He said why don't we both
Just sleep on it tonight
And I believe in the morning
You'll begin to see the light
And then he kissed me
And I realised he probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To leave your Pauliac lover
Fifty ways to leave your Pauliac lover
Just sleep on it tonight
And I believe in the morning
You'll begin to see the light
And then he kissed me
And I realised he probably was right
There must be fifty ways
To leave your Pauliac lover
Fifty ways to leave your Pauliac lover
17. Ron Paul Political Report—November 1992: Bobby Fischer, Jew Victim

"It turns out that the brilliant Fischer, who has all the makings of an American hero, is very politically incorrect on Jewish questions, for which he will never be forgiven, even though he is a Jew. Thus we are not supposed to herald him as the world's greatest chess player."
Note two things here. One, even at the time, nobody disputed that Fischer was one of the greatest in chess history; nor does anyone dispute that today. Two, even at the time, Fischer disavowed his own Jewish ancestry, openly admired Hitler, blamed the Jews for ruining his reputation and chess ranking in the world and considered the State of Israel to be a spider manipulating the press and intelligentsia of the English-speaking world. To consider Fischer anything other than a raving loon and, further, to consider him persecuted only opens very reasonable lines of inquiry as to why anybody would sympathise with him at all, unless his lunacy was coeval with one's own.
18. Ron Paul Political Report—November, 1989: Bohemian Grove

"The annual Grove encampment began with the pagan 'Cremation of Care' ceremony, with Druid priests dressed in tight, multicolored robes. Even stranger, says Weiss, 'vaguely homosexual undertones suffused this spectacle, as they do much of the ritualized life in the Grove.' Indeed, there's sex at the Grove: female prostitutes outside the camp (and inside, in past years, we're told) and--says Weiss--a young man on his own gets 'frequent invitations from gay Bohemians.'"
Once again, the real horror of international conspiracy and political capture is vivified not by policy decisions, but because dudes might kiss each other or have sex after marriage or engage in some mindless, meaningless ritual that is non-Christian.

"In his speech to fellow Bohemians, Reagan advocated the old Trilateralist agenda item of four-year terms for Congressmen... and more government regulation of the media, to keep articles like Weiss' out of print.... When a Time reporter and photographer tried to do the same sort of story in 1982, it was spiked by Time's Trilateral publisher."
In classic conspiracist narrative, any dislike
of the media is explicit dislike of conspiracists' contribution to
media, and their failures to appear in mass media indicate a systemic
muzzling, rather than a — to take a free-market example —
bottom-line-minded publisher passing on something that nobody with a
brain, chequebook or an absence of heavy-metal and chem-trails poisoning will read or
care about.

The end of the page focuses on even more DREAD HOMO CONSPIRACY. As is the case with everything else Ron Paul, a decent idea is ineluctably subsumed by totally crazy nonsense.
instance: "Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) said that if he were drummed
out of the House, he would take many others with him, including five
Republicans he says are closet homosexuals. This threat apparently led
the House ethics committee to try to call off further inquiries into the
sex lives of Congressmen, and in early October, the Washington Post said that there would be no more talk of sex in Congress. By the end of the month, however, the Washington Times
was reporting that 'senior Democratic officials' say the Congressional
gym has become a hotbed of homosexual activity, presumably by
19. Ron Paul Political Report—November, 1992: Buy My Book! Buy My Book! Buy My Book on Abortion! Abortion and Property Rights Are Essentially the Same. They're a Matter of Privacy, Unlike Abortion, Which is Not Privacy but Property. We Cannot Legislate Property at the Federal Level, However... (Votes for Every Federal Abortion Ban Available) Property and the Person Theoretically If Von Mises and Things, Cogito, Then...

"Make no mistake: if our culture is not willing to recognize the value of life, it can never be persuaded to recognize the derivative obligations to respect private property, limited government, sound money, etc. That's why the opinions of the medical elite are a threat to our entire civilization. (Want a copy of my latest book on abortion? It's available for $10 from our office.)"
20. Ron Paul Political Report—October, 1992: Carjacking: A Hip-Hop Thing to Do

