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20 May 2012

Headfaking It?

aturner: "One more time. It was not until after Democrats came out in support of their idea."

And, like I said, the individual mandate is still unconstitutional.  It doesn't matter who proposed it. 

Have you ever considered the possibility that the GOP "head faked" the Democrats?

"Hey, all you Repubbies, come huddle up, I've got a plan to run by you. We don't want Hillarycare to pass. It is, basically, single-payer, but we have to look like we are in favour of some kind of health reform. So, let's put forth this individual mandate. The Court will not uphold it because Congress lacks the authority to compel individuals enter into third-party contracts for the provision of a government-mandated good or service as a condition of good citizenship. They probably won't go for it, but we can use it to beat Hillarycare.

In the event that the Democrats ever flip-flop and start supporting know, like, if a senator from Illinois runs against a senator from New York for the Democratic presidential nomination in the future and condemns her for supporting the unconstitutional mandate and then gets elected and becomes a vocal supporter of the mandate, we can also flip-flop and come out and say that we were wrong in our past support...'The individual mandate is quite obviously unconstitutional and, after further legal analysis, we now understand that we were wrong when we proposed it as a solution to the healthcare issues facing the country."
So, maybe, they got Dems to come over to the unconstitutional side. Maybe, they set them up.

Of course, this would require the Stupid Party to be as crafty as the Evil Party. I'm not sure that the Stupid Party would be capable of pulling off such a trick because I sort of think that they'd have difficulty organising a 2-car funeral, but if I had been them, I sure would have done it.

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