By James Lewis and Justine Aristea
is something strange about the fast-rising European "crypto fascist"
movements. They are peas in a pod -- with similar political programs,
and similar nationalist and anti-capitalist rhetoric. They all hate the
two Satans of Iranian propaganda, Israel and America. Yes, the Persian
Gulf supplies 40% of Europe's oil and therefore has vast political power
in all the countries where the cryptos operate. But they are realy
monomaniacal about Israel, which has nothing like the power of the oil
states. Most peculiarly, all those anti-foreigner movements don't have a
bad word to say about 50 million Muslims who now populate the capital
cities of Europe.
Not one bad word.
the cryptos use the web to recruit and direct their followers. Just as
the invention of radio led to Mussolini's and Hitler's mass appeal, the
web is doing so for Giuseppe Grillo and all the others. Some of the
cryptos therefore want the voting age to be lowered to 16, so they can
catch 'em while they're young.
movements recruit many thousands of grossly ignorant teens, surfing the
web. They use mystery names -- Golden Dawn, Red and Black, Five Stars
-- as if they came from a single cookie cutter. They all try to absolve
the faded Nazi and fascist parties of the 30s and 40s.
most important, while the crypto cults rage against foreigners, none of
them criticize mass immigration of Muslims. They treat Muslim
immigration the way the U.S. media treat Obama.
is too much of a coincidence. Human beings are not all alike. When we
act like carbon copies, something else is going on. The Communist
International (Comintern) has run look-alike parties in Europe since
1900. Local communist parties never criticized Comrade Lenin or smiling
Uncle Joe. You could tell their loyalties by their blind spots.
seems likely that the crypto cults are recruited, paid, trained,
advised and controlled by some Muslim power center, like Iran's
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which the Pentagon recently estimated
to have 30,000 agents around the world.
bet is that the Iranians are running a new Comintern. With the global
web all it takes is money, time, a huge expatriate population to hide
in, and a ruthless network of controllers. Tehran runs a ruinous
domestic economy for ordinary people, but it does those things very
our favorite crypto cult leader, Giuseppe (Beppe) Grillo, who imitates
Mussolini every chance he gets. A few months ago Grillo's party got only
one percent less than Il Duce did in 1922. Mussolini parlayed those
first election results into 65% only three years later, using bullying,
threats and intimidation. Italy's political center collapse under his
assault, and Duce ran the place until Italy itself collapsed at the end
of the war.
in Duce's footsteps Beppe Grillo tried his own "march on Rome" a couple
of weeks ago, but was stopped by the cops and military. Opposition
parties finally united in a grand coalition against his movement. But
Grillo isn't giving up.
Iranian links to Grillo are too obvious to ignore.
Go back 20 years.
1992 Grillo was a minor comedian. That year he meets his internet guru,
Gianroberto Casaleggio. Today they are the two commanders of the Five
Star Movement, which is run like an army, from the top. Twenty years ago
nobody had heard of them.
years after Grilo and Guru meet, in 1996, Grillo marries the very
wealthy daughter of a multimillionaire Iranian highway builder,
NosratollahTajik, who indoctrinates him in Middle Eastern politics.
"Everything I know about the Middle East I learned from my father in
law" is Beppe's way of saying it. That is why he consistently kisses
Iran's tail on his blog -- one of the 10 most visited blogs in the
world. On the Satan side of things he smears the Jews, Israel, and
America, which are all the same, because the Jews run Israel and
America. Got it? Poiltics for morons.
this good fortune comes to Grillo from Parvin Tajik and his Iranian
daughter, who make Grillo a wealthy man, with two Ferraris, several
villas, and a big motor yacht. What a lucky guy.
In 1998 Grillo's blog presents his Message to Humanity (Messagio a l'Umanita).
You can read it there today. Grillo's Messagio rambles through a lot of
disconnected phrases and paranoid ideas. But his full-fledged program
is there already in 1998, fourteen years ago. With the help of his web
guru, Grillo's blog is popularized under Italy's political radar. Nobody
in politics takes him seriously, but millions of kids are becoming
Grillinis. Today they vote for Grillo. They are a cult, with primitive
and indefensible beliefs, a shared monomania, a split vision of the
world into Good and Evil. In terms of real politics, economics, and
history they are militantly ignorant.
that started in the mid-90s as a full-blown play script. The good guys,
the evil guys, the fantasy of World War III followed by pure internet
democracy, the glorification of Beppe Grillo and his web guru.
knows how the Movement is funded. It's run by only two people, both of
them oddballs. But -- Beppe is a comedian! No political party took him
seriously. If he wants to imitate Mussolini, maybe it's just a parody.
Parody is free speech. He operates under light cover until early this
is now a whole fantasy universe of Grilloid beliefs about the
international bankers, the real history of the Jews (who come from
Kazakhstan, not that other place), the way chemotherapy is made to kill
you, vaccines make you homosexual, aerial contrails are spreading poison
in the skies, on and on. This is a real fascist cult, and many
thousands of followers live in that universe. It's all they know.
year Grillo's Five Star Movement comes out of nowhere and gets 24
percent of the vote -- not much by American standards, but neck and neck
with Mussolini's first election. If Grillo plays tough he can block the
formation of a government, like Duce did in the 20s, and threaten and
intimidate his way to a majority. Mussolini got 65% in his second (and
lastl) election. Grillo says he wants 100%.
Beppe Grillo is forging an alliance with the far left. As a bloc the
radical left owns 18% of the vote. Grillo can take their 18% to get 42%
of the Parliament. Some Grillo appointee can then become Prime Minister
of Italy.
the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1938? By looking for allies on the far left
Beppe is trying to recreate the Red-Black alliance of the 30s.
Beppe is also reaching out to other nativist parties, like France's
National Front. In Hungary Viktor Orban's crypto party has just taken
power. In Greece, Albania, Spain, look-alike parties are making gains.
Ordinary people are desperately unhappy because of the bad economy. They
have been lied to by the ruling classes. They were promised peace and
prosperity forever, and now they want a scapegoat. In the East some
yearn for the Soviet years, when they had work and bread to eat.
of these countries have rarely seen a centrist government. Democratic
conservatism exists, but less widely than in the U.S., the UK,
Australia, and even India, where Prime Minister Singh is a free market
economist. When Europeans think "left wing" they think communist. "Right
wing" is fascist. The democratic center is always under attack.
you think the United States is in trouble today from a radicalized
left, imagine if both wings were extremists, European style.
week the Iranian propaganda agency PressTV published an opinion column
denouncing Beppe Grillo as a tool of Goldman-Sachs and the State
Department. The Iranian regime is all out to put the blame for Grillo on
somebody else.
We wonder why.
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