Sure, Viktor Yanukovych might have murdered protesters and Vladimir
Putin might have invaded a sovereign country. But what about Hiroshima?
And the genocide of Native Americans?
Readers of a certain vintage will likely recall the oleaginous,
Brooklyn-accented Vladimir Pozner, an American citizen domiciled in
Moscow who regularly popped up on television in the waning days of the
Cold War, propagandizing on behalf of the Kremlin. Pozner was a rather
impressive practitioner of whataboutism, the debate tactic
demanding that questions about morally indefensible acts committed by
your side be deflected with pettifogging discussion of unrelated sins
committed by your opponent’s side. Soviet tanks lumbering through the
streets of Prague? Yes, but what about the mistreatment of the
Native Americans? East Germany’s reluctant citizens penned in by an
imposing cement wall, ringed by trigger-happy border guards? A necessary
“anti-fascist protection barrier,” sure, but...what about Hiroshima?
Even after the collapse of the Soviet dictatorship, Pozner found it difficult to shake the whataboutist habit
and rote moral equivalence. “Yes, there are dissidents and maybe they
consist of one percent or two percent of the population,” he told PBS in
1999. “But you've had your dissidents and you don't treat them all that
And there he was last week on CNN, where he is now a contributor, at
the start of what distressingly looks to be a new Cold War, discussing
the results of Crimea’s referendum on splitting from Ukraine and
rejoining Russia. And he sounded surprisingly reasonable. "I don't know
whether President Putin will accept [the referendum results],” Pozner
told Jake Tapper. “I don't know whether he'll say okay, let's take them
into our federation, but if he does, let's not forget that Crimea is
part of Ukraine.”
Pozner might have softened in his dotage, but there is a Spetsnaz
division of Westerners ready to take the place he once occupied, arguing
on Moscow’s behalf, employing the familiar whataboutism and blame shifting away from Vladimir Putin and towards the Obama administration.
Countless times this week I have been told that while the slobbering
conspiracy junkies at RT, Russia’s English-language propaganda channel,
provide a Putinist “perspective” on the goings-on in Ukraine...what about Fox News and MSNBC? When
asked if she was performing Pozner-like duties for the post-Soviet
Kremlin, Abby Martin, the RT host and 9/11 “truther” praised for
objecting to her boss’ military adventure in Ukraine, recently said
that the network merely provided “the Russian perspective in terms of
foreign policy and a lot of things that you just don’t get anywhere
“I think it’s a crucial one and I think it’s imperative
that people see the [Russian state] perspective,” Martin averred,
because what about the American media, which is “a circle jerk of
fuckery that’s all funded by war.” And besides, she is perfectly
comfortable working for a network “funded by public grants just like the
Guardian [sic], just like the BBC.”
Martin’s politics are odious and frequently incoherent. And don’t mistake her anti-war pose, her overacted and over-enunciated
lamentations for lost American freedom, for a broader
anti-authoritarianism. (She believes Hugo Chavez, for instance, “cannot
be dismissed as a tyrant because his voice of opposition, and others
like him, serves a necessary divide to prevent global corporate
enslavement and tyranny.”)
Indeed, prior to the invasion of Crimea, she failed to notice
Russia’s previous brutal military interventions and ongoing brutal war
on terror. She missed the rampant spying on its own citizens by the
fearsome FSB. And those non-state sanctioned Russian journalists beaten,
imprisoned, and murdered. The capricious and inhumane imprisoning of
the feminist activists from Pussy Riot. The codifying of homophobia into
Let’s acknowledge that ideologues rarely exist without a
certain degree of hypocrisy. But when Viktor Yanukovych's goon squads
were unleashed on protesters in Kiev, wielding truncheons and firing
bursts from Kalashnikovs, it was nevertheless disconcerting to see
Ukrainian anti-government protesters--of varied political backgrounds
and issuing varied demands--blithely dismissed by a significant number
of Western journalists as fascists and neo-Nazis, if not stooges of the
United States government. Indeed, it all sounded too much like the
Soviet reaction to the 1956 Hungarian uprising, when Moscow claimed to
have narrowly avoided “the threat of a fascist dictatorship” (which was,
of course, precipitated by American interference) by the dispatch of a
benevolent invading military force.
