something cannot go on forever, it will stop.’
Stein, Stein’s Law, which is often
paraphrased as:
‘Trends that can't
continue, won't.’
me be as perfectly clear as possible: I am not a Trump supporter (although, if
forced, I will either vote for him over Clinton or Sanders or stay home) nor do
I want anyone to think that I am an apologist for some of his rhetoric or
said that, I must simply ask: What does anyone think was eventually going to
happen after decades of the Left shutting down speech, resorting to mobocracy
and Alinskyite tactics, vile misrepresentations and disgusting slanders of
their opponents, and outright violence that has been a staple of the New Left
and all of its incarnations since the 1960s? How long were otherwise peaceful,
rational, and productive Americans supposed to meekly submit to or retreat in
the face of threats, defamation, abuse, and violence?
African American man beaten by SEIU Union Thugs in St. Louis at Tea Party Townhall Protest
am a naturalised American having emigrated from the UK. Beginning in the
mid-1990s, I started to witness the no-platforming of non-Leftists and the
treatment of anyone, including lifelong Labourites, who questioned the
Blair/Brown governments' purposeful scheme to import massive numbers of
immigrants from primarily third-world countries in what an adviser to Sir
Mandelson said was 'a deliberate act to rub their (the Tories) noses in
diversity'. This plot was a reaction to the continued victories of
Margaret Thatcher and designed to forever change the demographics and voting
populace of Britain. They succeeded in the former, but the Conservatives'
present occupation of No 10 Downing suggests that they may have been thwarted in
the latter.
The Truth At Last! Peter Mandelson Admits Labour 'Sent Out Search Parties' To Bring Migrants Here After Losing The Votes Of The Working Class
all of that as it may, the Establishment's reaction, including the Etonians
like Cameron, to their own constituents' concerns about mass immigration's
effects on social cohesion, law and order (some immigrant communities refuse to
submit to British law holding that their own religious, tribal or cultural laws
are supreme...see the many grooming and rape scandals involving 'Asians' -
Muslim men from primarily Pakistan...if I were a Hindu or Buddhist from 'Asia',
I'd be incensed by the government and media's sliming of me because they are
too politically correct to accurately identify the actual culprits),
infrastructure like schools, hospitals, housing, transportation, etc, and the
essence of 'Britishness' was always the same: 'Racists! Bigots! Xenophobes!'
believe that it was Mark Steyn who once observed that when citizens' rational
and legitimate concerns are dismissed, derogatorily described, and stifled by
'rational and legitimate' leaders, the people will eventually seek out
'irrational and illegitimate' (in the Establishment's view) leaders who will
listen and take their anxieties and issues seriously.
Labour is in the process of learning this hard lesson. The party that was once the home of the middle and working classes has seen massive defections by what was its original base. Many of these former traditional Labourites have fled to UKIP and even the Conservatives although more aligned with the grassroots as opposed to the elites.
Labour is in the process of learning this hard lesson. The party that was once the home of the middle and working classes has seen massive defections by what was its original base. Many of these former traditional Labourites have fled to UKIP and even the Conservatives although more aligned with the grassroots as opposed to the elites.
Labour 'utterly betrayed real interests of working class'
Remember Gillian Duffy, the woman whom Gordon Brown called a 'bigot'
after she expressed her concerns about unlimited immigration from Eastern
Europe? She was a lifelong Labourite. I think that we can safely assume that
she helped defeat him in that election. There are millions just like her. They
feel betrayed by their government, their parties, the media, and other
'leaders'. And, what is their primary beef? Immigration and the impact it is
having on jobs, wages, and society.
Mass immigration and its effects on the British economy, budget, job market, wages, schools ('Muslim Trojan Horse' school scandal, anyone?), hospitals, social services, social cohesion, and its traditions and culture (consider this: The Flag of St George is banned because it is considered 'racist', but the flag of ISIS is not) is at the core, along with the loss of national sovereignty to the EUSSR and its unelected, unaccountable dictators and apparatchiks, of the Brexit movement. According
to a new poll released today, these people will be the driving force that vote
for Brexit. They represent 52%.
