Former Rhode Island State Representative, Dan Gordon, has been in and out of Massachusetts jail cells since 1999 & has been charged more than 12 times in 13 years.
And, he doesn't like to be reminded of it!
"Chris, keep your integrity and training at the forefront. Sight alignment, sight picture. Breathe and squeeze."
Moron of the Day:
@Billz_I_Am: Chris Dorner is single handedly saving black history month #TeamDorner
Courtney Marie @TheCourtMarie
Officers are down , chris isn't ! #TeamDorner #TeamDorner #TeamDorner #TeamDorner #TeamDorner #TeamDorner #TeamDorner #TeamDorner
Yaya. (@YayaIsNovacaine) February 12, 2013
Dorner shooting at cops ;D #teamdorner—
Cody (@cschwartz99) February 12, 2013
Cody (@cschwartz99) February 12, 2013
#teamdorner RT @BreakingNews: Fugitive former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner exchanges gunfire with authorities in Big Bear area—
Nicky Piscitelli (@stick2st) February 12, 2013
Nicky Piscitelli (@stick2st) February 12, 2013
@stick2st ill be so pissed if they kill him im tryna see him off everyone he listed in his manifesto—
Evan (@EvAn2sT) February 12, 2013
Evan (@EvAn2sT) February 12, 2013
@EvAn2sT if they do get him im tryna see him go out wit a bang—
Nicky Piscitelli (@stick2st) February 12, 2013
Nicky Piscitelli (@stick2st) February 12, 2013
Go!!!! Down fighting… Chirs DoRnEr…. #teAmdoRner—
N3wkiidOnthABlocC (@iitweetTHATreAl) February 12, 2013
N3wkiidOnthABlocC (@iitweetTHATreAl) February 12, 2013
Dorner trying to kill everything he gunned doown two more officer lmfaoooo—
All Eyez On Me (@DamarioBrown) February 12, 2013
All Eyez On Me (@DamarioBrown) February 12, 2013
#TeamDorner losangeles.cbslocal.com/live-video/—
EL $UCIØ☠E$CØBAR (@YGmateen) February 12, 2013
EL $UCIØ☠E$CØBAR (@YGmateen) February 12, 2013
LAPD is getting EXACTLY what they deserve & nobody is sympathizing a damn bit with them. #TeamDorner—
Lightskin Lisa (@LadyCyprus316) February 12, 2013
Lightskin Lisa (@LadyCyprus316) February 12, 2013
Fucc the police 💥💥🔫 #TeamDorner—
The Foundation (@ChiefOfThaHurst) February 12, 2013
The Foundation (@ChiefOfThaHurst) February 12, 2013
I hope he escapes! #TeamDorner #Yeaisaidit—
Marvin Jaime (@Siegel31) February 12, 2013
Marvin Jaime (@Siegel31) February 12, 2013
He's already shot and wounded 2 policemen tonight! #TeamDorner—
Michael Maloney (@michaelmalonski) February 12, 2013
Michael Maloney (@michaelmalonski) February 12, 2013
I Support Christopher Dorner …. #TeamDorner—
King of Minnesota (@Jack_Napier_) February 12, 2013
King of Minnesota (@Jack_Napier_) February 12, 2013
#TeamDorner …. Let's Go …. Keep Running and Shooting, Black Man … Don't go Down without a Fight—
King of Minnesota (@Jack_Napier_) February 12, 2013
King of Minnesota (@Jack_Napier_) February 12, 2013
Yall respect the one that got shot, I respect the shooter. #TeamDorner—
Smash Adams (@ChefBoyarDON) February 12, 2013
Smash Adams (@ChefBoyarDON) February 12, 2013
I hope he doesn't get caught either. RT @iSweatOutweaveR: Am I wrong for wanting Dorner to not get caught.—
Chancellor Williams (@theycallmehovjr) February 12, 2013
Chancellor Williams (@theycallmehovjr) February 12, 2013
I hope this n!gga Chris Dorner escapes.—
Arabian Prince (@curly_headphuk) February 12, 2013
