Washington’s governing systems are in a bad way.
By Mark Steyn
least dispiriting moment of another grim week in Washington was the
sight of ornery veterans tearing down the Barrycades around the war
memorials on the National Mall, dragging them up the street, and dumping
them outside the White House. This was, as Kevin Williamson wrote at National Review,
“as excellent a gesture of the American spirit as our increasingly
docile nation has seen in years.” Indeed. The wounded vet with two
artificial legs balancing the Barrycade on his Segway was especially
impressive. It would have been even better had these disgruntled
citizens neatly lined up the Barrycades across the front of the White
House and round the sides, symbolically Barrycading him in as punishment
for Barrycading them out. But, in a town where an unarmed woman can be
left a bullet-riddled corpse merely for driving too near His Benign
Majesty’s palace and nobody seems to care, one appreciates a certain
By Wednesday, however, it was business as usual. Which
is to say the usual last-minute deal just ahead of the usual
make-or-break deadline to resume spending as usual. There was nothing
surprising about this. Everyone knew the Republicans were going to fold.
Folding is what Republicans do. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are so
good at folding Obama should hire them as White House valets. So the
only real question was when to fold. They could at least have left it
for a day or two after the midnight chimes of October 17 had come and
gone. It would have been useful to demonstrate that just as the
sequester did not cause the sky to fall and the shutdown had zero impact
on the life of the country so this latest phoney-baloney do-or-die date
would not have led to the end of the world as we know it. If you’re
going to place another trillion dollars of debt (or more than the entire
national debts of Canada and Australia combined) on the backs of the
American people in one grubby late-night deal, you might as well get a
teachable moment out of it.
The GOP was concerned about polls
showing their approval ratings somewhere between Bashar Assad and the
ebola virus, but it’s hard to see why capitulation should command
popularity: The late Osama bin Laden’s famous observation about the
strong horse and the weak horse has some relevance to domestic politics,
too. Republicans spent a lot of time whining that, if Obama was
prepared to negotiate with the Iranians, the Syrians, and the Russians,
why wouldn’t he negotiate with the GOP? Well, the obvious answer is
Rouhani, Assad, and Putin don’t curl up in a fetal position at the first
tut-tut from Bob Schieffer or Diane Sawyer.
The thesis of my recent book After America
is stated on page six thereof — “that the prevailing political
realities of the United States do not allow for any meaningful course
correction.” That’s what the political class confirmed yet again this
week. Which brings me to the sentence immediately following: “And,
without meaningful course correction, America is doomed.”
governing systems are in a bad way. Government by “continuing
resolution,” a term foreign to most foreigners, ought to be embarrassing
to any self-governing, not to say self-respecting, people. Instead, in
the course of the “shutdown,” this repugnant phrase advanced to
acronymic status — “CR,” as cable news had it, the pundit class lovingly
caressing this latest insider jargon with their customary onanistic
shiver. Presented as a resolution of the Obamacare/debt-ceiling
standoff, the “CR” came, as the car dealers say, fully loaded —
including a $174,000 payment to the widow of New Jersey’s
multimillionaire senator Frank Lautenberg. Because, even when you’re
saddling the next generation of Americans with another trillion bucks of
debt, six-figure payouts to the relicts of the most exclusive rich
man’s club in America is just the way it is.
How can you “control”
spending under such a system? Congress has degenerated into a Potemkin
parliament, its ersatz nature embodied by those magnificent speeches
senators give to themselves, orating for the benefit of TV sound bites
into the cavernous silence of an empty room, an upper chamber turned
isolation chamber. The “law of the land” means machinations and
procedural legerdemain culminating in a show vote on unread omnibus
fill-in-the-blanks pseudo-legislation to be decided after the fact by
the regulatory bureaucracy.