And, even 24% of the Remain voters will switch to Leave if Angela Merkel gets her way and grants Turkey and its blackmailing, terrorist-sympathising, press-jailing, murdering-Kurds-in-Syria-along-Turkey's-border, authoritarian, Islamist wannabe dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, a 'fast track' to EU membership. Not even many Europhiles want (the soon-to-be Islamic Republic of) Turkey, with its growing regime of human rights abuses, legions of extremists, winks and nods to repressive Islamic regimes given membership status nor its 75 million citizens, who are overwhelmingly Muslim, awarded the 'right to freedom of movement' within the EU, which is already overwhelmed.
What has happened in the UK has been occurring in Europe for decades and we are seeing the polarisation, internal strife, and hardening of positions play out daily. Even after the calamity brought about by the elites' migrant crisis, many still try to cover up, lie, stifle and silence opposition to mass immigration with the same taunts of 'Racists! Bigots! Xenophobes!' Most clear-thinking people see what is happening and know that this will not end well.
And, even 24% of the Remain voters will switch to Leave if Angela Merkel gets her way and grants Turkey and its blackmailing, terrorist-sympathising, press-jailing, murdering-Kurds-in-Syria-along-Turkey's-border, authoritarian, Islamist wannabe dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, a 'fast track' to EU membership. Not even many Europhiles want (the soon-to-be Islamic Republic of) Turkey, with its growing regime of human rights abuses, legions of extremists, winks and nods to repressive Islamic regimes given membership status nor its 75 million citizens, who are overwhelmingly Muslim, awarded the 'right to freedom of movement' within the EU, which is already overwhelmed.
What has happened in the UK has been occurring in Europe for decades and we are seeing the polarisation, internal strife, and hardening of positions play out daily. Even after the calamity brought about by the elites' migrant crisis, many still try to cover up, lie, stifle and silence opposition to mass immigration with the same taunts of 'Racists! Bigots! Xenophobes!' Most clear-thinking people see what is happening and know that this will not end well.
As Newton's Third Law of
Physics avers: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I
would add my observation: The longer it takes for 'an equal and opposite
reaction' to occur, the more likely it is to become 'a violent and possibly
more than commensurate reaction.'
many years before he slaughtered 77 people, I predicted that, one day, an
Anders Behring Breivik would do exactly what he did. Why? Because it is utterly
predictable that dismissing the concerns of the people, who supposedly give
their consent to be governed, and ruling in contravention of their desires with
only a privileged, elitist goal ('a closer union', financial gain, moral
preening, 'we know better than those ignorant, bigoted rubes') will always end
in violence, tragedy, and - eventually - revolution.
Germans "Cheer" Fire Of Migrant Shelter By Onlookers
Muslim Migrant Gangs Riot and Torch Stockholm
The Collapse of Swedish Police, Law, and Legal System
Muslim Migrants warn Germans their days are numbered
with Trump, I'm not making apologies for Breivik or the anti-immigrant mobs
that burn down 'migrant centres', but, honestly, what do officials expect is
going to happen? Did anyone ask the people of Britain if they wanted to forever
change their demographics, culture, and traditions? Did anyone ask the Germans, Austrians, etc, if they wanted to foot the bill for millions of
immigrants? Did anyone ask the Swedes if they wanted to see their 'education system plummet in quality and do so far more than any of the other countries studied' by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)' because of the mass immigration of people, who in many cases aren't even literate in their native tongues?
According to recent figures released, two-thirds of the immigrants are 'basically illiterate' and 85% have trouble just reading bus timetables. What did Europe's leaders expect would happen? Did they really believe that people would just continue to shut up, sit down, and submit to their overlords? Really?
authorities have been forced to admit that poor school performance and mass
migration are directly linked.
The declining level of
the Scandinavian country’s schooling system and the huge influx of migrants are
directly correlated according to the shocking report. The education authority
made a statement Monday saying there is up to an 85 per cent waste of resources
in the schooling system, and that the proportion of students coming to Swedish
schools who are above the enrolment age is climbing rapidly, reports Die Welt.
The study, which was
conducted by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), showed
that the university level education in Sweden between 2006 and 2012 had
plummeted in quality and did so far more than any of the other countries
During the same period,
pupils coming from foreign countries increased from 14 to 22 per cent. Also
recorded was the share of students who failed their studies, which went from 37
per cent to a significant 50 per cent.
