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04 May 2013

Dude, You Know You're Crazy If You Get Banned From A Ron Paul Event

 Via Economics Policy Journal, 26 August 2012...

iRoot reports:
The following instructions regarding Adam Kokesh are contained in the packet of information for volunteers being trained to help at Ron Paul’s Sun Dome Rally–expected to draw over 10,000.

Now, if you are wondering why Adam Kokesh and an old Ron Paul event are relevant today and missed Jazz Shaw's post on Hot Air, here's the important part of it:

A march on Washington with loaded rifles
Libertarian activist and radio host Adam Kokesh is hoping to get 1,000 people to march on Washington on July 4 — armed with loaded rifles. The plan, launched with a Facebook group today, is to gather on the Virginia side of the Potomac, where gun laws are lax, and then march across the bridge with loaded rifles slung over their shoulders into the District, where openly carrying weapons is generally prohibited.
“This will be a non-violent event,” the Facebook group warns, “unless the government chooses to make it violent.” Already, over 200 people have said they’ll attend the march.

Not a good idea.

Obama WANTS something like this to happen and then go terribly wrong. They won’t be a pack of Lone Wolves. Nosiree, Bob. They’ll be said to have marched in our places as sort of representatives of all of us. Then, we will all be condemned…because, after all, we aren’t poor, oppressed, non-assimilated, misunderstood jihadists that may have sustained brain damage from boxing or fell under the Svengali-like spell of an older brother. They have been waiting for something like this since Oklahoma City.


If you are crazy enough to get yourself banned from a Ron Paul event before it even takes place, dude, looks like C-R-A-Z-Y...and a plant.  And, that is exactly what he is.  From Michelle Malkin:

Before there was a nationwide, grass-roots Tea Party movement, there was another nationwide, grass-roots movement that brought thousands of Americans to Washington, D.C. They called themselves the “Gathering of Eagles.” I covered two massive, GoE rallies against the Soros-funded, anti-war Left in March 2007 and September 2007. GOE activists continue to expose the transnational progressives, anti-military bullies, and phonies who operate under the “peace” banner.

One of the groups that GOE dogged was Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) — whose members have included bomb-threat bullies and death-threat nutballs who threatened to assassinate me, fake Army vet Jesse MacBeth, and another prominent member who smeared the Young America’s Foundation by faking an anti-Muslim hate flyer and smeared David Horowitz with similar race-card playing flyers, then weaseled out of the attacks by claiming they were “satire.”

The last two incidents involved an IVAW member named Adam Kokesh. He marched in uniform in mock patrols for the anti-war movement, paraded around holding an upside-down American flag (see Jonn Lilyea for more), was arrested for defacing signs, and traveled to Germany to urge soldiers to abandon their posts and seek aid and comfort with his anti-war minions.

Kokesh, believe it or not, is now running as a Republican candidate for Congress in New Mexico. And, believe it or not, he is getting positive exposure on at least one Fox News show. He has the backing of Ron Paul, the Republican Liberty Caucus, and the 9/12 Project.

The New Mexico Republican Party has its head in the sand. If you have friends and family in New Mexico, make sure they know who the real Adam Kokesh is.

He is an anti-war smear merchant in GOP clothing. Spread the word.

Yeah, ‘cuz, like a whole bunch of libertarian-leaning Republicans were at the protest about Alberto Gonzales’s numerous use of ‘I don’t recall’ and had their count of the usage posted in a front-page article in the Washington Post.

According to the Washington Post’s sketch columnist extraordinaire, Dana Milbank, Gonzales said “I don’t recall” and its variants (“I have no recollection,” “I have no memory”) 64 times. Milbank is a hard-working columnist who sat through all 11 hours of testimony in the past three weeks from Gonzales and his former chief of staff, D. Kyle Sampson. He knows his stuff. But former Marine Adam Kokesh, who was based in Fallujah and is now an anti-war activist, kept his own count and came up with 74 “I don’t recalls” (or some such variation). The difference doesn’t really make a difference, the point’s still the same, but Capitol Briefing welcomes readers to scour the hearing transcript and do their own counts.

Adam Kokesh(Iraq Veterans Against the War) and Cindy Sheehan in Pictures of the movement by

Adam Koresh with every right-leaning libertarian, Republican, and Conservative's absolutely favourite person. /s

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