M2RB: Eminem & Rihanna
high off my love drunk from my hate
it’s like i’m huffin’ pain and i love it the more i suffer, i suffocate
and right before i’m about to drown, she resuscitates me, she fuckin’ hates me
and i love it, wait, where you goin’?
i’m leavin’ you, no you ain’t come back
it’s like i’m huffin’ pain and i love it the more i suffer, i suffocate
and right before i’m about to drown, she resuscitates me, she fuckin’ hates me
and i love it, wait, where you goin’?
i’m leavin’ you, no you ain’t come back
"You don't suppose it might be because in the 1960's the
Democrats pushed through the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act,
giving black U.S. citizens for the first time equal legal standing in
this country? That was a pretty huge deal for black Americans."
- ericynot
Why did JFK, LBJ, etc., vote again Eisenhower's Civil Rights Act of 1957? You should also look at the percentages of the 1964 & 1965 votes. Without Republicans, neither would have passed since more Republicans supported the legislation than Democrats.
"Yes, many southern Democrats opposed those bills, but
after they passed, most of those people switched parties, and the South
turned Republican."
- ericynot
Other than Strom Thurmond, please tell me which of the following died as Republicans:
Al Gore, Sr.
Orval Faubus
William J Fullbright
Bull Connor
Robert J Byrd
Fritz Hollings
J. Lister Hill
John Sparkman
John Little McClellan
George A. Smathers
Spessard Holland
Herman Talmadge
Richard Brevard Russell, Jr.
Allen J. Ellender
Russel B Long
James Eastland
John Stennis
B. Everett Jordan
Sam Ervin
Olin D. Johnston
Herbert S. Walters
Absalom Willis Robertson
Harry F. Byrd, Jr.
I know that you prefer the easy, but wrong, answer: "The South became Republican because it is full of racists."
As for the so-called 'Southern Strategy,' er, what ‘Southern Strategy’?
Nixon didn’t win the South in 1968. He split it with Wallace. Nixon won the South in 1972, but he also won every state in the Union save Massachusetts…and the District of Columbia.
Instead of blaming some phantom ‘Southern Strategy’ for losses, maybe, people should look at who the next two Democrat candidates were for POTUS were in 1968: Humphrey and McGovern.
The South was/is CONSERVATIVE. It was never going to vote for Liberal peaceniks.
Jimmy Carter won the ENTIRE South in 1976 a mere EIGHT YEARS after Nixon had supposedly crafted the Southern Strategy that was going to steal the region from the Democrats F-O-R-E-V-E-R. Sure, Carter lost the South in 1980, but he also lost 44 out of 50 states…not just the South.
Yes, Mondale and Dukakis lost the South, but Mondale lost every state except Minnesota – his home state – and he only won it by a mere 3,761 votes and Dukakis only won 10 states and the District of Columbia. In other words, it wasn’t just the South that voted against two liberals.
Clinton won Louisiana, Georgia, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Kentucky in 1992. He won all of those except Georgia, which he swapped for Florida, in 1996.
Since the 1960s, there have been more Democrat governors in the South than Republicans and more Democratic legislatures. As I said, the South is CONSERVATIVE. It is not LIBERAL. It voted for CONSERVATIVE Democrats. It was never going to support Northern Liberals like Mario Cuomo, Ted Kennedy, Michael Dukakis, Barack Obama, etc. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with philosophy.
Congressman Tim Scott beat Strom Thurmond’s son, a white guy, and became the first black Republican Representative from South Carolina in 114 years…and he beat the Democrat by a margin of 65 to 29 percent. There’s only one word to describe that kind of beating: B-R-U-T-A-L.
How bad of a beating was it? Consider this: Alvin Greene lost to Senator Jim DeMint by a margin of 63% to 28%.
The black Tim Scott beat the white Democrat by a larger margin than the white Senator, Jim DeMint, beat the black Alvin Greene.
He was elected on his character not the colour of his skin. He won because he is a Conservative.
Anyone, who believes that the South would’ve voted for Humphrey, McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Cuomo, etc., but for that nasty ‘Southern Strategy’ has lost her ever-loving mind.
As for the so-called 'Southern Strategy,' er, what ‘Southern Strategy’?
Nixon didn’t win the South in 1968. He split it with Wallace. Nixon won the South in 1972, but he also won every state in the Union save Massachusetts…and the District of Columbia.

South did not send a majority of Republicans to the House of
Representatives until the 'Gingrich Revolution' in 1994 and, from
Reconstruction until the 2000s, Democrats controlled the majority of
Governors' Mansions and state legislatures in the South.
'The Republicans began to lose their hold on the black
vote in the 1930s, not the 1960s, and the proximate cause was the New
Deal, not civil-rights legislation — all of which, including the 1964
act, was passed on Republican support in the face of Democratic
opposition. The majority of black Americans became Democrats by the
1940s, not in the 1950s or 1960s — Truman won nearly 80% of the
black vote in 1948. The last Republican presidential nominee to win the
black vote was Herbert Hoover. Fred Vinson, the chief obstacle to the Brown desegregation mandate, was the last chief justice appointed by a
Democrat. And the Deep South did not abandon the Democrats after 1964:
Republicans did not win a majority of southern congressional seats until
the 1994 election, 30 years later.'
Instead of blaming some phantom ‘Southern Strategy’ for losses, maybe, people should look at who the next two Democrat candidates were for POTUS were in 1968: Humphrey and McGovern.
The South was/is CONSERVATIVE. It was never going to vote for Liberal peaceniks.

