By Jonah Goldberg
readers of mine will recall that one of my bugaboos is the liberal obsession
with the “moral equivalent of war.” Ever since William James coined the phrase,
liberalism has essentially become a cargo cult to the idea. The core idea,
expressed in myriad different ways, is that normal democratic capitalism is
insufficient. Society needs an organizing principle that causes the citizenry
to drop their individual pursuits, petty ambitions, and disorganized lifestyles
and unite around common purposes.
the State must provide leadership and coordination in this effort, just as it
does in a war. That was the essential rationale behind the New Deal – war
mobilization without war.
Obama has spent much of his presidency all but begging the American people to
imbue themselves with a moral equivalent of war spirit. Sometimes he’s used the
phrase explicitly, other times he’s dreamed that America could act like the
military. Other times he’s droned on about the need for unity and dedicating
ourselves to a “cause larger than ourselves” – that cause invariably being
the government. He’s talked a lot about “Sputnik moments” and the need for Americans
to rally around his green agenda the way we rallied around the space program.
loathe all of this. The whole point of a free society is that people will do
what their hearts and consciences tell them to do, individually and in
voluntary association. We have a military to keep us free, not to provide
examples of how best to surrender our freedom. Moreover, the exhortation to
give ourselves over to the spirit of wartime mobilization when there is no war
is frightening because, unlike real wars, not only is “victory” not defined, it
cannot be defined. We will never have a kingdom of heaven on earth, so any call
to mobilize the people to fight for one necessarily means permanent
mobilization, which means the permanent surrender of what this country was founded
to establish.
I think some of Obama’s rhetoric is partly to blame for the climate that led to
the IRS scandal. When you talk incessantly about how the good, smart, and
patriotic people support an ever-larger role for government, people who want a
smaller role for government are going to be treated with suspicion.
that’s not the point I want to make here. Rather, I want to shine a light on
what is a relatively minor scandal: the ludicrous conferences the IRS has
organized for itself. Defenders of the IRS say, What’s the big deal? Everybody
has conventions and motivational videos, why shouldn’t the IRS? As one person
said to me on Twitter, “What do people find shocking that govt employees go to
conferences and training. Happens in the private sector all the time.” This
overlooks the fact that the IRS is quite glaringly not “the private sector.”
Rather it is a unique government agency empowered to extract money from the
private sector. If you don’t comply men (or women!) with guns will take your
money by force or put you in jail or both. This fact alone should impose a
certain humility and frugality on IRS culture.
more importantly, if the President of the United States is going to
relentlessly hector the American people to behave as if we are at war, the
least he could do is expect a certain espirit de corps from the people
already working for the government. If we were in a real all-out war, would
government agencies be spending time and money producing Star Trek and Gilligan’s
Island spoofs? How would we respond during World War II if the War
Department spent millions teaching bureaucrats to dance? “Do the Electric
Boogaloo to Beat Hitler!” During the Apollo program, NASA engineers had a
motto: “Waste anything but time.” Surely, filming reenactments of their
favorite Twilight Zone episodes would run afoul of that rule?
of the reasons Obama elicits so much cynicism outside his cult of personality
is that many of us suspect that his rhetoric is just so much marketing for
protecting the perks and expanding prerogatives of a bloated administrative
state. Real wartime governments are prone to bloat and inefficiency
too, but there is at least an ethos that says there is a priority higher than
protecting the interests of bureaucrats. When you see a government acting as if
taxpayer concerns are a joke and a devotion to limited government is cast as
something between illegitimate dissent and paranoid dementia, hearing the head
of that government exhort the citizenry to shut up and fall in line is nothing
short of infuriating.
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