M2RB: REO Speedwagon, Live Aid, JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, 1985
So if you're tired of the
Same old story
Turn some pages
I'll be here when you are ready
To roll with the changes
Roll with the changes
Same old story
Turn some pages
I'll be here when you are ready
To roll with the changes
Roll with the changes
Everybody's got to roll with the changes
Everybody, c'mon, keep on rolling
Keep on rolling
Rolling with the changes
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It's the 21st century, not the 7th. Grow up already, Islamists! |
film upsets the normal, law-abiding Muslim. A protest turns militant
when militants use the protest as an excuse to attack US interests
using the mob mentality to promote their agenda.
Anyone who believes differently, is not paying attention, has never
dealt with non-Americans, and surely is looking for fault to blame on
the President they don't want to win the election. It's just that
There were 12 Embassy attacks under GW Bush, so don't lecture the
team that killed Bin Laden. It only comes across as warmongering ... "
- The Founders were Liberals, US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice: ‘We are not impotent,' The Daily Caller, 16 September 2012
Look at the links that I already provided you, idiot. Are you akin to a Birther? (Someone used Doc's
DeLorean and went back in time to plant those birth announcements in
the Honolulu newspapers!!!) I have the freaking screen captures. The "movie" was NOT the proximate cause of the attacks on the American Embassy in Cairo and the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
The stated reasons for the attack were clearly made in
the letter delivered to General Sami Sidhom on 4 September 2012 and the
bloody, idiotic "film" wasn't one of them.
Did Christians go on a
rampage and murder people over Piss Christ? Dung Mary? The DaVinci
Code (Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene)? Being called
"bitterclingers" by Barack Obama? Being mandated to provide
sterilisations, abortifacients, and birth control to their employees?
Did Mormons go kill people over "The Book of Mormon"?
No...although your friends went on a rampage and attacked their places of worship after a majority of Californians, including blacks and Hispanics, voted to amend their Constitution to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
Do Jews go on rampages and behead people when Muslims call them "pigs," accuse them of making Purim cookies from the blood of Palestinian children, and call for their extermination (Mein Kampf is one of the best-selling books in the Muslim world...and you can look it up)?
Are you claiming that Muslims in the Middle East are members of a misogynistic, homophobic, child-abusing, maniacal, homicidal, suicidal, totalitarian, 7th century death cult, who have no self-control and should be excused for their actions? You probably excuse rioters and looters in America, too. ("You can't prosecute them. They are poor. They've been the victims of institutional racism and oppression. They've had bad childhoods. It would be unfair to hold them to the same standards of civil society.")
Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations. Too bad it isn't an Olympic event. You'd win the gold medal. Of course, I'm not surprised. Progressives have always had a paternalistic, imperialistic attitude regarding the peoples of the third world. For example:
Did Mormons go kill people over "The Book of Mormon"?
No...although your friends went on a rampage and attacked their places of worship after a majority of Californians, including blacks and Hispanics, voted to amend their Constitution to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
Do Jews go on rampages and behead people when Muslims call them "pigs," accuse them of making Purim cookies from the blood of Palestinian children, and call for their extermination (Mein Kampf is one of the best-selling books in the Muslim world...and you can look it up)?
Are you claiming that Muslims in the Middle East are members of a misogynistic, homophobic, child-abusing, maniacal, homicidal, suicidal, totalitarian, 7th century death cult, who have no self-control and should be excused for their actions? You probably excuse rioters and looters in America, too. ("You can't prosecute them. They are poor. They've been the victims of institutional racism and oppression. They've had bad childhoods. It would be unfair to hold them to the same standards of civil society.")
Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations. Too bad it isn't an Olympic event. You'd win the gold medal. Of course, I'm not surprised. Progressives have always had a paternalistic, imperialistic attitude regarding the peoples of the third world. For example:
"We must govern as those who learn and they must obey as those
who are in tutelage. [Puerto Ricans and Filipinos] are children and we are men in these deep matters of government and justice."
- President Woodrow Wilson, Progressive Democrat
By the way, you'd better call the White House and Sony Pictures and tell them not to release the bin Laden movie. Also, you probably should can the "GM is alive and bin Laden is dead" slogan. There's a reason that the nutters are screaming "Obama, Obama, we are all Osama!" They aren't screaming the filmmaker's name.
I know how much you want to avoid hurting their widdle feelings. I can only imagine how offended they will be when they see Osama's head explode on the silver screen.
And, with regard to your statement "anyone who believes differently...surely is looking for fault to blame on the President they don't want to win the election," I'll just leave you with this from Madam Secretary Clinton:
I know how much you want to avoid hurting their widdle feelings. I can only imagine how offended they will be when they see Osama's head explode on the silver screen.
And, with regard to your statement "anyone who believes differently...surely is looking for fault to blame on the President they don't want to win the election," I'll just leave you with this from Madam Secretary Clinton:
"I am sick and tired of people who say that if you
debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic
(AND RACIST - Sophie/RWM). We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a
right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Roll With The Changes - Reo Speedwagon
As soon as you are able
Woman I am willing
To make the break that we
Are on the brink of
My cup is on the table
Our love is spilling
Waiting here for you to
Take and drink of
So if you're tired of the
Same old story
Turn some pages
I'll be here when you are ready
To roll with the changes
I knew it had to happen
Felt the tables turnin'
Got me through my darkest hour
I heard the thunder clappin'
Felt the desert burnin'
Until you poured on me
Like a sweet sunshower
So if you're tired of the
Same old story
Turn some pages
I'll be here when you are ready
To roll with the changes
Roll with the changes
As soon as you are able
Woman I am willing
To make the break that we
Are on the brink of
My cup is on the table
Our love is spilling
Waiting here for you to
Take and drink of
So if you're tired of the
Same old story
Turn some pages
I'll be here when you are ready
To roll with the changes
I knew it had to happen
Felt the tables turnin'
Got me through my darkest hour
I heard the thunder clappin'
Felt the desert burnin'
Until you poured on me
Like a sweet sunshower
So if you're tired of the
Same old story
Turn some pages
I'll be here when you are ready
To roll with the changes
Roll with the changes
Everybody's got to roll with the changes
Everybody, c'mon, keep on rolling
Keep on rolling
Rolling with the changes
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