And like 1956, one didn’t
have to look to far to find--from both the fringe left and right, and
many ironically self-identifying as anti-imperialist--those ready to
“contextualize” the violence visited upon protesters and justifying the
arrival of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil.
In an unsigned editorial, The Nation magazine complained that
it would be "difficult to imagine any US administration accepting a
decision by Mexico to join a military alliance with Russia.” One wants
to ask The Nation when they threw their support behind policies like the United States’ economic (and, briefly, military) war against Cuba. Or when Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel started her ex post facto
support for Ronald Reagan’s brief invasion of Grenada and his material
support for the Contra rebels in their war against the Soviet-backed
Sandinistas in Nicaragua, all justified as appropriate responses to
Russian meddling in America’s backyard.
“Ukraine is central to Russian security of strategic importance,” The Nation argued, and the imposition of NATO bases in Ukraine “isn’t an irrational fear.” Paleoconservative Pat Buchanan echoed The Nation, writing that “Putin’s actions, though unsettling, are not irrational.”
A Guardian
columnist worked off of a similar script, shrugging that “it is hardly
surprising that Russia has acted to stop the more strategically
sensitive and neuralgic Ukraine falling decisively into the western
camp, especially given that Russia's only major warm-water naval base is
in Crimea.” Much to the consternation of former supporters like left-wing folksinger Billy Bragg, Britain’s Stop the War Coalition appeared uninterested in stopping this war:
“Ever since the end of the Cold War in 1991, the European Union and
NATO have been intent on surrounding Russia with military bases and
puppet regimes sympathetic to the West, often installed by 'colour
that’s ok then. If the Ukrainian people's desire to swivel towards
Europe displeases Moscow, if the United States has made a number of
unsavory foreign policy decisions in its recent past, and if Russia
determines that its strategic interests are threatened by a sovereign
country that it once occupied and brutalized, then who are we to object?
Vladimir Putin might have flattened Grozny, propped up the vile regime
of Bashar Assad, and turned his country into a one-party state where
loud dissent can be punished by a stint in a Siberian work camp, but
let’s not say the man is irrational.
And besides, what about Iraq?
Related Reading:
Open Letter From Ukrainian Jewish Community To Putin: Stop Lying And Get Out Of The Ukraine
Is Vladimir Putin truly a modern-day Hitler?
Why We Should Care About Crimea
Open Letter From Ukrainian Jewish Community To Putin: Stop Lying And Get Out Of The Ukraine
Is Vladimir Putin truly a modern-day Hitler?
Why We Should Care About Crimea
Putin Cooks Up Obama’s Chicken Kiev Moment
In Ukraine, Obama’s Watching the Verdict of 1989 Dissolve
President Obama’s Foreign Policy Is Based On Fantasy
Putin’s Nationalist Strategy
Ukraine,Venezuela and the Lessons of History & U.S. Power
Obama’s Fantasy-Based Foreign Policy
Russia Blows Past Obama’s “Off Ramp”
Whatever Did We Do To Deserve This?
The 25 Most Ridiculous Photos From The Homes Of Ukrainian Government Officials (Photo Essay)
In Ukraine, Obama’s Watching the Verdict of 1989 Dissolve
President Obama’s Foreign Policy Is Based On Fantasy
Putin’s Nationalist Strategy
Ukraine,Venezuela and the Lessons of History & U.S. Power
Obama’s Fantasy-Based Foreign Policy
Russia Blows Past Obama’s “Off Ramp”
Whatever Did We Do To Deserve This?
The 25 Most Ridiculous Photos From The Homes Of Ukrainian Government Officials (Photo Essay)
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