By Charles Hurt
In the seven years since President Obama
voted as a U.S. senator not to raise the federal debt ceiling any
higher, he and his government cronies have piled up $7 trillion in crazy
new spending that even our grandchildren have little hope of ever
paying off.
We citizens signed no document assuming responsibility
for this unthinkable spending binge. We never co-signed any
trillion-dollar loans.
Yet as reckless and inexcusable as this
crowd’s behavior has been, we never missed a payment. We just keep on
paying the bills and these people just keep on racking up crazy debt.
caught failing or refusing to continue paying the bills — no matter how
strongly they object to them — has been fined, kicked out of their
homes, imprisoned or worse.
Still, Mr. Obama
and his government cronies have gone flat broke, yet again, using our
credit. And like drug-addled little punks, they have come home —
stinking and drunk in the night — and are now pounding on the windows
demanding one more loan. They are at the height of their drug-fueled
binge and they’ve just got to keep it rolling.
Seven years ago, when then-Sen. Barack Obama
objected to raising the debt ceiling, he said that merely bumping up
against the debt ceiling was “a sign of leadership failure.”
“It is a sign that the U.S. government
can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing
financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government’s
reckless fiscal policies,” he intoned, senatorially.
“Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally,” Mr. Obama
warned. “Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington
is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our
children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of
leadership. America deserves better.”
All that insane tea party talk was from Mr. Obama
back in his pre-hope tween years, when he was just old enough to want
world peace but too young to be corrupted by the ravages of bureaucracy.
And not yet drunk on the power of spending taxpayer money to tell
everybody what to do.
Today, he is a washed-up, aging rock star
trying to live off the good vibes of his old days. And he is hopelessly
addicted to that drug he once so roundly denounced.
Now Mr. Obama
warns that “economic chaos” will ensue if the debt limit isn’t raised
again. He accuses anyone who disagrees with his current political
position of being terrorists, arsonists and kidnappers who wish to
destroy America.
Kind of strange for the single most responsible
person for piling $7 trillion in new debt on generations of children to
be talking about “economic chaos.”
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