M2RB: Old 97s
I'm goin' over the cliff, I'm goin' over the cliff
And it's hard to tell if life is a burden or a gift
Yeah, I'm goin' over the cliff
Forgive me or forget me everybody
Well, I guess I always had this honest streak
Yeah, I'm sick of all the yawning, the bitching and the bawling
I'm sick of feeling powerless and weak
And it's hard to tell if life is a burden or a gift
Yeah, I'm goin' over the cliff
Forgive me or forget me everybody
Well, I guess I always had this honest streak
Yeah, I'm sick of all the yawning, the bitching and the bawling
I'm sick of feeling powerless and weak
"Well first of all he's right. Normally, you don't raise taxes in a
recession, which is why we haven't and why we have, instead, cut taxes. Explain how raising taxes on anyone during a
deep recession is going to help with the economy any? What I have to say to Scott is his economics are right. You
don't raise taxes in a recession. We haven't raised taxes in a
recession....we have not proposed a tax hike for the wealthy
that would take effect in the middle of a recession. Even the proposal
that have come out of Congress, which by the way were different than the
proposals I put forward, still wouldn't kick in until after the
recession was over. So he's absolutely right. The last thing you want to
do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession."
- President Barack Obama, August 2009
By James Pethokoukis
Here are the stakes: The US economy is growing so slowly right now
that if just about anything goes wrong, anything at all, it could mean
another recession — quite possibly pushing unemployment back to the
worst levels of the Great Recession.
To use President Obama’s once-favored metaphor, the car would be back in the ditch, stuck worse than ever. Welcome back to 2009.
the Obamacrats in Washington are flirting with steering right at the
ditch, by letting some $400 billion worth of tax hikes engulf the
struggling economy on Jan. 1.
Under current law, that day will see
the the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts expire, even as the new ObamaCare
investment tax kicks in.
The face of Democrats’ . . . hope? Sen. Patty Murray is leading the charge to let taxes soar come Jan. 1.
Marginal federal income-tax rates (for the four brackets) would jump
from 25/28/33/35 percent to 28/31/36/39.6 percent. The child tax credit
would fall to $500 from $1,000.
And tax rates on capital gains
would jump to 20 percent from 15 percent, while dividends would be taxed
as ordinary income (28 percent to 39.6 percent) vs. 15 percent now.
in the new 3.8 percent ObamaCare tax, and those rates on capital gains
and dividends would go to 23.8 percent and (in the top bracket) 43.4
All that, during a weak recovery notable for its lack of private-sector investment and paucity of startup firms going public.
Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who heads the Democratic Senatorial
Campaign Committee, says her colleagues won’t accept any deal to avoid
the “fiscal cliff” if it means also extending the upper-income tax cuts,
even temporarily: “If we can’t get . . . a balanced deal that calls on
the wealthy to pay their fair share, then I will absolutely continue
this debate into 2013.”
Obama is no better on the issue. Not only
does he want those Bush “tax cuts for the rich” to expire right on
schedule, he’d only extend the Bush middle-class tax cuts for a year.
Economic madness.
mere possibility of this tax-hike tsunami is now weighing on business
and consumer confidence, which are at levels more typical of an economy
already mired in recession. In a new research note, Action Economics
blamed yesterday’s weak June report on consumer spending on “rising
public fear over the impending fiscal cliff.”
As it is,
economists think the economy will be lucky to grow 2 percent for the
rest of the year, after growing just under 2 percent in the first half.
In the past, economic growth that slow for that long has led to a
recession 70 percent of the time.
Now add a big, fat tax hike into the mix.
just the upper-income tax hikes expire would cost nearly a million
jobs, according to consultancy Ernst & Young. And it could push 2013
GDP growth to under 1 percent. That’s far too weak to produce many jobs
or make paychecks bigger. Another year of Stagnation Nation.
if the all those tax hikes actually take place? Well, megabank Citigroup
is telling its clients that the entire fiscal cliff (which also
included $65 billion in scheduled military and Medicare spending cuts)
would knock a whopping four percentage points from GDP growth next year.
And even the White House is predicting GDP growth of only 2.7
percent next year — so we’re talking about a fairly nasty downturn and
possibly a return to double-digit unemployment. That’s moving backward,
not forward. The Obama campaign might need a new slogan.
letting the issue linger into 2013 might be enough on its own to snuff
out the anemic recovery. What business would want to buy pricey new
equipment or hire lots of new workers on the hope that Congress quickly gets its act together after what’s likely to be an extremely close and divisive election?
Even if Mitt Romney wins, the Republicans take full control of Congress and
they all agree to kill these tax hikes, it still might take until
summer before they get it done over fierce Democratic opposition.
a sane Washington, Congress would immediately pass at least a temporary
extension of all the tax cuts, while promising to work on
Simpson-Bowles-style tax reform, lowering marginal tax rates while
killing loopholes. But that won’t happen when Team Obama is trying to
get the president re-elected with an all-out populist campaign against
the “1 percent.”
Maybe that cynical strategy will indeed let Obama
return to the Oval Office in 2013. But it’ll leave him facing a
recession rerun — and probably wishing it hadn’t worked.
James Pethokoukis is editor of The American Enterprise Institute’s Enterprise blog.
Over The Cliff- Old 97s
Well, I worked hard and I got lots of money
Well, I tried hard but I don't wanna stay
Yeah, I've seen too much trouble
I felt too much pressured bubble
But I knew there had to be a better way
I wouldn't hide if you thought I was worth it
You'd smack me down when I misbehave
But everybody knows that I've got flunkies here in tow
To clean up all the messes that I've made
I'm goin' over the cliff, I'm goin' over the cliff
And it's hard to tell if life is a burden or a gift
Yeah, I'm goin' over the cliff
Forgive me or forget me everybody
Well, I guess I always had this honest streak
Yeah, I'm sick of all the yawning, the bitching and the bawling
I'm sick of feeling powerless and weak
Please don't call me cool just call me, "Asshole"
'Cause I will be a beggar not a king
And the devil don't care if you're a fish or you're a stick
Yeah, I'm goin' over the cliff
I'm goin' over the cliff, I'm goin' over the cliff
Yeah, it's hard to tell if life is a burden or a gift
I'm goin' over the cliff
Well, in New York and L.A they're sending faxes
So the company can wash it's hands of this
Yeah, there was no one there to look after me or care
I'm goin' over the cliff
I'm goin' over the cliff, I'm goin' over the cliff
Yeah, success on someone else's terms
Don't mean a fuckin' thing, I'm goin' over the cliff
That's right, success on someone else's terms
Don't mean a fuckin' thing, yeah, I'm goin' over the cliff
Yeah, I'm goin' over the cliff, I'm goin' over the cliff
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