Arabian Prince (@curly_headphuk) February 12, 2013
I hope dorner don't never get caught lol—
Reggie (@Shakez843) February 12, 2013
Reggie (@Shakez843) February 12, 2013
I hope Dorner shoots these n!ggas down and keeps on going, if you gonna go on a kill streak better put numbers up—
Token (@Ivan_splash) February 12, 2013
Token (@Ivan_splash) February 12, 2013
How could you not be #TeamDorner
He's a black super hero only targeting cops—
Gatsby (@jozefxk) February 12, 2013
He's a black super hero only targeting cops—
Gatsby (@jozefxk) February 12, 2013
I hope dorner kills as many corrupt cops a possible—
†IG CavalleyCocaine (@PearlaCaValley) February 12, 2013
†IG CavalleyCocaine (@PearlaCaValley) February 12, 2013
i hope christopher dorner kills all of those cops. he's the man.—
Nick Caswell (@BasedMazelTov) February 12, 2013
Nick Caswell (@BasedMazelTov) February 12, 2013
Chris Dorner is in a shootout with the Lapd they found him and so far he has shot 2 cops I hope Dorner kills them… fb.me/22MyfGWRd—
Petey Bouras (@peteyb978) February 12, 2013
Petey Bouras (@peteyb978) February 12, 2013
I hope they never catch Dorner, and I hope he keeps killing & exposing you crooked ass cops!✌—
MammaSkunksss'♥ (@FattySkunksss) February 12, 2013
MammaSkunksss'♥ (@FattySkunksss) February 12, 2013
I hope Christopher Dorner gets the crooked cops. #justsayin—
Brenda Ramos (@oc_b22) February 12, 2013
Brenda Ramos (@oc_b22) February 12, 2013
I could less about these cop pigs…run Dorner run 🏃🏃—
Hatshepsut (@blackdahlia_305) February 12, 2013
Hatshepsut (@blackdahlia_305) February 12, 2013
HahaaaaahaRT"@jessedank3000: Chris Dorner is the dude . Keep killin cops n get out the country . Show them pigs for what they really are ."—
K-IDontCare (@KTHEKING740) February 12, 2013
K-IDontCare (@KTHEKING740) February 12, 2013
#allfacts RT @TheHalesReport: Dorner cant give up, he gotta kill a few more pigs—
TALK TO ME NICE (@KING_KILLA757) February 12, 2013
TALK TO ME NICE (@KING_KILLA757) February 12, 2013
Keep going Dorner! Take more pigs! #dorner—
Adam Mayes (@theREASON666) February 12, 2013
Adam Mayes (@theREASON666) February 12, 2013
I hope #Dorner takes out more pigs. Period!! #FTP—
k.c.✩ (@_la_sola_) February 12, 2013
k.c.✩ (@_la_sola_) February 12, 2013
Don't give up dorner. You got more pigs to lay down.—
thomas young jr (@foreverTyoung) February 12, 2013
thomas young jr (@foreverTyoung) February 12, 2013
Please take as many pigs wit you before they kill you Dorner!!!!!!!—
✊Malik Martin (@supaSIGMA) February 12, 2013
✊Malik Martin (@supaSIGMA) February 12, 2013
This Dorner case is now like some action Hollywood movie. A good cop went rogue n shii, I just hope he drops more murderous pigs.—
Blackness Master (@Abdulrahym) February 12, 2013
Blackness Master (@Abdulrahym) February 12, 2013
I hope Dorner takes out at least 5 more pigs before they shoot him—
Reppin AZ (@GWOPS1) February 12, 2013
Reppin AZ (@GWOPS1) February 12, 2013
Made the mistake of searching for #TeamDorner on Twitter. I don't want to live on this planet any more.—
Mike Thompson (@vansau) February 12, 2013
Mike Thompson (@vansau) February 12, 2013
Update: CBS2: One deputy who was shot in the exchange of gunfire has died.