Jimmy Carter won the ENTIRE South in 1976 a mere EIGHT YEARS after Nixon had supposedly crafted the Southern Strategy that was going to steal the region from the Democrats F-O-R-E-V-E-R. Sure, Carter lost the South in 1980, but he also lost 44 out of 50 states…not just the South.

Yes, Mondale and Dukakis lost the South, but Mondale lost every state except Minnesota – his home state – and he only won it by a mere 3,761 votes and Dukakis only won 10 states and the District of Columbia. In other words, it wasn’t just the South that voted against two liberals.

Clinton won Louisiana, Georgia, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Kentucky in 1992. He won all of those except Georgia, which he swapped for Florida, in 1996.
Since the 1960s, there have been more Democrat governors in the South than Republicans and more Democratic legislatures. As I said, the South is CONSERVATIVE. It is not LIBERAL. It voted for CONSERVATIVE Democrats. It was never going to support Northern Liberals like Mario Cuomo, Ted Kennedy, Michael Dukakis, Barack Obama, etc. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with philosophy.

Congressman Tim Scott beat Strom Thurmond’s son, a white guy, and became the first black Republican Representative from South Carolina in 114 years…and he beat the Democrat by a margin of 65 to 29 percent. There’s only one word to describe that kind of beating: B-R-U-T-A-L.
How bad of a beating was it? Consider this: Alvin Greene lost to Senator Jim DeMint by a margin of 63% to 28%.
The black Tim Scott beat the white Democrat by a larger margin than the white Senator, Jim DeMint, beat the black Alvin Greene.
He was elected on his character not the colour of his skin. He won because he is a Conservative.
Anyone, who believes that the South would’ve voted for Humphrey, McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Cuomo, etc., but for that nasty ‘Southern Strategy’ has lost her ever-loving mind.
While we are on the subject of political parties and racism, let's talk about the Democrats! Unlike the GOP, in the Democratic Party, you can be a Southern Governor like Billy
Jeff and never take one act in your 12 years to remove the confederate flag from
your capitol and sign Act 985* making the birthdays of Martin Luther King, Jr,
the preeminent leader of the civil-rights movement, and Robert E Lee, the
general who led the Confederate army, a state holiday...
as POTUS, you can award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a staunch
segregationist like William J Fullbright.
Yes, you can! And, you can do all
of this and STILL be the putative first black President of the United
States of America.

Why? Because in the Democratic
The Bobby Byrds never cooooommmmmme hoooooommmmme tooooooooo
Of course, if you are a Republican, don’t try this at home…or at the
100th birthday party of a former Democrat. ‘Cuz, if you do, that would make you a...
BTW: The answer to the question is NONE. They all died as Democrats.
* In April 1985, Governor Bill Clinton signed Act 985 into
law, making the birthdates of Martin Luther King Jr, who was born on 15 January 1929 and the preeminent leader of
the civil-rights movement, and Robert E Lee, the general who led the
Confederate army and was born on 19 January 1807, a state holiday...on the same day.
Love the Way You Lie - Eminem and Rihanna
[Chorus - Rihanna]
just gonna stand there and watch me burn
that’s alright because i like the way it hurts
just gonna stand there and hear me cry
that’s alright because i love the way you lie
i love the way you lie
[Eminem - Verse 1]
i can’t tell you what it really is
i can only tell you what it feels like
and right now it’s a steel knife in my windpipe
i can’t breathe but i still fight while i can fight
as long as the wrong feels right it’s like i’m in flight
high off my love drunk from my hate
it’s like i’m huffin’ pain and i love it the more i suffer, i suffocate
and right before i’m about to drown, she resuscitates me, she fuckin’ hates me
and i love it, wait, where you goin’?
i’m leavin’ you, no you ain’t come back
we’re runnin’ right back, here we go again
so insane, cause when it’s goin’ good its goin’ great
i’m superman with the wind in his back, she’s Lois Lane
but when its bad its awful, i feel so ashamed i snap
whose that dude? i don’t even know his name
i laid hands on her
i never stoop so low again
i guess i don’t know my own strength
[Eminem - Verse 2]
you ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe
when you with em you meet and neither one of you even know what hit em
got that warm fuzzy feeling
yeah them chills used to get em
now you’re getting fuckin’ sick of lookin’ at em
you swore you’d never hit em, never do nothin’ to hurt em
now you’re in each other’s face spewin’ venom in your words when you spit em
you push pull each other’s hair
scratch claw hit em throw em down pin em
so lost in the moments when you’re in em
it’s the rage that’s the culprit, controls ya both,
so they say it’s best to go your seperate ways
guess that they don’t know ya
cause today that was yesterday
yesterday is over, it’s a different day
sound like broken records playin’ over
but you promised her next time you’ll show restraint
you don’t get another chance
life is no nintendo game, but you lied again,
now you get to watch her leave out the window
guess that’s why they call it window pain
[Eminem - Verse 3]
now i know we said things, did things, that we didn’t mean
and we fall back into the same patterns, same routine
but your temper’s just as bad as mine is, you’re the same as me
when it comes to love you’re just as blinded
baby please come back, it wasn’t you, baby it was me
maybe our relationship isn’t as crazy as it seems
maybe that’s what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
all i know is i love you too much to walk away though
come inside, pick up the bags off the sidewalk
don’t you hear sincerity in my voice when i talk?
told you this is my fault, look me in the eyeball
next time i’m pissed ill aim my fist at the drywall
next time there won’t be no next time
i apologize even though i know its lies
i’m tired of the games i just want her back
i know i’m a liar if she ever tries to fuckin’ leave again
i’ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire
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