M2RB: Goo Goo Dolls, live Madison Square Garden, 2008
In too deep and lost in time
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Hearts gone cold and hands were tied.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Hearts gone cold and hands were tied.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Every culture based on "blame" and "excuses" is a failure and lags behind those that put a focus on self-determination, individual attainment, self-sacrifice, and success. - Sophie
While in Israel, Mitt Romney said something every sane person knows
to be true: There is great cultural and political meaning in the fact
that Israel has prospered while the Palestinians have festered.
“Culture,” Romney said, “makes all the difference . . . you notice a dramatic, stark difference in economic vitality.”
He didn’t specify what he meant by “culture,” but you can take your pick.
want a political culture that works to create conditions under which an
economy can thrive? Since signing the Oslo Accords with the
Palestinians, Israel has spent two decades working to unshackle its
economy from its socialist roots, with remarkable results.
Asking for some extra help? Romney placing a prayer in the Western Wall on Sunday.
The Palestinians? They’ve created what the House Foreign Affairs
Committee has called a “chronic kleptocracy,” with foreign aid and
investment shamelessly stolen and diverted to the bank accounts of the
leaders of the Palestinian Authority and its gangsterish local
According to Jim Zanotti of the Congressional Research
Service, Uncle Sam has given the Palestinians $5 billion since 1994. We
might as well have lit a match to most of it. It hasn’t gotten to the
people who might’ve used it best; it’s simply served as personal
financial lubricant for the folks in power.
You want a healthy
social culture? The Middle East Media Research Institute has spent
decades detailing the diseased messages emanating from Palestinian TV
and textbooks, instructing children in the glories of suicide terrorism
against innocent Israelis.
You want a culture where citizens are
free to express themselves and so live in the openness necessary to the
functioning of a successful economy? Israel has a free press, much of it
openly hostile to the parties in power. The Palestinian Authority has
arrested and tortured critical journalists, as well as conducted
denial-of-service attacks against Web sites reporting on corruption.
this doesn’t even take into account Hamas, the radical terror group in
charge of Gaza. It, too, has lived parasitically, sucking the life out
of the Palestinian economy.
In 1993, pre-Oslo, the GDP in the
territories was $2.9 billion, according to the World Bank. In 2011, it
was something like $10.5 billion — a small increase when you consider
population growth.
In Israel, the GDP has risen from $66 billion in 1993 to a stunning $243 billion in 2011 — per capita, from $12,500 to $31,000.
reason Palestinian economic growth has been so disastrously slow is the
terror war that Yasser Arafat launched against Israel in 2000 — the
“second Intifada.”
It shattered Israeli hopes for peaceful concert
with a new neighboring country, and led to an economic estrangement
that proved horribly costly to Palestinians. Israelis stopped employing
Palestinian workers and stopped buying Palestinian goods. Transit and
trade between the two became difficult and painful.
And whose
fault was it? Israel, which agreed in principle to a deal at Camp David
in 2000 granting Palestinians a state with sovereign dominion over
nearly 94 percent of the West Bank? No, it was exclusively the doing of
Arafat, who served as a reverse George Washington — rejecting nationhood
for the violence he understood better.
So Romney said Israel has
done better than the areas under Palestinian control because Israeli
culture is healthier. That’s not only true, it’s a necessary thing to
say — because the refusal to say it and accept it contributes to the
continuing immiseration and unfreedom of the Palestinians themselves.
course, for saying this, Romney was called a “racist” by Saeb Erakat,
the longtime slavering lackey of every Palestinian murderer and thief.
Erakat blames “occupation” for Palestinian poverty. But the PA has
dominion over almost all of the West Bank and Hamas has control over all
of Gaza, so the word “occupation” is all but meaningless — except as
shorthand for “Israel still holds Jerusalem.”
Erakat’s nonsense
was to be expected. But what of how that repugnant lackey’s words were
then shamefully echoed by slavering US media lackeys — of the Obama
re-election effort?
Dan Amira in New York magazine spoke for much
of the press corps with an item titled “Mitt Romney Insults Whole New
International Populace.” He wrote: “After he enraged the British by
suggesting that their Olympics might not be as awesome as his Olympics,
Romney moved on to Israel, where he appeared to blame Palestinian
poverty in part on . . . the territory’s inferior culture.”
It does
have an inferior political culture. Romney spoke the truth. And it
wasn’t a gaffe — because anyone who publicizes his remark is helping
Romney win the election. Even those who foolishly think they’re hurting
Let It Die - Goo Goo Dolls
Heart of gold but it lost its pride
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
I've seen your face in another light
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
In too deep and out of time.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
A simple man and his blushing bride
Intravenous, intertwined
Hearts gone cold your hands were tied
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
In too deep and out of time.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Do you ever think of me?
You're so considerate.
Do you ever think of me?
Oh, so considerate.
In too deep and lost in time
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Hearts gone cold and hands were tied.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Do you ever think of me?
You're so considerate.
Did you ever think of me?
Oh, so considerate.
In too deep and lost in time
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Hearts gone cold and hands were tied.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
I've seen your face in another light
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
In too deep and out of time.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
A simple man and his blushing bride
Intravenous, intertwined
Hearts gone cold your hands were tied
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
In too deep and out of time.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Do you ever think of me?
You're so considerate.
Do you ever think of me?
Oh, so considerate.
In too deep and lost in time
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Hearts gone cold and hands were tied.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Do you ever think of me?
You're so considerate.
Did you ever think of me?
Oh, so considerate.
In too deep and lost in time
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Hearts gone cold and hands were tied.
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let this die?
Why'd you have to go and let it die?
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