"If you live in a major city, you've probably already heard about the newest threat to your life and limb, and your family: carjacking. It is the hip-hop thing to do among the urban youth who play unsuspecting whites like pianos. The youth simply walk up to a car they like, pull a gun, tell the family to get out, steal their jewelry and wallets, and take the car to wreck. Such actions have ballooned in the recent months. In the old days, average people could avoid such youth by staying out of bad neighborhoods. Empowered by media, police, and political complicity, however, the youth now roam everywhere looking for cars to steal and people to rob. What can you do? More and more Americans are carrying a gun in the car. An ex-cop I know advises that if you have to use a gun on a youth, you should leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible. Such a gun cannot, of course, be registered to you, but one bought privately (through the classifieds, for example)."
Now try reading that quote again, but replace the word "youth" with "nigger." Let's not pretend it's meant to be anything else.
21. Ron Paul Survival Report—January 1993: A Youth Culture of Ghetto Values

"Nearly every other group but whites are allowed a certain degree of cultural autonomy. Blacks have black schools, clubs, and neighborhoods. The same is true of Hispanics. It is human nature that like attracts likes. But whites are not allowed to express this same human impulse. Except in a de facto sense, there can be no white schools, white clubs, or white neighbor hoods [sic]. The political system demands white integration, while allowing black segregation. The youth culture is already driven by ghetto music and ghetto values.... And the sexual ethics of our youth are also degenerating to the level of the ghetto."
22. Ron Paul Survival Report—January, 1994: Gay People Enjoy Getting AIDS

"They enjoy the attention and pity that comes with being sick. Put it all together, and you've got another wave of AIDS infections, that you, dear taxpayer, will be asked to pay for."
23. Ron Paul Survival Report—January, 1995: Ten Militia Commandments

"You can't kill a Hydra by cutting off it's head." "Keep the group size down." "Keep quiet and you're harder to find."

"Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. If you have more than one rifle, store it in a hideaway spot." "Hide your best eggs from prying eyes. Destroy any documents or discs that become unnecessary." "Bojangles Robinson ain't the only one who can tap. Avoid the phone as much as possible." "Remember you're not alone."
We are here for you. We can help you through your Paul withdrawals.
24. Ron Paul Survival Report—July, 1994: America Has Less Crime Than Europe When You Take out All the Black People

The analysis from "Criminologist Jared Taylor" comes from a man who believes in white supremacy and eugenics laws and is featured as an interviewee on websites like this.
25. Ron Paul Survival Report—March, 1993: Clinton's Illegitimate Children

"During the presidential campaign, black activist Robert 'Say' McIntosh of Arkansas distributed a list of Clinton's illegitimate children, black and white: 'woods colts' in the backwoods slang.... Why? 'Bill Clinton told me he would get my son out of prison,' McIntosh said in an interview, according to a front page story in the Washington Times."
Yoga definitely has mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and other benefits..... Try it. You'll love it. It will certainly help with the PDTs.
You, too, should be stunned to see a Ron Paul newsletter alleging that Bill Clinton fucks black people, according to a black person connected to a black person in jail, printed in the ridiculously far-right Moonie Times. The only thing this story lacks is the idea that Clinton himself is secretly black. Not that insinuating that would have any resonance with people who like Ron Paul solely for freedom's sake and who cannot be racist because "racism is a form of collectivism." No, of course not.

This first page hysterically predicts the worst tax rises in history, ignoring actual history. That's par for the course. The second page keeps elaborating on fantasies that wouldn't even be nightmarish to any American in 1955. But, just for good measure, it includes, "You Can't Fire a Freak," in which being a transsexual is not only deviant, but also the first sign of runaway lawsuits!
26. Ron Paul Survival Report—November, 1994: Militia Movements, A Magnificent Sign!

"This radical new movement is a magnificent sign of the times, one of many indications that the central state faces massive resistance from average people and is losing its grip on political power.... It's the domination of the country by Washington that is driving the militia and other heroic movements around the country."

"If you belong to one of these groups, be careful not to let down your guard too easily if at all.... Big government is forever, says the Beltway elite. But don't believe it. If people form their own communities of internal protection, the central state becomes an even more obvious parasite. It is an encouraging sign that the end of government as we know it may be near."
28.Ron Paul Survival Report—September, 1994: Those Who Don't Commit Sodomy, Who Don't Get a Blood Transfusion and Who Don't Swap Needles Are Virtually Assured of Not Getting AIDS Unless They Are Deliberately Infected by a Malicious Gay

The above title is the money quote from this piece. Coming in second: "On sharing needles: this is one of the customs among dopers. They use the same needle out of addict solidarity. Sterile syringes would be just as available on the black market as illegal drugs if the demand were there. Addicts want to share needles. Too bad they have to die so expensively at taxpayers' expense."

