Playing 'Old & Busted' And 'New Hotness' With Democrats, Including An Undocumented One, Over Syria
Old & Busted:
New Hotness:
'The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing and slaughtering his own people. We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a democratic transition or get out of the way. He has not led. For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside.'
- President Barack Obama, 18 August 2013
- President Barack Obama, 18 August 2013
Old & Busted:
‘Assad is a man of his word who has been very generous
with me. Syria will move; Syria will change as it embraces a legitimate
relationship with the United States. Syria can play a critical role in
bringing peace and stability if it makes the strategic decision to do
- Secretary of State John Kerry, 16 March 2011
New Hotness:
‘History would judge us all extraordinarily harshly if we
turned a blind eye to a dictator’s (Assad’s) wanton use of weapons of
mass destruction against all warnings, against all common understanding
of decency.’
- Secretary of State John Kerry, 30 August 2013
Old & Busted:
‘Assad is a reformer.’
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, March 2011
New Hotness:
‘Assad must go. The sooner the better for everyone concerned. There has to be a timeline. It can’t go on indefinitely.’
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 1 April 2012
Old & Busted:
‘We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace.’
- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, 2007
New Hotness:
‘It is clear that the American people are weary of war.
However, Assad gassing his own people is an issue of our national
security, regional stability and global security. We must act.’
- Not-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, 28 August 2013
Old & Busted:
‘President Assad has been very generous with me in terms
of the discussions we have had. President Barack Obama’s administration
considers Syria a key player in Washington’s efforts to revive the
stalled Middle East peace process. Syria is an essential player in
bringing peace and stability to the region. Both the United States and
Syria have a very deep interest… in having a very frank exchange on any
differences (and) agreements that we have about the possibilities of
peace in this region. I asked President Assad to do certain things to
build the relationship with the United States and sort of show the good
faith that would help us to move the process forward.’
- Senator John Kerry, 2009
New Hotness:
‘Assad's a thug and a murderer.'
- Secretary of State John Kerry, August 2013
Old & Busted:
‘Bush must obtain both the approval of both Congress and
the United Nations before he uses military force…(to carry out his
illegal wars of choice).’
- The New York Times, 2003
New Hotness:
- The New York Times, 28 August 2013
Reincarnated Moonbat:
‘President Al-Assad is highly beloved and appreciated by the Syrians, whom I met.’
- Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Senile Moonbat, whose ‘old man smell’ is more powerful than his critical thinking skills:
‘President Assad is very popular in his own country.’
– President Jimmy Carter, who has had, BUT OF COURSE, a ‘close, personal relationship’ with the Assad family for three decades
Sheer Moonbattery:
‘[As soon as possible upon his arrival], we should ask
Her Majesty, the Queen, to bestow a knighthood on President Bashar
al-Assad with ‘as much pomp and ceremony as possible.’
- Prime Minister Tony Blair, 2002
Old & Busted:
‘Let’s bomb Syria!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Older & Flat-Busted:
‘Let’s bomb Libya!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Even Older & Psychotic:
‘Let’s bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Older Than That & T1ts’ Up:
‘Let’s bomb Iraq!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Dirt-Old & Roadkill:
‘Let’s bomb Afghanistan!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Ancient & Pushing Up Daisies:
‘Let’s bomb Somalia and Yemen!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Iron-Aged & Demented:
‘Let’s bomb Yugoslavia, Bosnia, and Kosovo!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Old Than The Wheel & Rocking A Potted-Plant IQ:
‘Let’s bomb Iraq and Kuwait!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Bronze-Aged & Clusterfarked:
‘Let’s bomb Nicaragua!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Adam & Eve Still Haven’t Eaten The Apple & Everyone Loves A Snake:
‘Let’s bomb Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos…just as soon as I crash my 5th plane!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
Older Than The God Particle & FUBAR’d:
‘Let’s bomb the Soviet Union, Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, and the entire Eastern Bloc at the same time!’
- Senator Senile of Arizona
New Hotness:
Senator Senile, to placate your ‘Bomb, bomb, bomb, anything!’ itch, how about you start with one of your 7 houses?
- Sophie
See Also:
1 comment:
You are so bilabially delicious, MO...
Pointing out such ill, evils and deception of Senator Senile...
This post reminded me of Dr. Funk... I wonder where that brilliant lawyer is these days.
When you Lawyers say stuff like this I like to lick your brain.... What Brilliant minds and work...
I also like how you seem to be on the side of Biblical Isaiah. You really don't care what the masses think of you or your words.
You Just whisper the God's reminders to the Remnants... The ones who will have to come back and build this God's earth after the Detroit-like annihilation of the western civilization... We seem to already be there...
Aristotle was right, with the barbarians at the gate, Tolerance is the last Virtue of a Dying Civilization...
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