By Charles C. W. Cooke
the protest outside of the NRA convention consisted of just two or
three people — surrounded by press, of course. Today, there are thirty
or so. I stood around with them for a couple of hours this afternoon,
discussing the issues and asking where they were coming from, and I
found them to be charming to a man. (Even the woman with the “assholes”
sign is pleasant enough.) Still, they are typical of most anti-gun types
that I have met: their hearts are in the right place, but they know not
of what they speak. And, worse, when pushed they’re not really sure
what they think.
Above, I have cut together a video showing some of my conversations
with protesters. Notice the meandering agenda, the lack of detail, and
the tendency to mask a bigger agenda in the cloak of “background
checks.” This was typical. By contrast, the National Rifle
Association’s members are formidable. I have been genuinely impressed at
the sheer depth of knowledge that the average attendee boasts — not
just about firearms, but about firearms law and about American history.
It strikes me that if the gun control movement is to improve its
performance, step one will be to master the issues. Without doing so,
they will continue to be left in the dust; well-intentioned but railing
at clouds.

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