Update #2: CBS LA just said that Dorner supporters have shown up in Big Bear with signs. Unreal. — John Ekdahl, Jr. (@JohnEkdahl) February 12, 2013
#DornerBBQ .@joeychins: This guys standing up against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by himself just to clear his name. God bless. #TeamDorner
#DornerBBQ FTW! RT@jozefxk: How could you not be #TeamDorner He's a black super hero only targeting cops
#TeamDorner more power to him for exposing the police corruption. They did him dirty and want us to believe he's a monster. SMH
#TeamDorner Words cannot express how much I love this hashtag.
#TeamDorner "@amerikus_: Ionno why im rooting for Dorner but i am.!"
@YeahItsOpe come on dude. I'm for #TeamDorner. I'm hoping he's escaped because he's planned this for yrs. I bet he had a tunnel in cabin
#TeamDorner more power to him for exposing the police corruption. They did him dirty and want us to believe he's a monster. SMH
#DornerWeBelieve #TeamDorner #BlackPunisher The ultimate anti-hero, if you wish for peace then prepare for war.
@IAmChrisDorner: R.I.P to myself #TeamDorner "Stand for something or Fall for anything
Update #2: CBS LA just said that Dorner supporters have shown up in Big Bear with signs. Unreal. — John Ekdahl, Jr. (@JohnEkdahl) February 12, 2013
"Authorities are concerned fire is diversion for Dorner escape" HAAA yes #TeamDorner
I'm sorry if you against Chris Dorner , but I'm not . They did em wrong so he doing them wrong 10x worst don't mess w em #TeamDorner
James Cornell
The Blunt Pearla
Black man executed in front of everyone and burned to death : a.k.a lynching #TeamDorner @IAmChrisDorner modern day #lynching
Kalic Chambers
Jack Flash Is Dead?
RT @M0NEyiS_kiANAk RT @ChasinBenFrankk: Ahahahaha now they saying he got away from the cabin #TeamDorner
Unitd States of Tara
I believe an innocent man will go to all lenths to prove himself innocent for dignity, honor, code, truth #teamdorner
Call me crazy BUT.... #TeamDorner ! You go boy . Killing isn't cool though..
Suzanne SugerBaker
dont raise a shooter if you dont wanna get shot #teamdorner
Lol ME TOO! #TeamDorner “@MAC_n_Cheeese: @iFlossyK and I'm prayin to baby Jesus that he ain't! 😩🙏”
Flossy Da JuiceMan
Although he handled it the wrong way Chris was on to something. The #LAPD needs to be reformed! #teamdorner #dorner
Your heart may have stopped, but your sense of justice lives on through #TeamDorner
Magical Girl Haiders
I wonder if LA will riot if they kill him. #Dorner
Joseph Solis (@TheAverageJ0E) February 13, 2013
Dorner will die a martyr and LA will riot.. #dorner #cnn #lapd
(@Streamlyne) February 13, 2013
pulled the helicopters out of there; trying to hold back images that
could cause riots. half of LA rooting for #ChrisDorner
MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) February 12, 2013
So they pulled helicopters away to
prevent any footage from being seen that would incite a riot. L.A. is
always down for a riot. #Dorner
Rob Cortez (@robcortez) February 13, 2013
Anybody else think LA is long overdue for another riot? #Dorner
Wesly Peterson (@mytweetsgodumb) February 13, 2013
@mytweetsgodumb U got the supplies lol. This nigga #Dorner is #prepared
Richard Hopkins III (@intellectUup) February 13, 2013
@mytweetsgodumb broooooooo I been thinkin it for a minute
Richard Hopkins III (@intellectUup) February 13, 2013
If they kill #Dorner LA should riot. I'm tryna come up 💰💰💰💰✌
TROUBLE (@TheHurtClothing) February 13, 2013
@DankAssOG: If #Dorner gets caught, I'm starting a riot.” Im with you, FUCK DA PIGSSSS. Corrupted muthafuckaz
Mrs Scott Mescudi (@hljahsiek) February 13, 2013
Imma start a RIOT. #Dorner
808's (@Voila_Jade) February 13, 2013
Maybe la should start burnin down every police station in la #Dorner #LAPD #RIOT
Ab0m1nable_An0n (@PiThrower) February 13, 2013
Call me ignorant but I sympathize for Dorner! Won't be long before he have local militia supporting him.! LA will riot!
