of the billboards are currently up in Greeley, Colorado.
Wells, an account executive with Lamar Advertising, says a group of local
residents purchased the space.
have called the ad "offensive" and "insensitive."
to KJCT.com, Greeley resident Kerri
Salazar, who is of Native American descent, says she was livid when she learned
about it. She said she doesn't have a problem with the pro-gun rights message,
but she's offended the Native American people were used apparently without
their consent.
The untold numbers of Native Americans
killed by the government were unavailable for comment.
Please allow me to paraphrase former Congressman
Vernon Ehlers, sigh, and state:
‘We don't
teach enough history in this country.’
I weep for this country.

1 comment:
How spectacularly sad that Native Americans that had no written language but a rich oral history tradition for hundreds of years, no longer have an understanding of their history. I guess good conversation IS hard to find.
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