The average age of minors
first entering the school system rose sharply from seven to nine-years-old. The
board of education said, “many students have so much less time to catch up,”
compared to native Swedes who typically start school at the age of six.
The board also noted that
many of the migrant children were coming from countries with weak educational
systems, meaning that even if school had been attended for many years they
would not have the same basic foundations as Swedes and lag far behind.
According to recent figures released, two-thirds of the immigrants are 'basically illiterate' and 85% have trouble just reading bus timetables. What did Europe's leaders expect would happen? Did they really believe that people would just continue to shut up, sit down, and submit to their overlords? Really?
In that same vein, were Americans ever asked if they wanted open borders, mass immigration from third world countries, forever change the demographics, culture, traditions, and politics of their Constitutional Republic? Of course not. Democrats wanted their dependent underclass of future voters and Republicans wanted cheap labour.
Playing of the fundamental good nature of the American people, both parties blatantly lied to their citizens. They rebuked any dissenters with 'America is a nation of immigrants!' Of course, this is a wild distortion of history considering the fact that the United States was not formed for centuries after immigrants arrived in the New World. Sure, America has experienced 'waves' of immigration in its history, but it has also had long periods where immigration was severely restricted...see, for example, the period between 1924 and 1965. As an aside, you will notice that Mexico is never called a 'nation of immigrants' even though a significant portion of its population is of European, primarily Spanish, descent. Seriously, does anyone believe that Jorge 'Blue Eyes, Pale Face' Ramos is a descendant of indigenous people?
These politicians pointed to the Statue of Liberty, which - as a gift from the French - had nothing whatsoever to do with immigration. They screamed about Emma Lazarus' poem, 'The New Colossus':
'Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!'
But, The New Colossus was not an ode to massive immigration and open borders. It was a rebuke to Europe with its monarchs, despots, class system, tyranny, authoritarianism, oppression, persecution, limited rights, lack of freedom, denial of liberty to most of its subjects, especially the religious 'heretics', the 'enemies of the state', the many small 'd' democrats a/k/a 'Classical Liberals' (which aren't anything like today's illiberal 'Liberals'), the peasants, the mistreated, the hated, the outcasts. The Other. And, it wasn't just the nobility, wealthy, and powerful clerics that were targeted. Many of these 'Other' people would have been considered as ‘Völkerabfälle’ (racial and class trash) by the likes of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
As I have demonstrated previously...
'The Germans have long since shown that in all
spheres of science they are equal, and in most of them superior, to other
civilised nations. Only one branch of science, political economy, had no German
name among its foremost scholars.'
- Karl Marx, A Contribution to
the Critique of Political Economy (Review by Frederick Engels), Das
Volk, 30 No. 14, 6 August 1859
‘[In Central Europe] only
Germans, Hungarians and Poles counted as bearers of progress. The rest must go.
The classes and races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give
way. [...]
- Friedrich Engels, Die Neue
Rheinische Zeitung, January 1849
'The chief mission of all
other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary
- Karl Marx, Die Neue Rheinische
Zeitung, January 1849
was explained that the Slavs had failed to pursue essential historic evolution,
so were therefore counter-revolutionary. All European countries contain
‘left-overs of earlier inhabitants’, now rightly brought into subjugation by
more advanced peoples. Amongst such ‘Völkerabfälle’ were
listed Scottish Highlanders, Bretons, Basques, South Slavs (Slovenes, Croats,
Serbs) Irish and Czechs. These
'inferiors' would never be able to become revolutionary. Serbs were ‘dirty.’ There was no reason for Poland to even ‘exist.’ (See: Friedrich
Engels, Die Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 1849).
‘Apart from the Poles and
the Russians, and perhaps the Slavs of Turkey, no Slavic nation has a future,
since all the other Slavs lack the historical, geographical, political and
industrial bases that are necessary for independence and survival.
Countries that have never had their own history, that have hardly achieved the
lowest level of civilization....cannot survive and can never achieve the
slightest autonomy…'
- Karl Marx, Marx's journal,
15-16 February 1849
'Among all the nations
and sub-nations of Austria, only three standard-bearers of progress took an
active part in history, and are still capable of life -- the Germans, the Poles
and the Magyars. Hence they are now revolutionary. All the other large and small
nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the
revolutionary world storm. (...)