This structural degeneration is a big part of the problem. My friends
on the American right fret that if we’re not careful we’ll end up like
Europe. But we’re already worse than many parts of Europe, and certainly
than the non-European West — by any measure you care to use. According
to the IMF, the Danish government’s net debt is 10.3 percent of GDP,
Australia’s is 12.7 percent, New Zealand’s 28.8 percent, the
Netherlands’ 35.5 percent, Canada’s 35.9 percent, Germany’s 56.2
percent, France’s 86.5 percent — and the United States’ 89 percent. If
you take America’s total indebtedness, it averages out to three-quarters
of a million dollars per family: We are on course to becoming the first
nation of negative-millionaires. But let’s just stick with the federal
debt, the figure for which those bipartisan schmoozers are officially
responsible: In Australia, each citizen’s share of the debt is $12,000;
in New Zealand, it’s $15,000 per person; in Canada and Spain, $18,000;
in the United Kingdom, $28,000; in Germany and France, $38,000; Italy,
$44,000. And in the United States it’s $54,000 per person — twice as
much as Britain, thrice as much as Canada, closing in on five times as
much as Oz. On this trajectory, America is exiting the First World.
And that’s before counting the “unfunded liabilities”
that Washington keeps off the books but which add another million bucks
per taxpayer. Nor does it include Obamacare, with which the geniuses of
the “technocracy” have managed to spend a fortune creating the Internet
version of a Brezhnev-era Soviet supermarket.
I think of recent
“left-wing” governments among our allies. Up north, Jean Chrétien was a
thuggish wardheeler presiding over a regime of repellent
industrial-scale cronyism; Down Under, Kevin Rudd was a uniquely
loathsome specimen of a human being, who communicated through a blizzard
of effing asterisks and in idle moments ate his ear wax live on camera.
Yet Australia was the only Western nation not to go into recession in
2008, and Canada spent the “fat” years of the Nineties paying down the
national debt. Imagine that! As my old comrade Kate O’Beirne put it, “If
only we could get American conservatives to be as fiscally responsible
as Canadian liberals.” When I met Kevin Rudd a few years ago, he said to
me, “I’m part of the pro-American Left.” “Crikey,” I replied, “America
doesn’t have a pro-American Left, and in Europe they don’t even have a
pro-American Right.” I didn’t know the half of it: These days, it’s not
clear to me that the Republican party functions as a pro-American Right.
That’s to say, Chrétien and Rudd, ghastly as they were, not only did
less damage to their national finances than Obama, Reid, and Pelosi but
they also did less damage than the GOP. I’m sure they dreamed the usual
crazy dreams of wild-eyed lefties, but the system imposed disciplines on
them that Washington doesn’t — on left or right.
That’s the
problem. Either you think those numbers above are serious or you don’t.
And, if you do think they’re serious and you’re a “lawmaker” (as the New York Times quaintly insists on calling our rubber-stampers), when are you
going to get serious? Next month? Next year? Or shall we all sportingly
agree to leave it till 2015 after the bipartisan deal on a $20 trillion
debt ceiling?
SoRo: I'll throw this in to harsh whatever mellow you have left after Pollyanna Steyn's piece. According to Niall Ferguson:
'[W]hile politicians crow that the deficit has dropped -- from super-enormous to merely really, really gigantic -- every year that we're in deficit adds to the debt. And the long-term trends are bad: A very striking feature of the latest Congressional Budget Office report is how much worse it is than last year's. A year ago, the CBO's extended baseline series for the federal debt in public hands projected a figure of 52% of GDP by 2038. That figure has very nearly doubled to 100%. A year ago the debt was supposed to glide down to zero by the 2070s. This year's long-run projection for 2076 is above 200%. In this devastating reassessment, a crucial role is played here by the more realistic growth assumptions used this year.'
'[W]hile politicians crow that the deficit has dropped -- from super-enormous to merely really, really gigantic -- every year that we're in deficit adds to the debt. And the long-term trends are bad: A very striking feature of the latest Congressional Budget Office report is how much worse it is than last year's. A year ago, the CBO's extended baseline series for the federal debt in public hands projected a figure of 52% of GDP by 2038. That figure has very nearly doubled to 100%. A year ago the debt was supposed to glide down to zero by the 2070s. This year's long-run projection for 2076 is above 200%. In this devastating reassessment, a crucial role is played here by the more realistic growth assumptions used this year.'
1 comment:
These days, it’s not clear to me that the Republican party functions as a pro-American Right.
SoRo: I'll throw this in to harsh whatever mellow you have left after Pollyanna Steyn's piece.
^ Laughed out loud at that. :)
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