Muslim, he now stays away from
the Muslim community, especially in Oslo. 'It's very important for me
to be open and not to try to hide. Somebody must stand up for the world
to advance. Oslo can be difficult, but we he also a lot of positive
things, even in Grønland.'
He attends a Christian church with his
new husband, Knut Asprusten. '[H]e was with me in church. Even if we
have different religions, we both believe in an open God. It doesn't
cause us any problems,' said Asprusten.
In a country of 5 million people, where
only 3% of the population is Muslim, there is only one openly Muslim
lesbian: Sara Azmeh Rasmussen.
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