This remnant of a nation
that was, as Hegel says, suppressed and held in bondage in the course of
history, this human trash, becomes every time -- and remains so until their
complete obliteration or loss of national identity -- the fanatical carriers of
counter-revolution, just as their whole existence in general is itself a
protest against a great historical revolution. (...)
Such, in Austria, are the
pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the human trash of peoples,
resulting from an extremely confused thousand years of development. (...)
The next world war will
result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary
classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too,
is progress.’
- Friedrich
Engels, 'The Magyar Struggle', Neue Rheinische Zeitung, No.
194, 13 January 1849
'For us, economic
conditions determine all historical phenomena, but race itself is an economic
- Friedrich Engels, letter to W. Borgius,
would recommend study of Engels' influential piece. Marx himself, asked how ‘those
moribund peoples, the Bohemians, the Carinthians, the Dalmatians, etc.,’ might
be disposed of. By the way, if you believe that Marxism cannot equal Nationalism, then you might find Engels' statements on Germanic Supremacy and Germany's 'right of honour' to destroy other countries quite revealing.
THIS is the kind of thinking that was despised and rejected in The New Colossus.
Returning to American politics, leaders shouted over amber waves of grain, from purple mountain majesties, above fruited plains and from sea to shining sea that illegal immigrants were: 1) 'undocumented Americans'; 2) 'acts of love'; 3) 'hardest working'; 4) 'most family oriented'; 5) 'God-fearing'; 6) 'an integral part of our society; and, 7) a foundational part of our economy without whom we'd suffer stagnation!, recession!, depression!, complete economic collapse!, and maybe even WORLD WAR III!!!111!!!!
What utter nonsense. How many of these 'leaders' have ever told the American people about the real crime rate amongst illegal immigrants (see FBI annual reports) or the fact that:
And, they certainly have never told the American people that 87% of household headed by illegal immigrants receive welfare.

What did these 'leaders' think would happen if these truths were ever revealed? How long did they think they could keep Americans in the dark? Did they honestly believe that they and their compatriots could forever shut up citizens with their taunts of 'Racists! Bigots! Xenophobes!'?
Do American elites believe that they can continue to run the nation as though it were a college campus or Baltimore? Special snowflakes, 'safe spaces', 'space to destroy', double standards, unequal treatment under the law, suppression of constitutional rights like free speech, right to peaceably assemble, or seek redress of grievances from their government, and Stalinist-Alinskyite violence, intimidation, extortion, and persecution of 'dissidents'? Are they paying attention to Europe? Are they listening to their own neighbours and constituents? Do they believe that they can continue to flout the law? Do they honestly believe that illegal immigrants should receive 'get out of jail free cards' while poor and/or minority American citizens receive prison sentences? Do they seriously think that the unemployed and underemployed will simply go quietly and allow foreigners to be given preference for jobs in this country? Young African-American unemployment is around 50%, but let's bring in more unskilled labour! Ms Middle Class American Disney employee, you are fired, but before you go, you must train your replacement from Asia!
Today's Disney Effect may turn out to be tomorrow's Bubba Effect.
Treat American citizens as trash. Disrespect their opinions and beliefs. Insult their intelligence. Call them 'racist, sexist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic Neanderthals'! Tell them to pay their taxes and shut the fuck up. Tell them that they will be thrown underneath Leavenworth if they even think about doing what Hillary Clinton did. Tell them that you know what is best for them and how to best spend their money. Do any or all of this and see what happens. In my opinion, Donald Trump is merely Flyover Country's middle finger to the ruling class. If you think he's bad, keep at it and wait until they start throwing their fists and more. Again, you are asking for it. You can only poke a hornet's nest for so long before a swarm attacks you with a vengeance.
As Newton's Third Law of Physics avers: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I would add my observation: The longer it takes for 'an equal and opposite reaction' to occur, the more likely it is to become 'a violent and possibly more than commensurate reaction.'
Do not ever say that I failed to warn you of the risks you are taking and the danger that you may face.
