By James Taylor, Forbes
Global warming alarmists and their allies in the liberal media have
been caught doctoring the results of a widely cited paper asserting
there is a 97-percent scientific consensus regarding human-caused global
warming. After taking a closer look at the paper, investigative
journalists report the authors’ claims of a 97-pecent consensus relied
on the authors misclassifying the papers of some of the world’s most
prominent global warming skeptics. At the same time, the authors
deliberately presented a meaningless survey question so they could twist
the responses to fit their own preconceived global warming alarmism.
Global warming alarmist John Cook, founder of the misleadingly named blog site Skeptical Science, published a paper
with several other global warming alarmists claiming they reviewed
nearly 12,000 abstracts of studies published in the peer-reviewed
climate literature. Cook reported that he and his colleagues found that
97 percent of the papers that expressed a position on human-caused
global warming “endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing
global warming.”
As is the case with other ‘surveys’ alleging an overwhelming
scientific consensus on global warming, the question surveyed had
absolutely nothing to do with the issues of contention between global
warming alarmists and global warming skeptics. The question Cook and his
alarmist colleagues surveyed was simply whether humans have caused some
global warming. The question is meaningless regarding the global
warming debate because most skeptics as well as most alarmists believe
humans have caused some global warming. The issue of contention dividing
alarmists and skeptics is whether humans are causing global warming of
such negative severity as to constitute a crisis demanding concerted
Either through idiocy, ignorance, or both, global warming alarmists
and the liberal media have been reporting that the Cook study shows a 97
percent consensus that humans are causing a global warming crisis.
However, that was clearly not the question surveyed.
Investigative journalists at Popular Technology
looked into precisely which papers were classified within Cook’s
asserted 97 percent. The investigative journalists found Cook and his
colleagues strikingly classified papers by such prominent, vigorous
skeptics as Willie Soon, Craig Idso, Nicola Scafetta, Nir Shaviv,
Nils-Axel Morner and Alan Carlin as supporting the 97-percent consensus.
Cook and his colleagues, for example, classified a peer-reviewed
paper by scientist Craig Idso as explicitly supporting the ‘consensus’
position on global warming “without minimizing” the asserted severity of
global warming. When Popular Technology asked Idso whether
this was an accurate characterization of his paper, Idso responded,
“That is not an accurate representation of my paper. The papers examined
how the rise in atmospheric CO2 could be inducing a phase advance in
the spring portion of the atmosphere’s seasonal CO2 cycle. Other
literature had previously claimed a measured advance was due to rising
temperatures, but we showed that it was quite likely the rise in
atmospheric CO2 itself was responsible for the lion’s share of the
change. It would be incorrect to claim that our paper was an endorsement
of CO2-induced global warming.”
When Popular Technology asked physicist Nicola Scafetta
whether Cook and his colleagues accurately classified one of his
peer-reviewed papers as supporting the ‘consensus’ position, Scafetta
similarly criticized the Skeptical Science classification.
“Cook et al. (2013) is based on a straw man argument because it does
not correctly define the IPCC AGW theory, which is NOT that human
emissions have contributed 50%+ of the global warming since 1900 but
that almost 90-100% of the observed global warming was induced by human
emission,” Scafetta responded. “What my papers say is that the IPCC
[United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] view is
erroneous because about 40-70% of the global warming observed from 1900
to 2000 was induced by the sun.”
“What it is observed right now is utter dishonesty
by the IPCC advocates. … They are gradually engaging into a
metamorphosis process to save face. … And in this way they will get the
credit that they do not merit, and continue in defaming critics like me
that actually demonstrated such a fact since 2005/2006,” Scafetta added.
Astrophysicist Nir Shaviv similarly objected to Cook and colleagues
claiming he explicitly supported the ‘consensus’ position about
human-induced global warming. Asked if Cook and colleagues accurately
represented his paper, Shaviv responded, “Nope… it is not an accurate
representation. The paper shows that if cosmic rays are included in
empirical climate sensitivity analyses, then one finds that different
time scales consistently give a low climate sensitivity. i.e., it
supports the idea that cosmic rays affect the climate and that climate
sensitivity is low. This means that part of the 20th century [warming]
should be attributed to the increased solar activity and that 21st
century warming under a business as usual scenario should be low (about
“I couldn’t write these things more explicitly in the paper because
of the refereeing, however, you don’t have to be a genius to reach these
conclusions from the paper,” Shaviv added.
To manufacture their misleading asserted consensus, Cook and his
colleagues also misclassified various papers as taking “no position” on
human-caused global warming. When Cook and his colleagues determined a
paper took no position on the issue, they simply pretended, for the
purpose of their 97-percent claim, that the paper did not exist.
Morner, a sea level scientist, told Popular Technology that
Cook classifying one of his papers as “no position” was “Certainly not
correct and certainly misleading. The paper is strongly against AGW
[anthropogenic global warming], and documents its absence in the sea
level observational facts. Also, it invalidates the mode of sea level
handling by the IPCC.”
Soon, an astrophysicist, similarly objected to Cook classifying his paper as “no position.”
“I am sure that this rating of no position on AGW by CO2 is nowhere accurate nor correct,” said Soon.
“I hope my scientific views and conclusions are
clear to anyone that will spend time reading our papers. Cook et al.
(2013) is not the study to read if you want to find out about what we
say and conclude in our own scientific works,” Soon emphasized.
Viewing the Cook paper in the best possible light, Cook and
colleagues can perhaps claim a small amount of wiggle room in their
classifications because the explicit wording of the question they
analyzed is simply whether humans have caused some global warming. By
restricting the question to such a minimalist, largely irrelevant
question in the global warming debate and then demanding an explicit,
unsolicited refutation of the assertion in order to classify a paper as a
‘consensus’ contrarian, Cook and colleagues misleadingly induce people
to believe 97 percent of publishing scientists believe in a global
warming crisis when that is simply not the case.
Misleading the public about consensus opinion regarding global
warming, of course, is precisely what the Cook paper sought to
accomplish. This is a tried and true ruse perfected by global warming
alarmists. Global warming alarmists use their own biased, subjective
judgment to misclassify published papers according to criteria that is
largely irrelevant to the central issues in the global warming debate.
Then, by carefully parsing the language of their survey questions and
their published results, the alarmists encourage the media and fellow
global warming alarmists to cite these biased, subjective, totally
irrelevant surveys as conclusive evidence for the lie that nearly all
scientists believe humans are creating a global warming crisis.
These biased, misleading, and totally irrelevant “surveys” form the
best “evidence” global warming alarmists can muster in the global
warming debate. And this truly shows how embarrassingly feeble their
alarmist theory really is.
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1 comment:
Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to be so excited, happy and joyful about you being back, on the Ukrainian holodomor post...
Sorry lost my head and couldn't help the joy... Read a post you wrote in that page that indicated that yes indeed it was you that was back...
You haven't changed a bet... Still a brat. ;-P
Well, actually you sound somewhat calmer, less combative in you matter a fact posts...
Welcome back and God I missed you, Mo... Oh and happy belated birthday... ;-)
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