not even pretending it’s about Hagel.
It’s telling what the Repub actually admit to today. They don’t want ‘answers’. LG has an election coming up…and he wants to
fend of a Tea Party threat. McCain…he’s just after some personal
vengeance. But as Ed notes…Hagel will
get confirmed. And this will just be
another ‘we really mean it!’ from the Repubs…when they don’t."
verbaluce on February 14, 2013 at 1:31 PM
that’s not it.”
verbaluce on February 14, 2013 at 1:38 PM
Um, yes, it is.
Remember when attending 5
colleges and maintaining a “C” average was proof that someone wasn’t fit for
high office?
Well, Obama has nominated
a man, who attended 5 colleges and had a “D” average.
Remember when being openly
homophobic was a cause for scorn by the Left?
Well, Obama has nominated
a man, who has been openly homophobic.
Remember when opposing abortion
even in the case of rape was considered a disqualification for office by the
Left, a bar to even addressing the Democratic National Convention, and proof of
the “Republican’s War on Women”?
Well, Obama has nominated
a man, who opposes abortion even in the case of rape.
Remember when making
anti-Semitic statements, rightfully, drew comparisons to David Duke?
Well, Obama has nominated
a man, who has made anti-Semitic statements on numerous occasions.
Remember when “smart
power” was what the media and the Left called Obama’s foreign policy and his
Well, Obama has nominated
a man, who has proven that he is anything but smart.
Remember when the Left
spit on returning troops from Vietnam and your Secretary of State, falsely,
testified under oath about how horrible American soldiers were behaving in
Vietnam – much worse than the lie that Jack Murtha told?
Well, Obama has nominated
a man, who the Left once accused of atrocities.
Remember when people, who
voted for the Iraq War, were called warmongers and alleged to be supportive of
“air-raiding villages and killing civilians”?
Well, Obama has nominated
a man that the Left once called a “warmonger.”
Look, we know the deal
here. Obama wants Hagel so that he has Republican cover to do what he wants to
do to the military.
I said before, Repubs are not hiding the ‘why’ here at all. And it’s not any of the concerns that you
offered. They said they are doing this
until they get ‘answers on Benghazi’. I
suppose as soon as the WH tells Lindsay Graham whether or not Obama spoke with
Libyans – (and how many…for how long…at what time…and where was he…what was he
wearing…phone on right or left ear…feet up or standing?) – well then he’ll just
move right to a vote on all of this?
Sure. Theater…plain and
simple. As is the demand for Benghazi
verbaluce on February 14, 2013 at 2:03 PM
Er, you might wish to go
back and educate yourself. There has been talk of filibustering Hagan for
months – and the bases for which have included many of the things that I wrote.
In fact, if you want, I’ll
provide you with some examples.
and simple. As is the demand for
Benghazi ‘answers’."
Er, I think that the
American people have a RIGHT TO KNOW that their
Commander-in-Chief was AWOL and went to bed after being
told that Ambassador Stevens was missing and there was an ongoing assault.
FAR worse than Bush finishing “My Pet
Goat” to a class of kindergarteners.
We also deserve the truth on the
gun-running and, yes, it is happening. I wrote about it on numerous occasions
some time back, including this:
Obama sent for the Seals that killed
Osama. They did their job. We know what happened to them.
When Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith and 2
former Seals, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Dougherty, called for help, Obama did NOTHING.
Chris Stevens was meeting with the
Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin in Benghazi on the night of his death.
Turkey was not pleased that both Qaddafi and American-made weapons, including
Stingers, were making their way to the al Qaeda-affiliated rebels in Syria.
Neither were the Russians and Iranians, who are on the side of the Assad
5 days before the attack, a Libyan ship,
the Entisa, linked with Al-Qaeda jihadists like Abdelhakim Belhadj had Stingers
and other weapons onboard. The purpose was to get weapons into the hands of
Syrian jihadists, known to be dominated by Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.
This ship was stopped at the Turkish port
of Iskanderun, 35 miles from the Syrian border. They did not want the weapons
going forward into Syria, but high-ranking US officials pleaded. The transport
was released under duress.
The following week, Stevens was
assassinated. There are 4 groups that do not want a Fast & Furious for
Syria: The Turks, The Syrians, The Iranians, and The Russians.
Mr Obama may wish to watch his own back
considering the Frankenstein he created.
Karma is such a vengeful bytch.
8 November 2011
Yes, we definitely deserve the truth and
demanding such is not theater. I remember when there was an entire commission
set up to investigate the first 9/11.
missed the part where they offered this as the reason for a filibuster."
verbaluce on February 14, 2013 at 1:48 PM
allow them to filibuster just because they have a hair across their a$s. Wait…nevermind."
verbaluce on February 14, 2013 at 2:15 PM
Are you, perchance,
referring to John Bolton’s nomination to be Ambassador to the United Nations?
The Senate yesterday failed to break a
Democrat-led filibuster against President Bush’s nominee for ambassador to the
United Nations, leaving John R. Bolton at an impasse and setting up the
possibility of a recess appointment.
The vote was 54-38, six votes shy of the
total needed to end a filibuster and force an up-or-down vote on Mr. Bolton,
and both sides said they do not see an end to the impasse.
Yeah, I thought that would shut you up.
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