M2RB: Gloria Gaynor
ABC says that there
aren’t enough Democratic votes to confirm Chuck Hagel to be the new Secretary
of Defence - let's hope so - although I would pay the price of admission to see
“Senator Barney Frank,” a
gay Jew, interrogate him on his hideous, anti-semitic comments like "Let the Jews pay for it," his
support of Hezbollah and Hamas, his opposition to sanctions on Iran, his vote
for the Iraq war even though he called it "a war for oil," his denunciation
of The Surge - which was one of the few good things about the war, and his
bigoted comments about homosexuals in the hearings.
Why Obama Wants an
Anti-Gay Defense Secretary
Michael J Hurd, PhD
Obama wants to appoint an anti-gay former U.S. Senator, Chuck Hagel, as the
next Defense Secretary.
in the Clinton Administration, Hagel opposed the appointment of an openly gay
man to be ambassador to Luxembourg. At the time, Hagel said: “They
[ambassadors] are representing America. They are representing our lifestyle,
our values, our standards. And I think it is an inhibiting factor to be gay —
openly, aggressively gay like Mr. Hormel [the nominee] — to do an effective
pressure, Hagel is now backing down from his comments. This means about as much
as the words of any politician. Hagel knows that everyone else knows the real
truth is reflected in his earlier comments on the subject.
The compelling question for
today is: Why does Obama want Hagel as defense secretary? Fresh from his
reelection triumph, Obama can appoint almost anyone he wants and the
Democratic-controlled Senate will approve almost any nomination.
Why Hagel?
after all, credits himself with reversing the official ban on gays serving in
the military. (Gays and lesbians always did serve in the military; they were
not allowed to openly acknowledge their sexual orientation, until
Why in the world would
the leftist Obama go out of his way to choose an anti-gay Republican?
The answer lies in why so
many conservative Republicans oppose Hagel’s nomination. The answer lies in
Hagel’s views on foreign policy and defense—specifically, Iran, Israel and the
rest of the Middle East.
is on record as opposed to unilateral sanctions against Iran, a country whose
government denies the existence of the Holocaust and pledges to wipe Israel
“off the map” once it acquires nuclear weapons to do so.
2009, Hagel appealed to the newly elected President Obama to open direct
negotiations with Hamas, the infamous anti-Israeli terrorist group.
who served as president and CEO of the World USO from 1987 to 1990, expressed
intense opposition to the USO Haifa Center during a tumultuous 1989 meeting
with Jewish leaders, according to multiple sources involved in the fight to
keep the post open.
said to me, ‘Let the Jews pay for it’,” said Marsha Halteman, director for
military and law enforcement programs at the Jewish Institute for National
Security Affairs (JINSA), which led the battle to keep USO Haifa operational.
(Source: Commentary magazine online, 1/4/13)
Imagine if a nominee for Health and Human Services secretary
was on record saying, “Let the blacks pay for it.” Or: “Let Hispanics pay for
it.” The outrage would be deafening—and not surprising.
not even a whimper from Obama’s colleagues in Congress with equally racist
remarks by a nominee for one of the nation’s most important and powerful posts?
anti-Israel voting record is too much for even the staunchly pro-Obama,
pro-leftist “Washington Post,” who recently wrote that, "Chuck Hagel is not the right choice for defense secretary.”
Obama is a politician,
but he’s more consistent and ideological than most. To understand him, all you
have to do is what most Americans no longer do: Pay attention.
is openly sympathetic to militant Islam. He has been for his entire term of
office. Obama does not waver. He often speaks highly not only of Islam, but
organizations connected with militant Islam. A former Muslim Brotherhood
leader, Mohammed Morsi, is now president of Egypt, thanks in part to the tacit
approval of the Obama Administration. Morsi, as recently as 2010, reportedly
stated in a public address that Jews are "the descendants of apes and
pigs” and therefore must be expelled from the Middle East.
official policy of the United States government, under Obama, is to—at
best—disregard these comments. In so doing, our government implicitly supports
How do anti-gay remarks
figure into all this? As everyone knows, Islam is violently opposed to
homosexuality, to the point of justifying the execution of gays and lesbians
under both moral and secular law. Can those of you still paying attention
connect the dots, or must I do it for you?
with militant Islam is consistent with gay-hating and Jew-hating. Obama’s
policies of supporting the rise of militant Islam in Egypt and offering to
appease Iran are consistent with looking for a defense secretary who is openly
sympathetic to these attitudes.
never was a friend of individual rights or individualism. Whether it’s
socialized medicine or thrashing the productive and successful, he places the
collective above the individual at every turn.
Like every collectivist
in human history, Obama inevitably favors some groups above others. Jews
clearly do not make the cut; and gays do, but only when politically convenient
for him.

Democrats would, once again, get to say that they chartered new territory with
“Senator Barney Frank”: the first gay Senator. If only a certain gentleman from
a certain southern state had just come out a long time ago and said how much he
enjoyed listening to Judy Garland, picking out window treatments, and watching
Kevin Kline in the flick, “In & Out,” the Republican Party could
have been the TAILblazer!
‘Exploring Your
Masculinity’ Self-Help Tape: Repeat after me. Yo.
Howard Brackett: Yo!
Tape: Hot damn.
Howard: Hot damn!
Tape: What a fabulous
window treatment.
Howard: What a fabulous
window treat-
Tape: That was a trick!
Howard: Aagh
Tape: Truly, manly-men do not dance.
Howard: Oh, come on!
Tape: Under any
circumstances. This will be your ultimate
test. At all costs avoid rhythm, grace, and
pleasure. Whatever you do, do not dance.
[Gloria Gaynor's 'I
Will Survive' speeds up with disco beat]
Howard: I won’t.
Tape: Can you hear it?
Howard: Yes.
Tape: Can you hear the
demon? “Dance,” the demon whispers. Everyone else is dancing. They’re getting
down. They’re getting funky now. They’re having fun! – Not you! – No. Catch the
fever. Feel the heat of the disco beat. It’s calling to you. Do not listen! Men
do not dance. They work. They drink. They have bad backs. They do NOT
dance. Hold still. Hold tight. Whatever you do, DO
Gaynor: [Singing] Hey, hey.
I… I will survive…
Tape: What are you doing?!
Stop dancing, you big ballerina! Stop waving those hands! Aren’t you listening,
you pantywaist? Stop it! Stop shaking that booty! Be a man! Kick someone! Punch
someone! Bite someone’s ear! Are we a little
Gaynor: [Singing] …hold my
head up high…
Tape: Stop it! Get a grip!
Think about John Wayne. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold doesn’t dance! He
can barely walk. Stop it! Stop it! Just stop dancing!
So how
did you do, prissy boy?
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