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17 October 2013

Who's 'The Party of Science'?: Another Leftist Meme Destroyed...By A Yale Professor, Who Hates The Tea Party, No Less


Stephen said...

"I don't know how Nixon was elected. I don't know a single person who voted for him."

Living in a political bubble is no way to go through life, professor. Of course, at Yale, it may be impossible to even FIND a conservative...

Sophie Ro, PHUP said...

I thought about Pauline Kael immediately, too.

They live inside of a bubble within an echo chamber.

TheSchaef said...

Par for the course.

We don't agree with them because we think they're wrong.

They don't agree with us because they think we're stupid / irrational / racist / take your pick.

Sooner or later you'll run out of convenient excuses to block out alternative perspectives.

Sterling Holobyte said...

He's learning. ...Slowly, but at least he is learning.

Vincent Ardolino said...

Why do liberals have such a slow learning curve? No wonder there in school for so many years. I thought it was because they were highly educated but that was my misconception of my opposition.