Charles Cooke
over at NRO
has tallied up the total for the Obamas' cost of living in the White House:
$1.4 billion per year.
The executive mansion is not in that
much trouble, of course. It’s certainly not in sufficiently dire straits
for Air Force One ($181,757 per hour) to be grounded, or to see the executive
chef ($100,000 per year) furloughed, or to cut back on the hours of the three
full-time White House calligraphers ($277,050 per year for the trio), or to
limit the invaluable work of the chief of staff to the president’s dog
($102,000 per year), or to trim his ridiculous motorcade ($2.2 million). If
Ellen DeGeneres wants another dancercize session or Spain holds another
clothing sale, the first family will be there before you can say “citizen
executive.” Fear ye not, serfs: Austerity may be the word of the week, but the
president is by no means in any danger of being forced to live like the
president of a republic instead of like a king.
The current annual cost of the White
House — just in household expenses, not the policy operations for which it exists
— is $1.4 billion: Annually, presidential vacations cost $20 million (the low
estimate for one presidential vacation to Hawaii is $4 million, but the true
cost is probably five times that); the first family’s yearly health-care costs
are $7 million; more than $6 million is spent on the White House grounds each
year. Transporting the president cost $346 million last year. But as Michelle
Obama might say, America is basically a downright mean sort of place, so the
tours will just have to go. One hopes at least that the calligraphers were
recruited to sign the docents’ pink slips.

I spent a few minutes researching the cost to the taxpayer of the 8 ruling families in the UK and Europe: British, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, Danish, Belgian, and Luxembourgian. To put it mildly: The American Omperor is higher maintenance than my (former) Queen and the other 7 monarchs and their families...COMBINED.
British: $$57.8 million
Dutch: $49 million
Swedish: $15.2 million
Danish: $15.7 million
Belgian: $14 million
Spanish: $11.6 million
Norwegian: $35 million
Luxembourgian: $10.7 million
Total cost to taxpayers: $209 million
The Obamas cost more than 6 TIMES (6.7, to be exact) the amount that ALL of the ROYAL FAMILIES IN EUROPE COST....COMBINED.
On the other hand, 46,609,072 Americans were on food stamps in 2012 with a record 47,791,996 in December.
Let them eat cake! Indeed.
Let them eat cake! Indeed.
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