Paul writes, "My old colleague, Congressman Bill Dannemeyer (R-CA), speaks out despite the organized power of the gay lobby.... Here are some excerpts from one of his recent speeches:
"AIDS was 'originally known as GRIDS--gay related immune deficiency syndrome.' For political reasons, it was changed to AIDS. "A whole political movement has been created and sustained on a single notion: homosexual sodomy."It goes on, and it's ridiculous, and no assertion made in it passes a laugh test or any clinical rigorousness, which you'd think would matter to someone billing himself as "Dr." Paul.
"The average homosexual has 1,000 or more partners in a lifetime, and the average homosexual has only one sexual enounter per partner and never sees the person again after that encounter."

"To be white in Washington, however, is to experience a culture that is anti-white and proud of it.... Professors teach that whites are committing genocide against blacks and invented crack and AIDS as part of the plan."
Agreed. That's just nutty.
Everyone knows that AIDS was invented by the WHO, at an Army base in
Maryland, as part of a massive federal government control plan. Look at
all these blacks: they even try to steal conspiracies against whites.

"Today only a race-obsessed society will do, with State power enforcing official discrimination in favor of blacks. Of course, there are racist whites. But outside of a miniscule band of KKK members, there are few whose racism is the defining fact of their lives. Too many D.C. blacks, on the other hand, are charter members in what we might call the BBB. Washington--with its racist government, racist radio, racist ministers, racist universities, and racist attitudes--is the black New Jerusalem, so no white is supposed to question it. Or so says William Raspberry. Excuse me for not buying it."
30. A Personal Letter from Ron Paul About How You Can Give Him More Money

We return to the nut of all this, Ron Paul, who allegedly made millions off these newsletters, bilking the undereducated, paranoid and racist for more "unreal" paper dollars, has one last appeal:
Dear Supporter,And we arrive at the beginning.
As a special thank you, if you subscribe before the Presidential Convention on September 5, you may have my newsletter for an unprecedented 50% off ($49.50)!
- Ron
The is the nugget and the nugatory fact of the Ron Paul experience: everything inspirational and aspirational about the Ron Paul candidacy is as nakedly fungible as every word above. When he was not in office, for $49.95, you could buy his book about how to be scared shitless about government and invest in the same gold mines he already had shares in. Now that he's in government and angling for a higher position, you are even more compelled to stave off categorical economic collapse by investing even more than $49.95 in his campaign. And if his campaign goes nowhere, try googling something other than "RON PAUL" and whether candidates can pocket donations.
Still, on any map of moral
behaviour, this is a man, who merits no one's veneration. To return to a
comment above, he either believes these paranoiac, divisive, racial and
sexually malicious things and wrote them himself, or he recognised the
cynical political value in trading in them, or he was so stupid that not
a word above was written by him, yet it carried his name anyway.
There is no win here. There is no good here. Any bargain you strike where the above doesn't matter is a bargain you strike by saying, "I accept the above. I accept it and consider it immaterial to my wants going forward." There are precious few and very slender platforms on which that kind of thin-sliced appreciation can stand without wobbling and falling into a ditch. For almost everybody, that bargain trades away your own goodness. That bargain shelves your credibility as a human being. It means you lose.
There is no win here. There is no good here. Any bargain you strike where the above doesn't matter is a bargain you strike by saying, "I accept the above. I accept it and consider it immaterial to my wants going forward." There are precious few and very slender platforms on which that kind of thin-sliced appreciation can stand without wobbling and falling into a ditch. For almost everybody, that bargain trades away your own goodness. That bargain shelves your credibility as a human being. It means you lose.
Just fly the coop and get out of the endless Pauliac loop, Betty Boop.
Drop off the Chemtrail-Free Candy, Sandy.
Just get yourself free,
Ship back the RP shoes, Suze.
You don't need to discuss much,
In less than 140 characters, Melissa Maass,
Just say,"I am so over YOU and Paul.
Drop off the Chemtrail-Free Candy, Sandy.
Just get yourself free,
Ship back the RP shoes, Suze.
You don't need to discuss much,
In less than 140 characters, Melissa Maass,
Just say,"I am so over YOU and Paul.
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