High Class (@MissTyne) February 13, 2013
Chris Dorner is going to be in the history. There is probably going to be a riot.
T*S*O*V* (@TylerSovereign) February 13, 2013
If Dorner is killed, and all LA cops are in Big Bear, what's to stop an LA riot by Dorner's followers?
Publius Papers (@PubliusPapers1) February 13, 2013

One of the REAL victims.
Carlos Torres :)
They set that cabin on fire and let it burn to the grown! #TeamDorner they had no intentions on arresting him
Hakuna Matata
RIP to a REAL gangsta Christopher Dorner #TeamDorner... hope you got a chance to call Charlie Sheen....… http://instagr.am/p/VqANBOrklG/
︻╦╤─ Yp™
Geez I go to practice and come home to this terriable news... RIP to the big homie Christopher Dorner! #TeamDorner
i think that the news is lying to us about chris dorner being dead. he is still alive #TeamDorner
tim thang
Read Chris Dorner's 14 page manifesto... http://boywithgrenade.org/2013/02/07/christopher-dorners-manifesto/ … #TeamDorner #RIPDorner
Sami سامي
He's the hero we deserve... but not the one we need right now... he is... the dark knight... #TeamDorner
Logan Hood
I refuse to believe #ChrisDorner is dead. Its a #LAPD cover up to make it seem like they werent out smarted by one black man. #teamdorner
Elliott Smith
Them white guys just mad cause a black guy out smarted them & made them look dumb as hell in their own city. ha #teamdorner #myboy
Cheer up, loons, Chris Brown is still alive and awaiting your homages.
4 cops dead and I ain't even mad at him. #TeamDorner
6VISIX (@Ajocks_) February 13, 2013
6VISIX (@Ajocks_) February 13, 2013
I hope and pray that they walk into the cabin and can't find dorners body anywhere. #TeamDorner
Phil T. Rich (@AnthonyKolle) February 13, 2013
Phil T. Rich (@AnthonyKolle) February 13, 2013
Long Live #ChristopherDorner #Fuck #LAPD #FuckEmAll #TeamDorner #police in LA put a #Gun in my Face For… instagr.am/p/Vp2s6RpT8m/
Justus Shabazz Allah (@BlackJusthe1) February 13, 2013
Charred body found in cabin did not match the size of #ChrisDorner. One Officer & Car still unaccounted for. #TeamDorner #HeAintDead
Elliott Smith (@radiantthings) February 13, 2013
#TeamDorner http://t.co/y3fwfSzm
Stephany Anaya⚓ (@BIGPapiStephh) February 13, 2013
Stephany Anaya⚓ (@BIGPapiStephh) February 13, 2013
I refuse to believe #ChrisDorner is dead. Its a #LAPD cover up to make it seem like they werent out smarted by one black man. #teamdorner
Elliott Smith (@radiantthings) February 13, 2013
THAT'S RIGHT #TeamDorner #protectchrisdorner #fucklapd #fucktaskforce #protectchrisdorneratalltimes http://t.co/uGvVKSI9
J O H N (@johnnyxHUF) February 13, 2013
J O H N (@johnnyxHUF) February 13, 2013
#TeamDorner RT @myfoxdc: LAPD: No Body Found Or ID'd Inside Burned Cabin fb.me/2fgloGPaO
Pharaoh (@HeyYaddaYadda) February 13, 2013
Dorner about to become the new Tupac……. "Nah… He ain't dead".
Unfuckwittable. (@MsReyda) February 13, 2013
Woooooo Chris Dorner ain't dead #teamdorner
Doonie Three (@Greeneyes3) February 13, 2013
Doonie Three (@Greeneyes3) February 13, 2013
Say what you want about #Dorner, the most wanted man in the country is evading capture like a G.
John Brown (@Jbezzydasnowman) February 13, 2013
John Brown (@Jbezzydasnowman) February 13, 2013
I really hope that dorner is still alive. Just to prove that the lapd are desperate to cover shit up
Kyle Lewis (@fuckyouitskyle) February 13, 2013
Kyle Lewis (@fuckyouitskyle) February 13, 2013
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