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23 March 2012

The Original Etch-A-Sketch Candidate

Obama was an "Etch-a-Sketch" candidate, too.


Guantanamo bad
Bipartisanship good
Recess appointments bad
Raising the debt ceiling bad
Public campaign financing good
Taxing health care benefits bad
Rendition of terror suspects bad
Presidential signing statements bad
massive increase in federal debt bad
Televised heath care negotiations good
Enhanced interrogation techniques bad
War without approval of Congress bad
Bush troop withdrawal timetable bad
Lobbyists in the White House bad
Detaining foreign combatants bad
Divisive political rhetoric bad
NASA manned space program good
Health care mandates bad
Military tribunals bad
No-bid contracts bad
Patriot Act bad
Cronyism bad


NAFTA good
Guantanamo good
Bipartisanship bad
Recess appointments good
Raising the debt ceiling good
Public campaign financing bad
Taxing health care benefits good
Rendition of terror suspects good
Presidential signing statements good
massive increase in federal debt good
Televised heath care negotiations bad
Enhanced interrogation techniques good
War without approval of Congress good
Bush troop withdrawal timetable good
Lobbyists in the White House good
Detaining American citizens good
Divisive political rhetoric good
NASA manned space program bad
Health care mandates good  
Military tribunals good
No-bid contracts good
Patriot Act good
Cronyism good 

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