Call it 'The Revenge of the American Völkerabfälle’.
decades - and especially over the last two years or so - Americans have watched
'peaceful protestors' riot, loot, rob, burn down their communities, destroy the
private property of others, silence even liberal professors, make demands,
disrupt life, business, and activities, and harm innocent people. For the most
part, they have remained peaceful and muted. Whether it is Newton's law or my
observation on it, I suspect that some serious blowback is coming across the
Western world. I sincerely doubt it will be peaceful and orderly.
disappointing, what else would any person remotely aware of human behaviour
Of course George Wallace should have been able to speak in a city that is 2/3rds minority...just as the Neo-Nazis were allowed to march through Skokie, Illinois...a community that had a large number of Jewish residents, many of them Holocaust survivors.
‘NRO devoted an installment
to stopping Trump. They failed. They shouldn't cry foul when the Dems do. WOULD ANYONE THINK GEORGE WALLACE SHOULD BE ABLE SPEAK IN A CITY
THAT IS 2/3 MINORITY? Trump plays
to bigotry and racism, and it would be best that the GOP abandon him now.’
- nick
hamann, Shameful
Spectacles, in Chicago and Elsewhere
Of course George Wallace should have been able to speak in a city that is 2/3rds minority...just as the Neo-Nazis were allowed to march through Skokie, Illinois...a community that had a large number of Jewish residents, many of them Holocaust survivors.
I have approved of Wallace's speech or the Neo-Nazis march on a personal level?
No. But, that is not the issue. The First Amendment applies to every
American...even those that espouse abhorrent views. The Constitution doesn't
cease to exist in a city or town or state or region just because a majority
disapproves of a minority view.
your logic, Black Lives Matter should not be allowed to speak in a community
that is 2/3rds white.
I can imagine your response if such a situation developed. It would be the exact opposite of your position here.
Do you not know of the infamous case of the Neo-Nazis marching through Skokie, Illinois, in 1977? I mean, it is a pretty famous Supreme Court case, which saw the ACLU defending the First Amendment rights of the vile Neo-Nazis. See: National Socialist Party of America v Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43 (1977).
Here is a Syllabus from FindLaw:
And, my dear, my father is a Jew and he lost several members of his family in the Holocaust. No one is invoking Hitler or Nazis or Neo-Nazis as a comparison to anyone. The Skokie case is famous because of its reaffirmation of bedrock American principles and the First Amendment issues, not Adolf Hitler.
Every American has a right to free speech. No American has a right to suppress the free speech of another nor does s/he have a right not to hear speech which s/he finds 'offencive.'
I can imagine your response if such a situation developed. It would be the exact opposite of your position here.
'Can we discuss Trump's
merits and deficiencies without invoking the Nazis, the Neo-Nazis and Adolf
Hitler? The comparison is not appropriate in the least, and is offensive to a
great many people, including Mr. Trump's daughter, who is an Orthodox Jew.'
- What-me-comment?, Shameful Spectacles, in Chicago and Elsewhere
Do you not know of the infamous case of the Neo-Nazis marching through Skokie, Illinois, in 1977? I mean, it is a pretty famous Supreme Court case, which saw the ACLU defending the First Amendment rights of the vile Neo-Nazis. See: National Socialist Party of America v Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43 (1977).
Here is a Syllabus from FindLaw:
Every American has a right to free speech. No American has a right to suppress the free speech of another nor does s/he have a right not to hear speech which s/he finds 'offencive.'
I'm afraid that the Left hasn't learned its history. If you repeat 1968, you will elect the authoritarian who promises to bring law, order and stability back to the streets...just as the SDS, Black Panthers, Weather Underground, etc, and their Chicago riots during the Democratic National Convention led to the election of Richard 'Law and Order' Nixon.
History is replete with examples of this.
If you want to defeat Trump, do nothing. If you want to elect him, riot, violently protest, beat up cops, shut down rallies, and trample on the rights of other Americans.
Americans have long rejected the 'Heckler's Veto' and I don't believe that they have changed so much that they will embrace anti-American sentiments that are more in line with Stalinism and even, ahem, Fascism.
I don't think Donald Trump is anywhere close to Chiraq.
Of course, that won't stop some for blaming him any way.
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