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14 May 2013

Bette Warbles To The IRS: 'Did I Ever Tell You You're My Hero? You're Everything, Everything I Wish I Could Be.'

'How?' you ask, Bette?  I dunno.  Why don't you ask Barack Obama?  His own Twitter account is run by 'Organizing for America,' a 501(c)(4) organisation...and,

Media Matters for America is a 501(c)(3) organisation;

 Center for American Progress is a 501(c)(3) organisation;

 The Center for American Progress Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) organisation;

Priorities USA is a 501(c)(4) organisation; is a 501(c)(4) organisation;

Democratic Socialists of America is a 501(c)(3) organisation;

ActBlue is a 501(c)(4) organisation;

Center for Progressive Leadership is a 501(c)(3) organisation;

Progressive Majority is a 501(c)(3) organisation; and

Voters for Choice is a 501(c)(3) organisation.

Yet, NONE of those organisations was targeted by the Internal Revenge Service.  Only conservative, Patriot and TEA Party groups, along with those that promote education about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, want to make 'America a better place to live,' and support Israel were targeted, frozen, personalised, and polarised...and you said NOTHING about it. So, obviously, you only 'love' the IRS when it is goring someone else's ox, which makes you a pathetic hack.

First, they came for the Tea Partiers,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Tea Partier.

Then, they came for the 'Patriots,'
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a 'Patriot.'

Then they came for the supporters of Israel,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a supporter of Israel.

Then, they came for lovers of the Second Amendment,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a lover of the Second Amendment.

Then, they came for the lovers of the First Amendment,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a lover of the First Amendment.

Then they came for me,
 and there was no one left to speak for me.

Sucks to be 'me,' eh, Bette?

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