By Mark Tapson
Soon after the terrorist attack that left four Americans dead in
Libya, reports began coming in that U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens
was not only murdered by the Muslim mob, but also sodomized both before
and after his death, and his corpse dragged through the streets. This
grotesque defilement was willfully suppressed by the mainstream media,
who were focused like a laser on a much more horrific story:
presidential candidate Mitt Romney talking like a conservative
at a fundraiser. Thank goodness that in these difficult times we can
count on the media to cover the news we really need to know.
As FrontPage Shillman Journalism Fellow Raymond Ibrahim writes,
Sexual abuse and degradation is a common tactic used against non-Muslims, especially women, as the repeatedly raped Lara Logan found… Nor are men immune from such rapes. In fact, the photos of Ambassador Stevens—stripped of clothes, bloodied and tortured right before he was killed—very much resemble the photos of Gaddafi right before he was killed. One U.S.-supported “freedom-fighter,” for example, can be seen sodomizing Gadaffi with a rod as others dragged him along.
Ibrahim finishes by noting that “the al-Qaeda affiliated men who
sexually abused and killed Gaddafi are the same men who sexually abused
and killed America’s ambassador.”
This revelation about the sexual denigration of the reportedly gay
Ambassador Stevens raises several questions. First, when are so-called
liberals going to shed the rose-tinted goggles of multiculturalism and
get in touch with a righteous anger about a pathologically anti-gay,
ragingly misogynist, mob culture that sexually violates and murders
When are American progressives, who whine about a mythical Republican
War on Women, going to denounce this perverse sexual pathology in Arab
culture? When are leftist academics, up in arms about the Bush
administration’s enhanced interrogations of hardened terrorists, going
to vent their fury against a culture that routinely commits sexual
torture and mutilation?
Gay rights supporters work themselves into a lather over the
Chick-Fil-A restaurant chain, which discriminates against neither gay
employees nor gay customers. I suppose they’re unaware that most Arab
and African nations walked out
of an historic UN Human Rights Council debate on gay rights earlier
this year, refusing to legitimize homosexuality. When are the “liberals”
going to break their monastic silence about a theocratic culture that
hangs gays from cranes, as in Iran, where President Ahmadinejad famously
claimed they don’t have the problem of homosexuality there?
Obviously these are all rhetorical questions designed to underscore
the left’s disgusting hypocrisy, because the answer to all of them is
never. Breaking free of the mental bondage of multiculturalist
indoctrination would cause the entire world view of leftists to come
crashing down. They must cling to their delusion or risk a complete
psychological meltdown.
Another question: If suspicions of Ambassador Stevens’ homosexuality
are true, why did the administration send a gay man to an unstable
hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism? Did it not realize that the possible
discovery of his sexual orientation could have ramped up the danger for
Stevens? Kevin Dujan at Hillbuzz reports that a Serbian consulate employee named Dino
told me it was no secret that Chris
Stevens was gay and that “it was stupid to send him to Libya as the ambassador
when he was a known homosexual.”
Dino explained in great detail that
the brutal sodomizing of Stevens’ corpse was something that Muslims do to
show the “utmost disrespect to the body” and that this is “a great insult in
Islam” reserved for homosexuals. ”It is like making him a woman in death and he
will be a woman now after life,” the Serbian explained to me.
Women should find it pretty offensive that this process of degrading a corpse through rape is considered “making him a woman in death” and “a woman after life.” Why aren’t feminists taking to the streets to condemn this misogynist barbarism? Oh, I forgot – they’re busy picketing Washington for free birth control, costumed as vaginas.
The American left, forever screaming about gay marriage, demanding
free birth control, and spewing hate at conservative Christians whom
they disparage as the “American Taliban,” is shamefully silent about
real evil in the world, about the most intolerant ideology on the planet
and one that stands in stark contrast to the tolerance they claim to
A final question: President Obama proudly announced, almost three and
a half years into his tenure, that he had “evolved” far enough to
support gay marriage; when can we expect him to “evolve” enough to
express outrage – not just a composed, rote condemnation of violence –
at a culture that condemns homosexuals to a grisly death?
Some might argue that, to avoid igniting the Middle East tinderbox,
the President should stay calm and not inflame matters more. Screw that.
Islamic fundamentalists have dragged an American ambassador’s mutilated
body through the streets, killed three more Americans, and stormed our
embassies in other countries as well. It’s long past time for the
President of the United States of America to present a righteous fury to
the Islamic enemy, show them not one whit of deference or appeasement,
and move to protect American interests and avenge American murders.
But that won’t happen, because we have a President whose sympathies
lie with the Muslim fundamentalists seeking to tear down America and the
West. Because of that he will excuse their torture and killing of
homosexuals, their insanely hateful oppression of women, their violent
disrespect toward our embassies, and their murder of Americans. We have a
President who is busy yukking it up with David Letterman, partying with
former drug dealer Jay-Z at a fundraiser, and basking in the adoration
of the hosts on The View to give a damn about American lives or American interests.
- Mark Tapson, a Hollywood-based writer and screenwriter, is a Shillman
Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center. He focuses on the politics of
popular culture.
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